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  1. wawaweewa

    Obama is part of the status quo...

    but the Republican lineup is a clown show (save for Ron Paul but he's got no shot).  I rail against the 2 party status quo but if I had a gun to my head, I'd vote for Obama in the upcoming election in a heartbeat. 
  2. wawaweewa

    Richard Clarke on 9/11

  3. wawaweewa

    MAGLEV Trains

    I think this is pretty solid evidence of just how far our infrastructure has fallen.  The US built a vast railroad network. Then a great interstate highway network. Since that, we haven't built ++##.  I realize this is expensive tech but do we not blow hundreds of billions on other junk? ...
  4. wawaweewa

    Do companies want to hide CEO pay?

    ________________________________________________________________ Now back to your regularly scheduled programming America. 
  5. wawaweewa

    Where do you see this country headed?

    Say a time frame of 10-15 years out. 
  6. wawaweewa

    People who want pity...

    Seriously, I'm disgusted with these people and it seems that there are tons of them among White middle- upper middle class suburban America. I can't even talk to my neighbors because within the first 5 minutes they always bring up someone close to them who is sick. I don't give a ##$@...
  7. wawaweewa

    "Why is America the 'no-vacation nation'?"

    It's always seemed kind of obvious that well rested workers are better workers. I always found it odd that 2 weeks vacation seems like a lot in the US. 
  8. wawaweewa

    Directions...Location....Why me?

    Idk. I've noticed this for a while now.  I always get approached for directions, locations of places, time, etc. even though there's plenty of other folks around.  It may be a causation doesn't equal correlation type of thing but anybody else have this thought like "why me"? To be honest I am...
  9. wawaweewa

    McDonalds Hires 62,000, Turns Away Over 938,000 Applicants...

    /;">; position: absolute; height: 9px; width: 9px; bottom: -5px; right: -5px; background-position: 100% 100%; "> McDonald’s and its franchisees hired 62,000 people in the U.S. after...
  10. wawaweewa

    Endless war. Just like the military-industrial complex likes it...

    It's going to be "poppin" just that much extra in Afghanistan this spring. Same !**+ in '08...
  11. wawaweewa

    Chocolate Appreciation...

    Some people don't like chocolate. That's not normal.  Some people like milk or white chocolate. Rubes.  Any else a huge fan of dark chocolate.... of the Cocoa variety not the a s s. Although I like me some of that too.                                                                           
  12. wawaweewa

    FBI VAULT Have at it.  
  13. wawaweewa

    YouTube commercials....

    Usually I skip em, turn em down but this one had me in a trance. Blew my mind.� Maybe it's late, idk.� *@+# Yuku.. here;s the direct link
  14. wawaweewa

    Most of you will prob disagree but...

    The NBA should raise the rim. The average height in the NBA is around 6'6".  When the game was invented and the rim height set to ~10ft, a bunch of relatively non athletic, short white folks were introduced to the game. At some point they will have to raise the basket. David Stern would def...
  15. wawaweewa

    Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century

    Maybe 1 or 2 of you on this new NT will be interested.   Interesting stuff (not really new or particularly revealing) presented in nice package.  Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century Dude creates and distributes his films for free.
  16. wawaweewa

    Watching the US gov't tumbling down the cliff is funny...

    State Dept. Bars Staffers from WikiLeaks, Warns Students The U.S. State Department has imposed an order barring employees from reading the leaked WikiLeaks cables. State Department staffers have been told not to read cables because they were classified and subject to security clearances. The...
  17. wawaweewa

    New York's Finest Police Cover-Up Ten cops beat up cabbie, then cuff one of their own ...

    May be old or late....  If you don't respect cops from the get go, this is just 1 more reason.  Behavior like this is the rule, not the exception.
  18. wawaweewa

    Nt'ers can stand to learn from this cat...

  19. wawaweewa

    Well Done Boston...Well Done...

    Was my first time in Boston this past weekend and I have to say (coming from an NYC'er) Boston impressed in terms of the girls. Beautiful girl after beautiful girl. I was not expecting that. Well Done. btw, one night we went to the Rattlesnake (?) (friend who goes to school in Boston took...
  20. wawaweewa

    NT's "Magic: The Gathering" Experts...

    So I came across about 2500 mint condition cards. Where do I begin?
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