Zoom Kobe 8 system NikeID thread ***NO SET DATE (yet) WHEN THESE WILL BE TAKEN DOWN***

yeah I see what you mean, def some quality issues but damn, that red looks FIRE

my red octobers minus that stupid gumbo lining are going to be fire, IF they get the quality under control
They got off the RO assembly line :lol: At least they gave you a 15% for the poor quality. Have them remake while you wear them around.

Got that finishing email as well. Hoping for a 10% when they ship :nerd:
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Was at NT and decided to make my ID
cant wait!
They got orange?
Got my first of 3 IDs that are coming this week. Honestly pretty disappointed in the quality. the chroma is uneven and there is silver lines all over the Chroma, gashes on the Chroma, Glue everywhere. and the midsole is all crunched up on the side and scratches on the back
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These ******** wouldn't even offer me a discount of any type. just said i can send them back and re order them 
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Yep she pretty much said send them back and wait another 6 weeks or return them for a refund. no other option and no discounts.what a *****, maybe i should talk to someone else

Didn't someone in here say they got to keep their pair and wear them until the remake was complete? wtf. 
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Damb homie.Yea call again and try to get something.

I got 10% for the delay and 15% for the mistakes on the ID
i would be cool with a remake if they let me keep these in the mean time like SDubl, so im not empty handed for another 2 months.  btw the purple Chroma actually looks really nice out in the sun
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Look at this silver line on the Chroma. looks like it was supposed to be covered by the outsole but wasn't 
That's what I like about the blue/purple chroma, they are nice and dark in low light but pops in the sun. Goes well with the dark theme imo.

the silver line should come off. It's marking pencil i believe
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Nah its like in the Chroma material. looks like its supposed to be the bottom of the Chroma and it was pulled up to high
More issues....

3 gashes in the Chroma.

back of the midsole on each shoe is chewed up

midsole on the side is all scrunched up

and then of course it has the uneven Chroma under the swooshes that you have all seen before so i didnt take a pic
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yeah those are pretty crappy, sorry dude

take pics and get on a chat and upload the pics on the chat, if they don't do anything then I would be surprised
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