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  1. thytkerjobs

    should i hit or not

  2. thytkerjobs

    Ramen Noodles Appreciation Vol. 6 pack $1.29

    with this 
  3. thytkerjobs

    Judge William Adams beats his daughter, Youtube vid

    I have more of a problem with the cursing, but I still think the beating was way too excessive
  4. thytkerjobs

    Anybody Here a "Relationship Person"?

    Relationship or forever alone.
  5. thytkerjobs

    Halloween thread..what's everyone wearing?

    I was Misty from Pokemon one night and Nefertiti the next night. My sister did black swan and she killed it
  6. thytkerjobs


  7. thytkerjobs

    Would you get a Brazilian wax for $500?

    You people saying yes obviously don't know how painful it is. Shoot me 1k though and I'm in there.
  8. thytkerjobs

    How many partners constitutes a girl to be considered a %@%$!?

    This thread again  niketalkers and their formulas. It's got a lot to do with how someone carries themself. I'm seeing more and more public sluttery since the birth of twitter, like the ^#*@ is cool now.
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