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  1. rafie004

    Kanye Nickname Generator

    from this day forward you will also be known as Swag Picasso . Have people address you as such.
  2. rafie004

    Who's ready for ramadan?

    I agree with all you guys im so ready for ramadan this year, last year i kept like handful but this year im looking to  change that. Also try to do good deeds even after ramadan. Ramadan comes in the most perfect time in life with self discipline.
  3. rafie004

    Longest Single Drive have you ever done? Vol New Job

    detroit to VA easy 7.5hrs every 2 weeks. NT'er in alexandria nice...u'll like it here
  4. rafie004

    What is the difference between the slang Snowflakes and snow-bunnies

    Was discussing with roommates last night on what the difference is between snowflakes and snow-bunnies ..not talking in literal terms (for the slow ppls)...So NT what would you say is the difference? discuss
  5. rafie004

    The older you get, the less friends you have....

    quit hating smoke weed punk
  6. rafie004

    Hot Girls Have Problems Too vol. "Hot Problems"

    %%# DID I JUST WATCH cleaning my eyes with visine!
  7. rafie004

    That feeling...Vol feels good and batman....

    last cig and you light it the wrong way fappn and have nothing to wipe with iphone on 5% battery still have a hour of a commute Wearing a fresh undershirt the feel when you enter a bar smelling like skunk and you get the head rolls the feel when a waitress %@$%% up your order after waiting a...
  8. rafie004

    Wildest stuff you ever seen at work vol: someone $$#$ on the floor...

    i got somethin for that @+$ $%^$ So continuing with my hospital stories i just remembered of one or two more. So i was walking down the hall of one of the floors at my hospital and a nurse called for help from one of the this point i looked around first to see if she was calling...
  9. rafie004

    Just got a Rott/Lab mix puppy (4 months) advice for urban living...

    - and a negative on the high school tip  - have a apartment on the 2nd floor only trouble for right now is lil man is afraid of the damn stairs..still working on that... could not upload pics on NT so here is a link to the album..enjoy
  10. rafie004

    Just got a Rott/Lab mix puppy (4 months) advice for urban living...

    Boys a beast!! just got him sunday and already he's showing signes of a true pimp..ladies love him while iam (forever alone) Helpful hints and tips from NT dog owners would be nice... Side note the smell or smoke of green in the house is that good for the pup?!
  11. rafie004

    Wildest stuff you ever seen at work vol: someone $$#$ on the floor...

    I use to work at the hospital so i seen some nasty #*! %+%+..couple of things that haunts me to this day... had a patient who was huge like 700lb huge, she was ready to leave so we had to wheel her out...we had to find like a custome wide load wheel chair first of all second, she didnt have any...
  12. rafie004

    Does anyone else on NT smoke e cigs?

    Can someone pm me about e-cigs that have cannabis oil iam looking for that stuff
  13. rafie004

    DC people...fill me in on the area around Nationals Park

    forget a hotel u got occupy DC park right their, just bring your own tent haha
  14. rafie004

    This just made my day! Vol. Awesome on so many levels

    Tupac Jordan My dude Caine had determination! He had to chew through the cardboard before he saved up enough money to buy scissors. lmao your wrong for that one brah..but cant stop cracking up!! good video tho (no jokes)
  15. rafie004

    Grimiest *!*$ You Ever Did To Someone vol. Spin Offs Are Fun

    Pretty grimey move from a old roomate of mine but we (5 of us) use to share a town house about a year ago in DC, one day one of my roomate was doing laundry and the dryer was broke so champ decided to put his draws and socks outside on the fence to let it dry....couple of hours later me and my...
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