Yuku's Terrible

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Their doing this %@#%!@%* on purpose....since when does a blank screen pop up? They must';vebeen lurking, seen the magician threads and now putting us through this *$%#...long miserable day at school and work and came to the haven for lulz but insteadsmh[/color]

I swear, I don't know why a "YUKU sucks" thread isn't stickied.

It would have probably been one of the biggest threads on NT if they had made it a sticky when we first came over.
Is it just me or are other ppl sometimes getting the WHITE blank screen when they try to load NT?
Originally Posted by lauk4kicks

Is it just me or are other ppl sometimes getting the WHITE blank screen when they try to load NT?
It's not just you. That's what people have been discussing. Get it together man.
^yea sry its getting late. shouldve read the first pg. I thought ppl were just complaining about the triple posts as usual. thx
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by lauk4kicks

Is it just me or are other ppl sometimes getting the WHITE blank screen when they try to load NT?
It's not just you. That's what people have been discussing. Get it together man.
Yeah i'm gettin sick of a seein a white screen over and over again..and then it finally works..what the hell YUKU
count me in . . . im lucky to be posting rite now cuz as soon as i press another link on NT, i kno its gonna go blank
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