Yuku's Terrible

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]%$@+ YUKU!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Xbox live was canceled, so NT is all i got for the moment[/color]

Get all of the money made from ads and find a new host server. At this point I don't care if the archives along with other info is lost.

Patrons of Niketalk
Originally Posted by SpecialEd88


Get all of the money made from ads and find a new host server. At this point I don't care if the archives along with other info is lost.

Patrons of Niketalk
This @#$ is gettin outta hand. I don't even know if this message got through since the #$#R@ page just blanked out
Ima post this as quick as I can before Yuku messes up again.

$@@* YUKU.

By the way YUKU being down made me realize how much I am on Niketalk.
I Needto do some thing else.
It seems like S&T is the only reliable area for me right now.

If I want to get to general, I have to go into my site history and hope for the best

Sig check.
I hate to say it, because I appreciate all that the NT team does for all of us for free, but NT has become one of the most unreliable and frustrating sitesthat I visit regularly. I basically log on expecting the site to be unresponsive, and if does respond, it's like a great surprise.

I'm honestly about to give up on trying.
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