[/Your Girl having Male friends\]

Im sure no one minds male friends. But there's a line you DON'T CROSS. The whole texting all day and going on "friendly" one on one dates are a huge no-no. If you want to be able to go on date with anyone other than your boyfriend/girlfriend, then you have no business being in a relationship. Some of you dudes are hilarious. Then you come on here with threads like "she said they were only friends". You say you don't mind her going out with other dudes. Then a friend of yours hits you up with the "yoo I just saw your girl with some n_ at the movies". You go "say what?" because she didn't bother to notify you since it doesn't bother you. If yall got nothing to hide, then me being there shouldn't be an issue. Conversely, if im in a relationship, those same rules would apply to me. If I expect you to behave some way, then I set the same standards for myself. If you want to earn my trust, you have to respect me.
Been reading this whole thread and the jokes are countless, one says his go on movie dates, another one said dinner dates and another one say his went to see a comedy show and then they all put the good old if you dont trust her don't be with her at the end. WOW, yall can't be serious right. I don't have a problem with my girl being friends with a males and having a conversation from time to time. However, I do think there is something called having respect for a relationship and things like going on dates whether it be the movies, comedy club or dinner is things that a woman should be doing with her boyfriend or husband only, unless its a group thing like friends from work or an all girls date. A one on one date serves a purpose and that purpose is to get to know someone more, if he or she wants to be going on dates with other people why are they in a relationship with someone. Lastly if some one has a boyfriend or girlfriend and they have male or female friends that they talk/text everyday thats a no no, what can be so important that they have to keep in contact everyday till any hour of the day. Some of yall better wake up and be more vigilant, if she or he gonna cheat they gonna cheat but nobody deserves to be cheated on if you can't stay committed to someONE dont get into relationships or don't get married
I'd prefer she have NO male friends, but I guess I could let a few slide
...depending on their history of course.

Talking every once in a while is fine, but definitely no daily basis #$!+. And DEFINITELY no going out 1-on-1. +%!$ that. I doubt I'd even be ok with a group outing involving other n_s.

I'm picky as hell when it comes to choosing a female to be in a relationship with, so if I'm gonna be with her, I'm with her...and ONLY her...which means I have no problem whatsoever abiding to these same rules.

If she has a problem with this, then fine...we don't need to be together. Otherwise, things will be swell.
Yeah, at first I agreed with the "don't be insecure.... you should trust her" argument, but now I realize that the real issue here is not trust.

Trust is not assuming your girl is cheating on you if she doesn't call back right away.... or not needing to check through her phone.

Here, we're not necessarily talking about whether we're worried if the girl is sleeping with the friend. And it's not whether she should be able to have male friends. What we're talking about is why does she have relationships with guys that take on the form of dating? Of course, there are exceptions (like they're old friends or whatever), but they are rare. So essentially it boils down to: why are other people taking over your role in the relationship? This can be many things -- going out together, opening jars (lol), giving her breast exams, taking her on her honeymoon, fathering her children, inheriting her will, etc....

I guess I just have one question for guys who are o.k. with all this: is it that you don't have time to be there and you're happy letting someone else take care of stuff you don't want to spend time on? or you don't think it's important to the relationship? or there are some interests that you don't share so you're o.k. with someone else enjoying that interest with her? or you don't want to say anything for fear of upsetting her? or you're so excited that you can put "in a relationship" on your facebook status that you don't care about the rest?

Anyway, I'm partially playing devil's advocate here, so there are some holes and exaggerations in what I'm saying....
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

Im sure no one minds male friends. But there's a line you DON'T CROSS. The whole texting all day and going on "friendly" one on one dates are a huge no-no. If you want to be able to go on date with anyone other than your boyfriend/girlfriend, then you have no business being in a relationship. Some of you dudes are hilarious. Then you come on here with threads like "she said they were only friends". You say you don't mind her going out with other dudes. Then a friend of yours hits you up with the "yoo I just saw your girl with some n_ at the movies". You go "say what?" because she didn't bother to notify you since it doesn't bother you. If yall got nothing to hide, then me being there shouldn't be an issue. Conversely, if im in a relationship, those same rules would apply to me. If I expect you to behave some way, then I set the same standards for myself. If you want to earn my trust, you have to respect me.
Truth. I was that dude, the bestfriend. Eventually I smashed and she didn't care.

In the end I lost, she got back with the dude
...............and never told him, obviously.
Do you have female friends?  It's a two way street.  Stop being so controlling.  NT'ers always make threads about this and end up sounding really insecure and paranoid.  You guys get mad when male friends hug or kiss your girls on the cheek. 
  I remember someone saying they'd break up if they see that stuff.  I talk to a lot of my friends' girlfriends and no one ever has a problem with it.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

Originally Posted by ninjahood

gonna do what they wanna do regardless....



This   is something a simp would say.

U serious? When your experienced and actually know whats going on these females minds and been with a double digit amount then i want you to come back and tell me the same thing.. Trust me all females are opportunists wether its money,feelings or sex they want something out of you...

on another not watch ya mouth..
Lastly if some one has a boyfriend or girlfriend and they have male or female friends that they talk/text everyday thats a no no, what can be so important that they have to keep in contact everyday till any hour of the day.

I agree I don't mind a convo here and there but talking like yall best friends I can't go for that.  For the chick/dudes that can more power to you yall cause yall are better than me.
its natural for most men to be jealous of other dudes. You never know shady business happens.

For me, I'd suspect maybe one or two who would show a little more interest than friends, usually those are dudes who are around during the break up phase. I guess if I'm with her then and they're there then its fine.
Originally Posted by shogun

Do you have female friends?  It's a two way street.  Stop being so controlling.  NT'ers always make threads about this and end up sounding really insecure and paranoid.  You guys get mad when male friends hug or kiss your girls on the cheek. 
  I remember someone saying they'd break up if they see that stuff.  I talk to a lot of my friends' girlfriends and no one ever has a problem with it.
Unless I am dating an Italian woman and the dude kissing her on the cheek is Italian or of a culture that greets that way, why the hell is another man's lips ANYWHERE on my woman? I guess that makes me insecure too right. Yall love that damn word.
Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

Originally Posted by ninjahood

gonna do what they wanna do regardless....



This   is something a simp would say.

U serious? When your experienced and actually know whats going on these females minds and been with a double digit amount then i want you to come back and tell me the same thing.. Trust me all females are opportunists wether its money,feelings or sex they want something out of you...

on another not watch ya mouth..
It is though.  It's basically conceding that you are going to let your girl walk all over you and do whatever she wants.
He hates me having/going out with my male friends because he's convinced everyone's intentions are to get at me. I limit contact with my male friends now though because I know it bothers him and him/his feelings are more important to me anyways.

Sometimes it gets out of hand though and he gets put off for no reason. We went out to get drinks and some wings at this spot and I happened to see Illionaire and EightysBaby come in and sit down at a table across the room. I told him I was gonna go say hello and he didn't think it was necessary and didn't want me doin' that so they ended up coming over and after they left I was accused of all types of #@$@

He hates NT too
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

He hates me having/going out with my male friends because he's convinced everyone's intentions are to get at me. I limit contact with my male friends now though because I know it bothers him and him/his feelings are more important to me anyways.

Sometimes it gets out of hand though and he gets put off for no reason. We went out to get drinks and some wings at this spot and I happened to see Illionaire and EightysBaby come in and sit down at a table across the room. I told him I was gonna go say hello and he didn't think it was necessary and didn't want me doin' that so they ended up coming over and after they left I was accused of all types of #@$@

He hates NT too

Exhibit A - you can't be a pushover.  You gotta lay down the law. 

I doubt Weekend Girl would be dealing with some dude that's like, "she can do whatever she wants cause I can't control her" 
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

The way I feel is, if the girl is going to cheat on you, she'll do it regardless of what you do. So spare the extra effort and just play it cool. If shedoes cheat on you, she wasn't worth it from the beginning and nothing you could do would have prevented her from whoring herself out.

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

He hates me having/going out with my male friends because he's convinced everyone's intentions are to get at me. I limit contact with my male friends now though because I know it bothers him and him/his feelings are more important to me anyways.

Sometimes it gets out of hand though and he gets put off for no reason. We went out to get drinks and some wings at this spot and I happened to see Illionaire and EightysBaby come in and sit down at a table across the room. I told him I was gonna go say hello and he didn't think it was necessary and didn't want me doin' that so they ended up coming over and after they left I was accused of all types of #@$@

He hates NT too
U dating an insecure/jealous type....dude probably put some lowkey GPS in your car to track where you go when he's not around

but seriously, doesn't that @!*$ bother you?  I mean, what's really good with not being able to say whatsup to your friends??? 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

He hates me having/going out with my male friends because he's convinced everyone's intentions are to get at me. I limit contact with my male friends now though because I know it bothers him and him/his feelings are more important to me anyways.

Sometimes it gets out of hand though and he gets put off for no reason. We went out to get drinks and some wings at this spot and I happened to see Illionaire and EightysBaby come in and sit down at a table across the room. I told him I was gonna go say hello and he didn't think it was necessary and didn't want me doin' that so they ended up coming over and after they left I was accused of all types of #@$@

He hates NT too

Exhibit A - you can't be a pushover.  You gotta lay down the law. 

I doubt Weekend Girl would be dealing with some dude that's like, "she can do whatever she wants cause I can't control her" 

LOL. Sure you right. I like that he keeps me in check because I have been known to make bad decisions on my own

Sometimes its ridiculous though
like he don't even want me going places on my own because he thinks somebody gonna try to talk to me
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

He hates me having/going out with my male friends because he's convinced everyone's intentions are to get at me. I limit contact with my male friends now though because I know it bothers him and him/his feelings are more important to me anyways.

Sometimes it gets out of hand though and he gets put off for no reason. We went out to get drinks and some wings at this spot and I happened to see Illionaire and EightysBaby come in and sit down at a table across the room. I told him I was gonna go say hello and he didn't think it was necessary and didn't want me doin' that so they ended up coming over and after they left I was accused of all types of #@$@

He hates NT too
U dating an insecure/jealous type....dude probably put some lowkey GPS in your car to track where you go when he's not around

but seriously, doesn't that *%!$ bother you?  I mean, what's really good with not being able to say whatsup to your friends??? 

It does bother me sometimes but at the end of the day I know he's just trying to protect me and keep me out of trouble. He has been right in certain situations regarding male friends/associates having motives so I see where he's coming from so I respect his opinion/point of view. We had trust issues early in our relationship (I !%%++! up) so I can see where he's coming from. We communicate well so if I feel strongly enough about (doing) something he's more than willing to hear me out and fall back if need be.
WeekendGirl you seen to understand this whole situation more so than many other women. Kudos to you.
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