The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

Originally Posted by revirxreab

this is BS my dude , i know there is still mad racist cats in this world

but we in 2011 skin color is played its all about if you a good dude or not .

i got some black homeboys who wild successful .

and slavery im native american so im in the same boat as you duke .

1) Sorry son but skin color does matter. 
2) I never said a black person can't be successful.  

If you really think its a fair game out here then you are blind.  Don't let the Obama "a black man in the White House" movement fool you.  Of course there is personal responsibility but we gotta through alot of non-sense to make it. 
Originally Posted by revirxreab

this is BS my dude , i know there is still mad racist cats in this world

but we in 2011 skin color is played its all about if you a good dude or not .

i got some black homeboys who wild successful .

and slavery im native american so im in the same boat as you duke .

1) Sorry son but skin color does matter. 
2) I never said a black person can't be successful.  

If you really think its a fair game out here then you are blind.  Don't let the Obama "a black man in the White House" movement fool you.  Of course there is personal responsibility but we gotta through alot of non-sense to make it. 
I dont get why its so hard for people to understand why black people are the way they are. They're are ignoring the fact that racism is institutionalized not always blatent like slavery or lynchings. The mental state of African Americans is whats messed up. So saying black people need to do this and that and we have every opportunity blah blah ....means nothing because from the day slavery was ended until now the mentality has not changed. Thats where education comes in. There will always be black people who get it and understand that they ARE worth something but dont always teach or give back. Its been saud countless times but its the truest thine ever. The only way we will come up is if we come together.

As far as the hip hop thing goes, I kind of agree. Hip hop is a culture that gave us a voice but as soon as corporate america got their hands on it it turned into the minstrel show we know it as today.We have to take our music back.

All races need to understand that the division between people due to skin color has helped rich whites stay on top for as long as they have. The big whigs up top dont care about a black man in the ghetto, an illegal immigrant, or a poor white man. Tese complicated problems have really simple answers.
I dont get why its so hard for people to understand why black people are the way they are. They're are ignoring the fact that racism is institutionalized not always blatent like slavery or lynchings. The mental state of African Americans is whats messed up. So saying black people need to do this and that and we have every opportunity blah blah ....means nothing because from the day slavery was ended until now the mentality has not changed. Thats where education comes in. There will always be black people who get it and understand that they ARE worth something but dont always teach or give back. Its been saud countless times but its the truest thine ever. The only way we will come up is if we come together.

As far as the hip hop thing goes, I kind of agree. Hip hop is a culture that gave us a voice but as soon as corporate america got their hands on it it turned into the minstrel show we know it as today.We have to take our music back.

All races need to understand that the division between people due to skin color has helped rich whites stay on top for as long as they have. The big whigs up top dont care about a black man in the ghetto, an illegal immigrant, or a poor white man. Tese complicated problems have really simple answers.
Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying and put in some work instead of complaining about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy no matter how true it may seem. I'm Latino btw.
Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying and put in some work instead of complaining about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy no matter how true it may seem. I'm Latino btw.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't still does matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying voicing the truth and put in some work instead of complaining expressing how true this is about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example and inform them there is still people who are ignorant and blind to the facts like the person who posted this, and there are still people who will view and depicate you as an inferior solely off skin color. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy, and whites as well as other racists oops typo races use this as a shield themselves from the truth and realization of there bigot and ignorant frame of mind. no matter how true it may seem is. I'm Latino blind to the realities of life btw.

Sorry had to proofread and make the proper corrections.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't still does matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying voicing the truth and put in some work instead of complaining expressing how true this is about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example and inform them there is still people who are ignorant and blind to the facts like the person who posted this, and there are still people who will view and depicate you as an inferior solely off skin color. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy, and whites as well as other racists oops typo races use this as a shield themselves from the truth and realization of there bigot and ignorant frame of mind. no matter how true it may seem is. I'm Latino blind to the realities of life btw.

Sorry had to proofread and make the proper corrections.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Is being a black man the hardest job in America? I honestly think so.  And before anybody gets all riled up I know that every other race and gender has problems too.  Not every white person was born rich and not every black person is from the hood.  I know that but I'm talking on average. 

And let me get all the basic, simple minded responses out the way.

Great you "didn't read"
Yes this is another race thread. 
Yes slavery happened and no I'm not going to get over it. 
Yes WSHH and BET suck.

I feel like we are led to worry about all the wrong things in life.  Its not even our fault half the time its just how we get raised.  Then once we hit the real world we're not prepared AND we have to overcome and battle other obstacles.  You can say we are at fault for aspiring to be athletes and entertainers right?  But why aren't the parents leading the kids in the direction of actual careers? Because the damn parents are just happy to have a job and support a family.  They can't tell a kid to start building a resume and prepare them for college when they never went through that experience.  They just want their kid to be happy and if football or singing makes them happy so be it. 

The problem is that cycle is killing us.  We really need more professionals to get out here and show us how its done at a young age.  We are at a real disadvantage when it comes to networking.  And lets just say we do get a good job right.  Can we recommend our friends to get hired too? Naw you can't be the black guy that brings the other black guys to the party.  You just gotta be happy you got invited.  It's really crazy out here.  

I could go on for days about different problems but I'd like to hear from ya'll. 
bruhh not trying to hate like 90% of most of NT but aren't you working hard to become a pro ball player? like trying out for the d-league and ishhh. like i'm sure if you wanted you could put all that effort into become a doctor or a lawyer or whatever else society considers as a "great career". but instead you're tryna live your dream. correct?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Is being a black man the hardest job in America? I honestly think so.  And before anybody gets all riled up I know that every other race and gender has problems too.  Not every white person was born rich and not every black person is from the hood.  I know that but I'm talking on average. 

And let me get all the basic, simple minded responses out the way.

Great you "didn't read"
Yes this is another race thread. 
Yes slavery happened and no I'm not going to get over it. 
Yes WSHH and BET suck.

I feel like we are led to worry about all the wrong things in life.  Its not even our fault half the time its just how we get raised.  Then once we hit the real world we're not prepared AND we have to overcome and battle other obstacles.  You can say we are at fault for aspiring to be athletes and entertainers right?  But why aren't the parents leading the kids in the direction of actual careers? Because the damn parents are just happy to have a job and support a family.  They can't tell a kid to start building a resume and prepare them for college when they never went through that experience.  They just want their kid to be happy and if football or singing makes them happy so be it. 

The problem is that cycle is killing us.  We really need more professionals to get out here and show us how its done at a young age.  We are at a real disadvantage when it comes to networking.  And lets just say we do get a good job right.  Can we recommend our friends to get hired too? Naw you can't be the black guy that brings the other black guys to the party.  You just gotta be happy you got invited.  It's really crazy out here.  

I could go on for days about different problems but I'd like to hear from ya'll. 
bruhh not trying to hate like 90% of most of NT but aren't you working hard to become a pro ball player? like trying out for the d-league and ishhh. like i'm sure if you wanted you could put all that effort into become a doctor or a lawyer or whatever else society considers as a "great career". but instead you're tryna live your dream. correct?
I used to be a militant young black dude at one point. Black panther type of dude. Then I realized that the mental victimization I was inflicting on myself was actually counter productive to me living a life a actually want. I believe the biggest problem in AA culture is "self awareness". Knowledge of self and identity build a back bone and confidence that allows one to interact with every man no matter their ethnic or economical background. Most blacks alienate themselves when they are in social circles that they perceive to be "white" or "uppity" and really don't learn how to communicate and learn from a different perspective. The American black man in the modern world is the most unique and contradictory thing on earth. The amount of power we have individually is amazing. The amount of power we could have collectively would be devastating. We in one or two generations could literally have a infrastructure that is identical to the jewish infrastructure. I believe we are our own worst enemy. Our generation is the one that will conceptualize this paradigm shift but we will not be alive to fully enjoy the ramifications. The planet looovveesss us and the planet really loves charming,intelligible, clean cut black men.............. I promise
I used to be a militant young black dude at one point. Black panther type of dude. Then I realized that the mental victimization I was inflicting on myself was actually counter productive to me living a life a actually want. I believe the biggest problem in AA culture is "self awareness". Knowledge of self and identity build a back bone and confidence that allows one to interact with every man no matter their ethnic or economical background. Most blacks alienate themselves when they are in social circles that they perceive to be "white" or "uppity" and really don't learn how to communicate and learn from a different perspective. The American black man in the modern world is the most unique and contradictory thing on earth. The amount of power we have individually is amazing. The amount of power we could have collectively would be devastating. We in one or two generations could literally have a infrastructure that is identical to the jewish infrastructure. I believe we are our own worst enemy. Our generation is the one that will conceptualize this paradigm shift but we will not be alive to fully enjoy the ramifications. The planet looovveesss us and the planet really loves charming,intelligible, clean cut black men.............. I promise
this is corny from start to finish

most of yall coming off as dry sounding you mad type racist.

none of us had anything to do with slavery .

and my people had it worse than black people , the native americans that is.
this is corny from start to finish

most of yall coming off as dry sounding you mad type racist.

none of us had anything to do with slavery .

and my people had it worse than black people , the native americans that is.
Originally Posted by revirxreab

this is corny from start to finish

most of yall coming off as dry sounding you mad type racist.

none of us had anything to do with slavery .

and my people had it worse than black people , the native americans that is.
Nah at least yall had a chance
Originally Posted by revirxreab

this is corny from start to finish

most of yall coming off as dry sounding you mad type racist.

none of us had anything to do with slavery .

and my people had it worse than black people , the native americans that is.
Nah at least yall had a chance
Yes, race matters in life. A color-blind approach ignores the fact that people of color have been systematically oppressed throughout American history. If you actually believe that everyone has an equal chance in life, then you're really not seeing the whole picture. It's clear that a lot of you guys truly believe in the ideologies of racial hegemony that exists in American society.
Yes, race matters in life. A color-blind approach ignores the fact that people of color have been systematically oppressed throughout American history. If you actually believe that everyone has an equal chance in life, then you're really not seeing the whole picture. It's clear that a lot of you guys truly believe in the ideologies of racial hegemony that exists in American society.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by revirxreab

this is corny from start to finish

most of yall coming off as dry sounding you mad type racist.

none of us had anything to do with slavery .

and my people had it worse than black people , the native americans that is.
Nah at least yall had a chance

native americans have had it waaaaaaaaaaaay worse than any other group in america
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by revirxreab

this is corny from start to finish

most of yall coming off as dry sounding you mad type racist.

none of us had anything to do with slavery .

and my people had it worse than black people , the native americans that is.
Nah at least yall had a chance

native americans have had it waaaaaaaaaaaay worse than any other group in america
Had a chance ? they invaded the land and brought disease and messed everything up.
my ancestors was cool with white people and tried to teach them how to survive and grow stuff , they even let them holla at the brown skin

shawtys from the tribe .

but them crazy Europeans just thought they could take over .

My dad is white and american indian , my mom is spanish and american indian . But i look white mixed so i have heard it all from both sides

of the spectrum . 
Had a chance ? they invaded the land and brought disease and messed everything up.
my ancestors was cool with white people and tried to teach them how to survive and grow stuff , they even let them holla at the brown skin

shawtys from the tribe .

but them crazy Europeans just thought they could take over .

My dad is white and american indian , my mom is spanish and american indian . But i look white mixed so i have heard it all from both sides

of the spectrum . 
why do we have a thread like this??
we all know that life is hard but you can't keep giving up and giving excuses on what's fair and what's not? if you believe in that non-sense then your letting that theory become a true statement. 
past is the past now! why mention some dumb s*** when it doesn't  mean s*** now.

we all don't like it with our other half mentions about our past about this and that. so why be that hypocrite and do the same?

when you think about it, this is a black n white country any other color gets mixed in the gray area. true statement homie!

i'm asian i love music and movies. sad that the only movies we get to be in is when we are getting made fun of like old men getting shot in stores, woman getting f***** by other races, we have a strong language barrier (that you can't understand so we get made fun of and still die), and list goes on! and music? we have some pretty good talent but never get exposed but we have eddie murphy making songs that sound horrendous and macy grey.... c'mon man! really??
  that doesn't make me sad or bitter at all i still love movies and listen to all types of music.(but this is a fact though.)

remember every race had it hard back then but things have changed a bit now.

-be glad on what you have because it could be a lot worse. other people in other countries would die to have an ounce of what we have. remember that....

sorry guys but i hate it when stuff like this comes up.... I usually just pass this up but i had to voice my opinion. 
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