Your Turnoffs in the Opposite Sex

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

girls that burp or fart

QFT... that, by far, has to be the biggest turnoff for me

Also girls with bad teeth

And nothing in the back
Originally Posted by jordanpheen

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Originally Posted by soltheman

-Wears makeup all the time. It's understandable if you feel "prettier" with makeup on, but everyday is O.D.
-TOO hairy. A little hair is fine. But, if you have insulation from head to toe, pass.
-Drawn on eyebrows.

-Fake nails, hair, eye colour, breasts, lips, etc.
-Always touching/holding, especially when there isn't a relationship. Don't be handcuffing me in the halls if I haven't got the box yet.
-Has only one pair of shoes. I don't know why. It's just tacky to me.
-Wears ONLY one type of shoe, no matter the occasion. Like, how you gonna be in Gym with 6 inch heels @#%!%?
-Too skinny/fat. A muffin top is fine, as long as it isn't sagging over the waist line and isht.
-Always wears sunglasses/shutter shades and/or a bandana. Scream jumpoff a little more, please.
-Meaningless tattoos. Tribal tramp stamps especially.
-Artificial tans. It's December and you're two shades darker than yesterday? What part of the game is that?
-Bad breath.
-Horrible kissers.

-Too clingy. Why send the same text 3 times within a five minute window? I'm obviously busy, lady.
-Always depressed. We all have problems. Stop crying.
-Having too much "swag." Especially the ugly ones. They're the worse. "I AIN'T UGLY. MY SWAGS TOO HIGH."
-Thinks it's okay for double standards.
-Always feeling the need to be the center of attention.

-Ignorant $$$ girls. One chick said that oil had nothing to do with Iraq. Come on.

-Refuses to get a job because she thinks "a man should be providing" her with everything. Riiiiight.

-Doesn't get good grades. You gotta have at least a 2.8. Unless you balance a billion things, you have no excuse.
-Doesn't know what they want with their life. This is the worst.
-Makes minimum wage. I don't know why.

and this is why so many people are single nowadays... your standards are WAAAAAAAAAAAY too high
You shouldn't have to settle when it comes to your happiness.
That's very silly...because rather than getting to know someone for who they are, you spend your entire time analyzing and dissecting their every habits to the point where, regardless of what they do, you will either find something that is wrong with them, or they will get tired of your shallow ways and bounce...

Y'all some straight up toddlers in this forum because realtalk, adults don't waste their time in such trivial pursuits...

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you're looking for happiness with such an superficial attitude...



I was looking at that long list like for real?

Hes actually not saying anything too outrageous so...

My list is probably twice as long. There's way more I can add to that.

And I found a girl that meets every standard.

There's no such thing as having your standards too high. Why settle??

Settling is for losers.
i got a couple.. girls who:
- are stuckup
-have low self esteem
-have yellow teeth
-scream when they talk
-triple chin

-don't take care of themselves
-cake their faces
-hairier arms than mine
-smell bad

good thread btw
No $++
lack of common sense
wears make up
hammertime in her shoe
don't take care of herself
big ego
smokers....absolutely not accepted. My ex broke up with me after i found out she was smoking again. I got so pissed I started saying things I don'tnormally say and I don't regret it.
potty mouths....too many cuss words from a female isn't a good look. Surprised this wasn't mentioned by most on here
Girls that have no personality, I try to start a conversation and all your little brain can say is, "Oh really?" and then they freeze up andcan't continue the conversation or they just laugh. I mean can you ever say something funny or witty? Is it too much to ask for? Actually, this isn't aturn-off I would still hit, but never wife.

Unhealthy girls that are either too fat or skinny, try to be healthy, it's a good look fatty.

Lacking hygiene, i.e. dandruff

Bad and ugly hair is a turn-off for me also, but mostly because a girl with great hair is a turn on for me.
I hate girls who wear too much make up

So many girls stay looking like

Sometimes I just feel like handing them

and telling them to wipe that crap off their faces
not interesting
to much make up
dont go to class
dont work, i mean not even trying to find a job
always have their handout
big ego's ( like i dont call the guy, even if they knew me for a long time he has to call me even if i dated him and #*%)
always talk about money i mean every convo
smokers, extreme alcholics
easy chicks ( i mean for serious relationships)
-Ugly feet
-stank breath
-weird "bumps" on the body
-hood chicks disguised as quiet and smart chicks
-bigger girls (thats all i mostly dated so im over it)
-wack sex
-superficial yet doesnt have +** to bring to the table...
Girls want something physically they can't describe.

Thats why I think a lot of them are stupid, despite what their GPAs are.
Originally Posted by ccb302

-ugly feet
-chicks with red nails idk why
-chicks who talk TOO DAMN MUCH!! i asked for your name not your whole life story
-chicks who always have there hand out! you want a necklace and i aint get the (()) yet #@!$* are you crazy??

i have a few more but i dont want to ramble what about yall NT?
i swear to god thats the same with me i dont !%$%*%# know why im not sure if its got to do with blood (not the gang)
Originally Posted by Bigboi415

i got a couple.. girls who:
- are stuckup
-have low self esteem
-have yellow teeth
-scream when they talk
-triple chin

-don't take care of themselves
-cake their faces
-hairier arms than mine
-smell bad

good thread btw
4 some reason thats the same with me in my skool like all the pretty girls seriously have harier armn then me i don't know why
Originally Posted by QueensFinest101

not interesting
to much make up
dont go to class
dont work, i mean not even trying to find a job
always have their handout
big ego's ( like i dont call the guy, even if they knew me for a long time he has to call me even if i dated him and #*%)
always talk about money i mean every convo
smokers, extreme alcholics
easy chicks ( i mean for serious relationships)

Easy chicks? wait....
to add on to my list...

hood can only bang these chicks and that's it. Even then you will want to slap them
tatoos....big tat on upper back usually means she's a b and tat on lower back usually means she's put in some bedtime...
club hoppers...don't need a girl that seeks attention from other guys (if she says she's going just for fun every week.. not buying it) These are theworst type to have nowadays.
obsessed with celebs...borderline groupies
flat bootys

excessive lying
always in drama
females that think they are never wrong
chicks that rock nike dunks and vans, but yet say air forces are wack.
girls that have bad taste in music...can you imagine her rockin to soulja boy, oj, & gucci mane 24/7 and u having to listen to it also....oh hell no thatsa deal breaker for me. I'd rather hear ice ice baby chorus on repeat than that.

I guess that's why i have a stable, mature woman that is in her late 30s, but looks like early 20s
(and nt i don't need your pics or
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