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  1. beautifulstruggle1223

    Atheists: Always doing the most?

    So you support the drawings, and you suggest Islam and/or the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) promote sexual subjugation, violence, and terrorist activities...and you expect muslims to not be offended, or to come off as if you have nothing against Muslims? I suggest reading up on Islam from...
  2. beautifulstruggle1223


    As a Muslim, you should all know that you're not challenging fringe Muslim extremists, and you are not provoking them, instead you are offending every Muslim unnecessarily. To everyone who thinks Muslims should "lighten up", we will not, and we refuse to. Why? Because we take our Islam...
  3. beautifulstruggle1223


    sorry for multiple posts, mac aint working correctly.
  4. beautifulstruggle1223

    Who was your favorite character from Ducktales?

    damn, i'm so glad i saw this post...bout to watch an episode on youtube riiiiight now.
  5. beautifulstruggle1223

    We Muslims to are Humans.VOL; Speak Out.

    that's my boy adam...and you're just trying to get a few laughs. anyways, i think for the first time i agree with rexanglorum said.
  6. beautifulstruggle1223

    We Muslims to are Humans.VOL; Speak Out.

    haha...i know most of the people in the video, and some of them are my friends....i'm muslim btw. i like the concept of the video cause it's just there to shed away some of the stereotypes and dehumanizing of muslims that the media has shoved downeveryone's throats. but on a strict critique of...
  7. beautifulstruggle1223

    MATERIALISTIC?? Are "sneakerheads" considered one?

    sneakerheads are the epitome of a materialistic person. no doubt about it. that's why i've cooled off a lot on buying shoes frivolously.
  8. beautifulstruggle1223

    Hamas explodes Egypt border fence, 350k Palistinians rush in for food/fuel.

    all of you who support israel by even a tenth of a percent are very very very shortsighted. lets bring it back...back before the CREATION of israel at theexpense of the Palestinians who consisted of Muslims and Christians. prior to then Jews and Muslims residing in Palestine were NOT enemies...
  9. beautifulstruggle1223

    Colleges With Great Bio Programs?

    you're right, i'm a pscyhology major, and i'm interviewing at med schools right now...was just at pitt, next up is penn state. So yeah, majorin whatever you want, it made college a lot more fun. Just make sure to take the prereqs like this NT said.
  10. beautifulstruggle1223

    Colleges With Great Bio Programs?

    It doesnt matter if you're pre med, be a bio major at whatever university, do well in your courses and handle the mcat. You dont have to go to a good"bio" school, to get into a good medical school...i know from experience.
  11. beautifulstruggle1223

    Ever wanted to date a Muslim or Jewish chick but could not?

    maybe cause we're not supposed to be dating....un-islamic. but i know it's hard in the past isnt perfect either
  12. beautifulstruggle1223

    Ever wanted to date a Muslim or Jewish chick but could not?

    props to lebanese chick who rejected you.
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