Your Turnoffs in the Opposite Sex

^And nasty feet lol
flat butts
chicks that dont compromise
loud in public
bad feet
Probably the biggest thing that turns me off about a guy is close mindedness. Everything else can get used to (maybe).
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

flat butts I mean come on bo, do some squats or somthing.
Bo = boy, am I wrong?
in that order
@ you thinking you caught him coming out the closet. He uses bo for bothgenders I hope
Originally Posted by Orangatrang

Dudes who are too out there, or are a little too social, are a turnoff to me.

I just like my men with a bit of mystery.
i never understood this, so if someone is too social that eliminates their "mysteriousness"
ok, that makes sense.
Bad breath
Overly Materialistic
OD makeup.
No serious outlook in life.
Off the top of my head..

Guys who:
- are insanely arrogant
- are manipulative
- smoke (anything)
- get drunk a lot - I'm not looking after you buddy.
- have bad hygiene
- don't like sports
- have a problem with me watching rugby
- are clingy
- have to know what I'm doing at ALL times
- like excessive PDA
- are no hopers
- are uneducated
- don't get my sense of humour
- don't like glasses
- don't smell nice
- have a bad sense of style
- can't take a joke
- expect me to pay for them all the time
- can't hold a decent conversation

And the list goes on.
dont like body hair
dont like nappy hair
dont like ugly smiles
dont like flat butts
dont like short hair
dont like too much make up
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Originally Posted by soltheman

-Wears makeup all the time. It's understandable if you feel "prettier" with makeup on, but everyday is O.D.
-TOO hairy. A little hair is fine. But, if you have insulation from head to toe, pass.
-Drawn on eyebrows.

-Fake nails, hair, eye colour, breasts, lips, etc.
-Always touching/holding, especially when there isn't a relationship. Don't be handcuffing me in the halls if I haven't got the box yet.
-Has only one pair of shoes. I don't know why. It's just tacky to me.
-Wears ONLY one type of shoe, no matter the occasion. Like, how you gonna be in Gym with 6 inch heels @#%!%?
-Too skinny/fat. A muffin top is fine, as long as it isn't sagging over the waist line and isht.
-Always wears sunglasses/shutter shades and/or a bandana. Scream jumpoff a little more, please.
-Meaningless tattoos. Tribal tramp stamps especially.
-Artificial tans. It's December and you're two shades darker than yesterday? What part of the game is that?
-Bad breath.
-Horrible kissers.

-Too clingy. Why send the same text 3 times within a five minute window? I'm obviously busy, lady.
-Always depressed. We all have problems. Stop crying.
-Having too much "swag." Especially the ugly ones. They're the worse. "I AIN'T UGLY. MY SWAGS TOO HIGH."
-Thinks it's okay for double standards.
-Always feeling the need to be the center of attention.

-Ignorant $$$ girls. One chick said that oil had nothing to do with Iraq. Come on.

-Refuses to get a job because she thinks "a man should be providing" her with everything. Riiiiight.

-Doesn't get good grades. You gotta have at least a 2.8. Unless you balance a billion things, you have no excuse.
-Doesn't know what they want with their life. This is the worst.
-Makes minimum wage. I don't know why.

and this is why so many people are single nowadays... your standards are WAAAAAAAAAAAY too high
You shouldn't have to settle when it comes to your happiness.
That's very silly...because rather than getting to know someone for who they are, you spend your entire time analyzing and dissecting their every habits to the point where, regardless of what they do, you will either find something that is wrong with them, or they will get tired of your shallow ways and bounce...

Y'all some straight up toddlers in this forum because realtalk, adults don't waste their time in such trivial pursuits...

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you're looking for happiness with such an superficial attitude...



I was looking at that long list like for real?

Hes actually not saying anything too outrageous so...
Oh yeah I forgot the ultimate turn-off: Snoring. I don't care how banging a chick is and how good the beat is. If a chick snores, then we cant sleep inthe same room, even if it was my wife. It drives me
Originally Posted by SUSHI AND GRITS

No substance within.

Wasn't expecting to see that here on NT, but yeah it sucks when you meet a banging girl that has nothing else going on for her besides her looks. My bestfemale friend is a cool chick and not bad looking but she's acts like a straight airhead sometimes and I could never wife something like that, but beatyes!!
Dudes who:
-talk too loud
-are clingy/overly sensitive
-are ugly and do nothing to compensate for it
-bad kissers
-wear too much cologne
-have bulky muscles
-are dumb/can't hold decent conversation/closed minded
-too conceited
-too humble
-lack a sense of humor
-lack common sense
-lack initiative
-are weak/followers/conformers
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