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  1. gesheonelove10

    NT Recommend me a truck or SUV! Budget around 35 K please

    I just got a 4runner last week. Love it. The thing's a work horse. If you want to get a truck, definitely go for a tundra. Those things are tanks.
  2. gesheonelove10

    What's going to keep me from constantly being tired...

    drink a lot of water. that keeps me awake
  3. gesheonelove10

    Neighbor's dog killed 2 of mine VOL. The law sucks

    Cosign You said you've trained dogs before so you should know this. I'm not trying to make light of the situation, I've lost 3 dogs and it sucks. One of my dogs that I owned for 16 years went to our neighbours house 1/2 a mile away and ate one of their chickens when she was 10. She never did...
  4. gesheonelove10

    Neighbor's dog killed 2 of mine VOL. The law sucks

    sorry to hear about your dogs, but it's a dog eat dog world out there. husky was just doing what's written in it's genes. you don't like what happened, get a bigger dog
  5. gesheonelove10

    Do you pee in the shower?

    Done this all my life. I can't shower without letting it flow. Also used to pee on my feet to harden them up so i wouldn't get blisters from soccer cleats.
  6. gesheonelove10

    dropping out of college

    yeah it is possible to take a break. It's called defered (sp?) admissions. Talk to someone at your school. Tell them your situation and tell em you want to step away for it year. It happens. But trust me man, don't drop out of school. You don't hear many people with good paying jobs saying "oh...
  7. gesheonelove10

    NT : What's the most simpish thing you've ever done? Vol. SMDH

    no it's a result of you lying to your boys and saying you smashed.
  8. gesheonelove10

    Why do you believe that there is a god?

    Alright so question for anyone who believes in god. IF there is a god, what does he do? Does he just watch everything and not intervein? Does he intervein? There are hundreds of children dying from starvation in Africa, children being hooked on heroin at 10 years old and given a gun and being...
  9. gesheonelove10

    Why do you believe that there is a god?

       haha ftw
  10. gesheonelove10

    Tips on what to do with my vehicle VOL. ive done everything (pics posted)

    Do what all other new englanders do to their cars and put in a lift kit. Not sure why everyone's saying lower it. Raise that SOB up. Put two kits in and you'll be ready for the winter
  11. gesheonelove10

    Just got electricity back after 4 days

    I was out of power for 21 days back in the day from that nasty ice storm in the 90's. Was pretty crazy. Luckily our stove was gas and we had a bunch of kerosene lamps cause I lived in the country. FYI when you dump water in a toilet to make it flush, you dump it in the bowl itself and that...
  12. gesheonelove10

    24/7/365 The Tomb Remains Guarded

    It doesn't really matter whether or not you agree with war or any of that stuff. It's about the sacrifice that the soldiers made to keep our country free. I'm not overly patriotic, but I respect them for going and doing something I'm not willing to do. I'd never want to go onto foreign, enemy...
  13. gesheonelove10

    Dogs are Awesome

    THe minute i move out of the city, I'm getting a lab. Grown up with black labs my whole life. Trained them to forage for their own food (berries, squirrels etc) and will come the second you whistle. Cannot wait to move to the country
  14. gesheonelove10

    my dog doesnt want to get high

    cream cheese works too
  15. gesheonelove10

    Longest you've gone without eating?

    Between 3-4 days. I broke my leg a few years ago and couldn't leave the couch cause it hurt too much, so i stopped eating and only drank enough water to put down the OC's I was on. Didn't sleep a wink either. Couldn't stop thinking about the sound my leg made when it snapped. Went from 175 to...
  16. gesheonelove10

    NT: What's for lunch today? Vol. 30 minute lunch breaks FTL

    Cheddar cheese sandwich with humus and cucumbers, apple, orange, banana, and a peach. And during my lunch breaks I go outside and play basketball and than lift, then just eat while I work
  17. gesheonelove10

    Help me step my egg cracking game up...

    If the pan is already hot, it helps cause then the egg starts cooking immediately and doesn't spread out too much. Definitely keep it close to the pan like venom said
  18. gesheonelove10

    Did I Just Did This...Vol. Cramp

    haha love the story. Had my dad bust down the bathroom door because i had passed out from low blood sugar and an allergic reaction. I was bare naked from being in the shower trying to get the dizzies to go away. During soccer preseason i remember going swimming between double sessions and my...
  19. gesheonelove10

    Have you ever run over somebody's pet? vol. feeling bad

    smoked a cat once on the highway doing 80. Stupid thing jumped into the road, i caught it in mid air and it took part of my grill off. I didn't see it in my mirrors so I expected it to still be stuck in my hood when I stopped at a rest stop, but I didn't see em. Had zero remorse since I hate...
  20. gesheonelove10

    Calling out from work...

    food posioning. had a bbq the night before, didn't have a light by the grill, ate some raw chicken.
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