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  1. dayoyoman

    "Occupy" Protestors Shut Down Oakland Port - Cost workers 2 days wages - counterproductive?

    Despite what mainstream media has been reporting on the port shutdown, many rank and file members of the ILWU did in fact support the blockade. Most of the union workers were paid that day. http://cleanandsafeports....ers-on-occupy-the-ports/
  2. dayoyoman

    San Francisco WAYYYYY BACK (Pictures of MANY LOCATIONS) VOL. Chills

    The old Embarcadero Freeway. Crazy to think that there was ever a double decker freeway looking at the place now...
  3. dayoyoman

    San Francisco WAYYYYY BACK (Pictures of MANY LOCATIONS) VOL. Chills

    Also, KQED did some awesome documenteries on a few neighborhoods in San Francisco a while ago. The series was called "Neighborhoods: The Hidden Cities of San Francisco" The one on the Fillmore District was really good, and I'd highly recommend watching it if you have any interest in the...
  4. dayoyoman

    San Francisco WAYYYYY BACK (Pictures of MANY LOCATIONS) VOL. Chills here's a radical wiki of San Francisco's history for those interested. It's mostly user contributed stories of neighborhoods and events. Helps to contextualize the pictures in a historical sense so you get a feel of what it was like to live in San...
  5. dayoyoman

    Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

    All of the articles (except the infertility one) mention BMI as their indicator of obesity. Again, BMI has been proven to be a faulty way of measuring 'obesity'. I just don't see how there can be any proof between correlations of obesity and other diseases with obesity. How can they attribute it...
  6. dayoyoman

    Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

    All of the articles (except the infertility one) mention BMI as their indicator of obesity. Again, BMI has been proven to be a faulty way of measuring 'obesity'. I just don't see how there can be any proof between correlations of obesity and other diseases with obesity. How can they attribute it...
  7. dayoyoman

    Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

    Here are some sources that debate and challenge your 'scholarly' articles. Many 'scholarly' articles are done with preconceived ideologies behind the studies in the first place--already having stigmatized beliefs of fat people. Many doctors dislike large patients because of their beliefs on...
  8. dayoyoman

    Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

    Here are some sources that debate and challenge your 'scholarly' articles. Many 'scholarly' articles are done with preconceived ideologies behind the studies in the first place--already having stigmatized beliefs of fat people. Many doctors dislike large patients because of their beliefs on...
  9. dayoyoman

    Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

    Well, maybe the problem lies in how we determine fatness. BMI as you probably know is a rather problematic way of measuring someone's fitness. Athletes would be defined as obese (and are probably marked as 'obese' even though they clearly are not). How do we actually know if someone died from...
  10. dayoyoman

    Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

    Well, maybe the problem lies in how we determine fatness. BMI as you probably know is a rather problematic way of measuring someone's fitness. Athletes would be defined as obese (and are probably marked as 'obese' even though they clearly are not). How do we actually know if someone died from...
  11. dayoyoman

    Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

    First off, why is that obesity is so stigmatized? How does someone's weight affect you personally? They are people too and shouldn't be treated as second class citizens because of their weight. The causes and issues of obesity are also not so black and white. It isn't as simple as eating too...
  12. dayoyoman

    Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

    First off, why is that obesity is so stigmatized? How does someone's weight affect you personally? They are people too and shouldn't be treated as second class citizens because of their weight. The causes and issues of obesity are also not so black and white. It isn't as simple as eating too...
  13. dayoyoman

    My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

    Both are civil rights issues and should stop being differentiated. The LGBT Rights movement isn't just like the civil rights movement, it IS a civil rights movement. Once people understand this, then maybe there will be some progress. MLK wasn't just fighting for equality for blacks. He was...
  14. dayoyoman

    My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

    Both are civil rights issues and should stop being differentiated. The LGBT Rights movement isn't just like the civil rights movement, it IS a civil rights movement. Once people understand this, then maybe there will be some progress. MLK wasn't just fighting for equality for blacks. He was...
  15. dayoyoman

    Egypt REVOLUTION! Military Coup = Succuessful. U.S. paid military now in power.

    here's some live blogs of what's going on http://www.enduringameric...nother-day-of-revol.html
  16. dayoyoman

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    There's a Henri Cartier-Bresson retrospective that's been going on at SFMOMA. There's a lot of great photos from his career. I highly recommend checking it out.
  17. dayoyoman

    The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

    Yes, race matters in life. A color-blind approach ignores the fact that people of color have been systematically oppressed throughout American history. If you actually believe that everyone has an equal chance in life, then you're really not seeing the whole picture. It's clear that a lot of you...
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