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  1. it b bert

    Have You Ever Genuinely Wanted Someone To Die?

    I've been hunting since I was 6 though Blindfolded and %!@%
  2. it b bert

    So 'Ye and Kim K are dating... for real.

    You're not stylin on anyone with your estrogen pumping self. If you're over 15 years old, I'd be worried. You seriously look like a little girl who is growing out of her training bra. Get your test levels checked by an endocrinologist, you seriously probably have low test, puffy nips, emotional...
  3. it b bert

    Anyone else feel like 9-5 life isn't for them?

    lol @ OP thinking having an entrepreneurial  mind state means you can't do a 9-5. Fool, if you're an entrepreneur... you're going to be working a lot more than a 9-5, a lot harder as well. You aren't what you think. Play your position, peasant
  4. it b bert

    The estrogeneration: Attention %+!%%*

    Estrogen-eration, you fit right in with your emotional #%+, cant even realize you're the one going hard for attention in someone else's thread. @#$#.. you're corny
  5. it b bert

    No Reasoning behind Tears You've Cried?

    take a break and practice being real
  6. it b bert

    No Reasoning behind Tears You've Cried?

    take a break and practice being real
  7. it b bert

    Sooo.. I just made my coworker cry.. SRS question inside.

    emos will be emos
  8. it b bert

    Sooo.. I just made my coworker cry.. SRS question inside.

    emos will be emos
  9. it b bert

    Snooki lost weight...smashable?

    How about just eating healthy and working out? Fat/lazy people.... smh
  10. it b bert

    Snooki lost weight...smashable?

    How about just eating healthy and working out? Fat/lazy people.... smh
  11. it b bert

    Who shot the nose off the Sphinx?

    It's crazy to see people on here sincerely trying to push the "white" people discrediting "black" people !!*#@+$! that I'm sure they continue to tell themselves every day. Some guy talking about, "I thought everyone knew that." No, maybe you're just really simple minded. Whatever floats your boat.
  12. it b bert

    Who shot the nose off the Sphinx?

    It's crazy to see people on here sincerely trying to push the "white" people discrediting "black" people !!*#@+$! that I'm sure they continue to tell themselves every day. Some guy talking about, "I thought everyone knew that." No, maybe you're just really simple minded. Whatever floats your boat.
  13. it b bert

    Joe Budden is the ultimate ahlpa male ?

    Speak for yourself.... and I bet you're still broke.
  14. it b bert

    Joe Budden is the ultimate ahlpa male ?

    Speak for yourself.... and I bet you're still broke.
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