One of the best t-shirts I've seen in a minute...

If Thanksgiving wasn't coming up I'd say 30+ pages.
I guess y'all don't really know what sarcasm or satire is.

^ But 15k+ posts in two years? Calm down on the reply button.
The funniest thing about this shirt to me is all the hypebeast who were rocking Obama shirts last year will probably be wearing this. Dudes never had a clueabout anything political to begin with yet were campaigning for change.
lol @ people saying this shirt is racist and lol @ people who couldnt tell the guy with the mario avatar was joking.
Originally Posted by debs 168

where was the bush shirt that they did 10 months into his administration???

oh ok.

the execution of the concept is ill. the idea behind the shirt is not. this guy inherited a hyoooge deficit, two wars and a non existent job market and ppl "expect" him to change everything overnight. no. its not expectations. the same ppl that voted against him are the same ppl MOCKING him and his idea for change. now all of a sudden they're "expecting" change and "hoping" for change? please. you're hoping for failure and mocking those of us that voted for obama.

the shirts not racist but the mockery of obama, the calling him out of his name, the fact that ppl put president in quotation marks, ppl using so called president when referring to obama, the amount of scrutiny in such a short period of time, among other things seems like its coming from ppl that have a hidden agenda that has nothing to do with politics.

anyway, thats another subject.
won't ever cop anything freshjive related, not that i have in the past.

Originally Posted by ConductZero

Originally Posted by new york yanks

so zero lol.. was that a joke or are you serious?

NIKETALK is a racist forum. Just look at the layout. Its black with red all over. There isn't even yellow on the page, only the smileys which are there for comedic relief. I'm protesting this.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Btw, you dudes can't tell he's joking?[/color]
if dude gets the health care bill to pass he'll be an american hero and icon..smh @ the red side pushing this whole "socialist" idea on guys don't know how good the canadians/australians/english have it with free health care.

smh @ the middle class getting porked by their mortgage and poor little billy's appendix randomly bursts, the insurance company calls it a pre-existingcondition and you've got a $35,000 bill.
avy check and i like the shirt

its not even about race, its realizing bush made a huge hole for barack. thats what the shirt means to me..
Originally Posted by debs 168

where was the bush shirt that they did 10 months into his administration???
Dude, you being serious? There was 10x the hate for Bush as there is for Obama. Democrats stayed hating on Bush the whole damn time. Plus thereare a TON of Bush t-shirts...




Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Just ordered, thanks for the link. I have business in Bushwick following the holiday. Will wear and post reactions.

you're gonna have to square up and engage in physical combat with a mountain of a man and monster of a fighter in myself.

This guy's talking about himself like he's Bill Brasky.


He did a great job of gassing ppls heads up if you thought you'd see real results after 10 months

He must have pulled chicks left and right back in the day with that kind of game

I get the concept but its a little early.. My man is getting more heat than the Knicks right now.
i bet a lot of the people who are gonna cop this were wearing pro-bama shirts a year ago

that said, its a great twist on the design and a pretty cool concept but i wouldn't wear it.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by debs 168

where was the bush shirt that they did 10 months into his administration???
Dude, you being serious? There was 10x the hate for Bush as there is for Obama. Democrats stayed hating on Bush the whole damn time. Plus there are a TON of Bush t-shirts...




so all of these were made 10 months into bush's first administration?


oh ok.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I don't even see this shirt as being an indictment on Obama moreso a statement on that false hope a lot of people had during the election and inauguration period.

Exactly. A lot of people thought that things would change overnight, which is ridiculous.
I dont see this as a knock at Obama, but as a hit to peoples unrealistic expectations of him.

great concept and execution.
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