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  1. taimaishu123

    What are Your COD/MW Custom Class Names?

    my buddy.
  2. taimaishu123

    So.. Being friendly to nt'ers can surely backfire on you UPDATE - PG 50

    im dying at the use of that NAS .gif. i expect this thread to either be 20 plus pages when i get off work, or locked. either way...cant wait.
  3. taimaishu123

    Ludacris Dissing Drake/Big Sean on his new mixtape

    i like how drake says he hates the flow, but his 2 main label mates(wayne and manaj) STAY using the flow. i personally hate how drake says, "awww" after every verse.
  4. taimaishu123


  5. taimaishu123

    Official Parks and Recreation Season 4 Thread vol. Vote Knope in 2012

    thought this Episode was okay. kinda regressed from the last 2 weeks.
  6. taimaishu123

    So, can I get a master list of chick cars, please?

    *typical NTr* Any car without a V8 thats <$40,000 *typical NTr*
  7. taimaishu123

    OFFICIAL CHEF/COOKS THREAD... VOL I wish these pics were scratch and sniff.

    yall got me hella hype for thanksgiving tho!!!
  8. taimaishu123

    OFFICIAL CHEF/COOKS THREAD... VOL I wish these pics were scratch and sniff.

    yall got me hella hype for thanksgiving tho!!!
  9. taimaishu123

    One of the best inventions ever!

    just contacted them about ordering a couple cans. hope i get a e-mail back soon. i neeed this in my life.
  10. taimaishu123

    This Family Guy tonight was awesome.

    imma watch it on hulu when they put it up.
  11. taimaishu123


    idk why it took me so long to get put on this dude. dude is great. how tall is he tho? seems hella short haha.
  12. taimaishu123

    Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

    yea bro. the game jipped me outta 7 ranks my second night playing it. i should be in the low 40s online and this lag
  13. taimaishu123

    One of the best inventions ever!

    imma need a couple bottle of this ASAP
  14. taimaishu123

    SHES A WOOTIE!!!!!!!!!........NA NA NA NAAAAA......A WHITE GIRL WIT A BOOTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i wanna hold that 3rd girls hand allll day.
  15. taimaishu123

    Kids these days have it easy...

    THIS. mine was black and white with no sound. mom walked in once and was like, "why is you TV all messed up?" changed the channel hella quick.
  16. taimaishu123

    Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

    anyone gett leveled down? i went from a lvl 14 last night to a !$$%$## level 7 this morning. im BEYOND PISSED.
  17. taimaishu123

    Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

    anyone else having trouble joining a party? everyone keeps getting kicked outta the party. pissing me off.
  18. taimaishu123

    Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

    maaannn, my weak *+@ internet keeps getting me kicked off.
  19. taimaishu123

    ::: Denver Broncos @ Oakland Raiders ::: The Black Hole ::: 11/6

    everyone just has to have the last word.
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