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  1. mr33andabove

    So I'm going to be a Respiratory Therapist....

    Healthcare is definitely a good route to take right now. More specifically travel healthcare positions. I recruit nurses and allied professionals and the amount of money these folks make for 13 week assignments is ridiculous. TECHS AND THERAPISTS know what's up. wOodTactics, just a heads up...
  2. mr33andabove

    1,200 Pounds Of Weed Seized At UCF

    Cmon. Let the kids play.
  3. mr33andabove

    Side Hustles 101

       Do you own some kind of public venue that allows you to house a starbucks kiosk? how does that work? - hitting lessons for young baseball players gets me pocket change while I look for a full time job
  4. mr33andabove

    Post The Name of Your High School and City

    Longwood High School Middle Island, NY C/O '05
  5. mr33andabove

    Honest discussion: If your chick is gaining weight, how would it impact your relationship?

    Subtle hints or challenges usually get a response "babe I just ran like two mile I bet you couldn't do one!" or "I bet you couldn't do a certain amount of sit ups!" Little things like that, see how she responds and go from there. If she takes you up on some challenges to work out, sit back...
  6. mr33andabove

    Lamborghini Madura & Ankonian Concept

    Interesting but no side view mirrors? Guess they thought nobody looks before switching lanes anymore
  7. mr33andabove

    NT Networking/What do you do for a living Thread

    major: marketing career: aspiring business owner job: part-time head hunter for small business the north west, any tips on the buying and flipping properties business??
  8. mr33andabove

    Did You Guys Like "Cloverfield"???

    Liked it but expected more Marketing strategy >> movie
  9. mr33andabove

    One of the best t-shirts I've seen in a minute...

    He did a great job of gassing ppls heads up if you thought you'd see real results after 10 months He must have pulled chicks left and right back in the day with that kind of game I get the concept but its a little early.. My man is getting more heat than the Knicks right now.
  10. mr33andabove

    Post your pets vol. Bullys

    Beautiful dog What breed??
  11. mr33andabove

    Todays TV ****ery.....

    For those of you knockin Dave, there's stupidity and then there is ignorance. Dave's style of entertaining people can be looked at as stupid, so stupidthat it's funny. His characters are fictitious, and he knows where to draw the line when it comes to reality. Stupidity is knowing when something...
  12. mr33andabove

    What is your most anticipated thing for 2010?

    A healthy Mets team Own apartment LeBron as a Knickerbocker (college loans will be deferred and season tickets WILL be bought!)
  13. mr33andabove

    What do you think could be the storyline for BATMAN 3?

    Even though eddie murphy is a rumor, I would knock the idea He's way past due for a decent role. What were your first reactions when you FIRST found out heath ledger was the Joker?? Mine was "That brokeback #*$!/ is playing the joker?!?!" Needless to say he did an excellent job RIP
  14. mr33andabove

    Kids (the Movie)

    Appreciated. saw it for the first time when I was 12 or 13, definitely an eye-opener. "BUTTERSCOTCH YOOOO"
  15. mr33andabove

    So I cut my head open... How long is the healing process? (New Pic)

    did you at least make the tackle? you'll live, it doesn't look that bad
  16. mr33andabove

    hennessy black..yay or nay ?

    Yay. A lot smoother, but hits you way harder than regular Henny. VSOP > Henny Black.. Unless you're late to the party and need a quick buzz, then its the other way around.
  17. mr33andabove

    Bad Boys 3 Message in Transformers Movie???

    It makes sense tho.. Why would somebody rock a FIVE year old movie poster in their dorm room?
  18. mr33andabove

    people that live in NYC. what does it feel like visiting another city.

    more times than not its "when the @#$# am i going home?"
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