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  1. enzo007

    How much do you spend a month?

    House payment - 750 Phone bill - 100 (Canada has the highest cell phone bills in the world, terrible) Car insurance - 114 Gas for car - 100 Gas/electricity - 100 Water - Don't know yet just filled up my pool and I'm scared to find out. Gym - 40 Groceries - 250 Other (going out, social events...
  2. enzo007

    So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

    Upper middle class white guy here My dad basically owns a bunch of property and homes and has tons of investments. He regularly flips houses, and rents to various companies or tenants. Safe to say hes incredibly smart with money and knows exactly what to do with it. He learned this from his...
  3. enzo007

    So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

    Upper middle class white guy here My dad basically owns a bunch of property and homes and has tons of investments. He regularly flips houses, and rents to various companies or tenants. Safe to say hes incredibly smart with money and knows exactly what to do with it. He learned this from his...
  4. enzo007

    Serious girlfriend got attacked last night.

    OP here, thanks for some of the replies guys, sorta helping clear my head with all this stuff. To answer some questions I actually don't live in Houston, I'm from St Catharines, Ontario, Canada too and came here on vacation for a couple days to  watch the games. I'll be home with her shortly to...
  5. enzo007

    Serious girlfriend got attacked last night.

    OP here, thanks for some of the replies guys, sorta helping clear my head with all this stuff. To answer some questions I actually don't live in Houston, I'm from St Catharines, Ontario, Canada too and came here on vacation for a couple days to  watch the games. I'll be home with her shortly to...
  6. enzo007

    Serious girlfriend got attacked last night.

    I know half the time this board isn't serious by any means, but right now I gotta vent. And sometimes NT is a great place for it. Last night my girlfriend who I've dated for about 4 years now came home from work. She's a bartender and works at a few different night clubs. Anyway coming home...
  7. enzo007

    Serious girlfriend got attacked last night.

    I know half the time this board isn't serious by any means, but right now I gotta vent. And sometimes NT is a great place for it. Last night my girlfriend who I've dated for about 4 years now came home from work. She's a bartender and works at a few different night clubs. Anyway coming home...
  8. enzo007

    +The be honest with yourself Thread of NT+

    - I'm ridiculously smart, but I have a seriously hard time applying myself towards school. Knowing that I don't have to try and I can still pull off B's kills any motivation I have. And I constantly hand in things late because I'm lazy and use excuses for anything I can. - I am dating an...
  9. enzo007

    +The be honest with yourself Thread of NT+

    - I'm ridiculously smart, but I have a seriously hard time applying myself towards school. Knowing that I don't have to try and I can still pull off B's kills any motivation I have. And I constantly hand in things late because I'm lazy and use excuses for anything I can. - I am dating an...
  10. enzo007

    If the United States had a natural disaster across all the States ...

    Wrong. Its Canada. I swear some of you guys need to educate yourselves about this sorta stuff.  We are literally your best friends, but none of you know anything about us lol. Just a heads up more trade is driven across the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit and Windsor then all U.S. exports  to...
  11. enzo007

    If the United States had a natural disaster across all the States ...

    You guys should actually check out that wiki page and see what Canada actually did. Its outstanding. Especially these 1. Canada increased oil exports as requested by the IEA to help stabilize the world market in the wake of the crisis and its impact on North American oil production and...
  12. enzo007

    The Official iPod Post - *Please read the first post.*

    i got a problem with my video, everytime i connect it to the computer, in the bottom right corner of my screen a little yellow message says that itunes has encountered and error or something. then when i exit that and actually get into itunes, i have to like re-update all my songs and...
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