Your Next Vacation Destination.....?

Thanks! I’m trying to get a few of my Spanish speaking friends to go to make the trip somewhat easier but either way It should be good. Did you take any small trips anywhere or just explored Barcelona and Madrid?
I went to Morocco for 2 nights which was a cheap flight from Spain. Morocco was an experience. Kind of 3rd world and a lot of hustling and what not but still a good experience. Barcelona for the most part is pretty easy to explore. I was there for 3 days and just saw Gaudi's work and went up to one of the peak areas of Barcelona to see the view. I did Madrid for 2 nights but didn't do a whole lot but check out some sites and eat.

Check out youtube vids for some real references. My wife and I tend to do that a lot wherever we go. It sort of spoils the trip a tad cause you see everything in video but it helps a lot.

Can someone please help me out here. Plan on going to Puerto Plata with my best friends for spring break. Need a recommendation for a resort. Thanks. Party the whole 9.
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Any tips on Tulum Mexico? Want to take the old lady for 4-6 days.resorts, sites, etc..ive been looking into the Cenotes and the Ruins but if anyone had additional info?
Any tips on Tulum Mexico? Want to take the old lady for 4-6 days.resorts, sites, etc..ive been looking into the Cenotes and the Ruins but if anyone had additional info?

I did the Coba ruins. It was a tour that went to Coba, swam in the Cenote de Jaguar (dope af), and zip-lined across a lagoon. I setup the package with my Hotel in Playa Del Carmen
Went to South Africa for 2 weeks and it was the most incredible place I have been so far. Especially Cape Town. Sorry for the Ninjahood size pics.




I tried uploading other pics but they file images are too big even after compressing them.
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Just got back from my trip went from London , Paris, rome, cairo then back to London for 2 1/2 weeks.

Cairo was by far the most impactful of the list. Loved it and never felt in danger. The people were extremely nice and everything there was dirt cheap. Got 4 falafel sandwiches and 2 dessert treats for less than a dollar.
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Madrid is kind of whatever to me. More like a NYC or any US city with it shops and what not. Barcelona is dope! So much food, good wine, culture, beach, etc. I would say focus on their more so than Madrid but if you can do it all, I say go for it. Also neighboring countries are pretty easy to travel to so even doing like Barcelona and Portugal would be cool.

In Barcelona, we stayed at a hotel near Las Ramblas which is where all the tourist hang but leads to all areas whether train or just walking. our rates were like $70US but this is for like 2 people so maybe an AirBNB would be more price friendly with more people. Navigation wise, we downloaded offline Google maps and sort of prepped for it before we got there but wifi is everywhere and the trains take you to all spots or you can just take a cab which is cheap. Communication wise, people do speak english but if you know some spanish, that will go a long way. We had a lot of issues where some people didn't speak english but we were able to figure it out. Google Translate is also a good app to have.

Barcelona is absolutely incredible. Did you go to Sagrada Familia? Camp Nou?

Also, Ibiza is LIT. One of the best partying experiences ever.
Barcelona is absolutely incredible. Did you go to Sagrada Familia? Camp Nou?

Also, Ibiza is LIT. One of the best partying experiences ever.

I went to the front of the Sagrada Familia but Bunkers - El Carmel for the sunset with all the tourist and locals. I wish I sort of prepped for it better but everyone at Bunkers El Carmel and a bottle of wine and just kicked with friends and what not watching the sun go down. I snapped the photo below.

And I didn't get to go to Camp Nou just cause there was no game when I was there. Would have loved to though.
I keep reading about how pickpocketing is big in Europe, for those that have been, how your experience? Did you use a money belt or anything out of the ordinary?
I think if you are aware of your surrounding and your belongings you should be fine. I was in Paris and Copenhagen earlier this year and had no issues with just my regular ol wallet.
I keep reading about how pickpocketing is big in Europe, for those that have been, how your experience? Did you use a money belt or anything out of the ordinary?
I just kept everything in my front pants pocket and had no issues. The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin has signs warning about pickpockets. So it is serious. Be wary of any kids walking up to you asking you to sign a petition or take surveys around tourist hotspots. They start to swarm if you stop for even a second.
I think if you are aware of your surrounding and your belongings you should be fine. I was in Paris and Copenhagen earlier this year and had no issues with just my regular ol wallet.

Well said. Just got back from Europe. I look like a tourist. Just bring what u need . Credit cards (stay light on cash).

Also instead of whipping out the cell phone every 5 seconds just enjoy and take in the sites.

I bought a packable daypack, threw stuff like my waterbottle an extra shirt in there an that s all you really need.
I wore some Nike joggers with some zip up pockets. It's literally impossible to pick pocket. Just don't carry things in your jacket or in a bag that is accessible.
I keep reading about how pickpocketing is big in Europe, for those that have been, how your experience? Did you use a money belt or anything out of the ordinary?

we historically used a backpack with a secret compartment that they couldn't just reach in on and if they did, they're grabbing like sunscreen or chapstick. Honestly, just be cognizant surroundings; we in the US enjoy our personal space and hate people getting 'too close' invading said space, so that alone helps keep you aware.
Just got back from a 12 day trip to Paris/London for my 5 year wedding anniversary, was really an amazing experience. We mostly just used the subway to get around(easy to navigate) or just walked to places. Stayed 2 blocks from the the Eiffel Tower.

View from our AirBnB

It hailed for literally 20 seconds and snowed for a good 5 minutes while I was at the drugstore just downstairs(apparently something that rarely happens in Paris) So I ran upstairs grabbed the DSLR and snapped this from our window

Dinner first night, Duck Pate, with toast and fig chutney

The Louvre


Notre Dame
Went and saw the crown of christ, which they pull out the first friday of every month

Musée de l'Orangerie

Musée des Arts Forains
Museum with a bunch of Fairground stuff, like carousel pieces, stages, etc. They filmed portions of Midnight in Paris here. We actually snuck in, got a bunch of pics before getting kicked out.


Rue Cler
Marketplace I did my shopping for juice, croissants, baguettes, meats from the butcher and fish(made french dishes 4 nights we were there)
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^ My man.

Im heading to Rome/Paris/London/Barca/Madrid. First time in Europe and i'm so excited, granted it'll be the polar opposite in climate compared to Sydney. Not too concerned with shopping, more interested in the sites and FOOD!

Will take note of being aware of your surroundings and will prob keep my phone and wallet inside my jacket or front pockets. Will have a day pack as well, but wont take anything too valuable.
I keep reading about how pickpocketing is big in Europe, for those that have been, how your experience? Did you use a money belt or anything out of the ordinary?
when i was out there i wasnt really worried. i hit paris, rome and barcelona
wore jeans, a hoody with a backpack most of the time, with my phone in the hoody pocket. kept the camera in the backpack.
didnt take a wallet, just a cardholder and kept it in my front pocket..

dont think a money belt is needed, unless youre over 45
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any recommendations please DM me :smile:
coworker of a girl im seeing just came back from a trip to phuket
she said its extremely cheap out there, he hit some elephant sanctuaries and some islands off the coast. food/lodging is pricier on the islands.
I was worried about pickpockets but i just made sure I was aware at all times. And made sure my stuff was secure. On another note, what are some cool gadgets or necessities y'all use for travelling on long trips?
I was worried about pickpockets but i just made sure I was aware at all times. And made sure my stuff was secure. On another note, what are some cool gadgets or necessities y'all use for travelling on long trips?

This was a godsend as my wife was paranoid about pickpockets and was trying to pressure me into buying a coat with 23 pockets :lol:. Thats not my style AT ALL. Plus I wanted to bring my DSLR with me and other things. All the zippers are hidden on this and it's got compartments for your laptop, power banks and other stuff. It even has a usb cord inside that you hook up to your power bank and then one of the straps has a usb port in it, which was really cool
Kopack Backpack

This was great, I have two other traditional power banks for phones, but wanted something to charge my laptop for the long flights. This is also able to pass through TSA no problem. There's actually a better more expensive(also TSA safe) one I originally wanted to get, but it didn't have prime eligibility, so this was more of a very last minute choice that paid off(can provide the link to the other one if anyone wants it)
RAVPower 23000mAh Portable Charger
Heading to Brussels on Christmas Day. Plan on taking the trains to Amsterdam, Germany, and London. Flying back on 1/1 in the late afternoon, so hopefully I’m able to make all the stops I have in mind.

Never been to Europe, so I had no idea the pickpocketing was something to be on the lookout for. Thanks for shedding light on that NT.

What are some must-see’s/must-do’s while over there in the countries mentioned?
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