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  1. defyant 1

    Grandfather just died...

    Op,   This post is really hitting me close to the heart. My grandparents were in a horrible car accident in San Jose last wednesday; my grandmother died instantly..... I got the call at work around 4:45 last week and it was just a mind-numbing feeling. We didnt know the status of my...
  2. defyant 1

    Do You know how to Touch Type?

    mojodmonkey - Yes. Ive been a paralegal for over ten years and still can't type to savemy life. I find that workign in an office most male employees, regardless of age, are +$%!%+ typers in comparison to our femal counter parts. Maybe its just me, but typing is not my stong suit. anyhow, lets...
  3. defyant 1

    Do You know how to Touch Type?

    Im gutted. 38 word per minute FTL! I work in an office as a paralegal and type all day and have so for the last 11 years. I type w/ prob 4 fingers at the most and still have to look at the keys. Ivwe been telling myself im going to start taking typing test once aweek for the last 9 yrs...
  4. defyant 1

    Angela Simmons > Rihanna vol. that new hype

    Angela Simmons looks like Run w/ a lace front. I cant get over those gum and the baby teeth. Dolphin teeth arent hot.
  5. defyant 1

    I'm Saving My Vagina For Marriage

    silly kids. If you thinking PIIHB is something you just freestlye then you need to step up your sex game. There is a lengthy preparation process involved so you dont end up w/ a chocolate swirly. My ex was all finger snaps and neck shaking when i initially brought it up talking about " oh...
  6. defyant 1

    How old is your sn? Vol. I

    10 years on thisname only b/c I forgotmy orig screen name it wouldhave been 12 with that one. I am truly an OG
  7. defyant 1

    Who Here Has A "Good" Job With No College Degree VOL. 40K+

    I work as a trial paralegal in a big corporate law firm in the bay area. I make 77k + bonus a year and i never graduated high school or any type of certification classes . I have been doing this since I was 21 ( 10 yrs) and have never made less that 50K a year. The funny thingis, I never told...
  8. defyant 1

    Why is Giada so sexy

    I think giada is gorgeous and she does have a nice cookie rack. Her head is crazy inflated tho. I bet if she sneezed she would do a front flip.
  9. defyant 1

    HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

    HELP a brotha out. My HBO was cancelled tonight. someone direct me where to watch online. Im fiendiiiinnnnn  
  10. defyant 1

    Invisibility or telepathy?

    if i was invisible, id fly to paris and just whoop a mimes a-s-s.  Imagine all the applause he would get; it would be astounding!
  11. defyant 1

    Anyone work at LV?

    honestly, I think that beard is atrocious and a smooth clean shaven look would suit society as a whole much better.  just b/c you can grow a beard, it doesnt mean you can grow a beard. 
  12. defyant 1

    Why Men Need to Cheat

    ksteezy - you need to shave them pubes off your face and fall back son. You is the dude who prob fantasized about black chicks in your room while watching sister sister. you wifed the first one who would have you and you got your nostril wide open. stick you what your good at, having the...
  13. defyant 1

    How do you handle a shorter guy who is pressing up on you?

    I heard if you punch short dudes on the top of their heads, they turn into a bag of gold.
  14. defyant 1

    Why Men Need to Cheat

    I think NT needs to have every posters age visible. B/c a lot of clowns in here need to get off of their soapbox. To all the dudes who say - cheating is wrong, why get into a monogomous relationship, etc... are either a. lucky they have a girl b/c no other chick would want them...or B. have...
  15. defyant 1

    JElp - What Shoes is Wale wearing

    slicknick - thank you man. you seriously made my day. copped - I loved these.
  16. defyant 1

    JElp - What Shoes is Wale wearing

    I dot not know how to post a pic, despite being on NT for 10+ years. That being said i've included a link to the pic im referring to. alls i know is i had these joints 15 yrs ago and LOVED them more than my biological...
  17. defyant 1

    Most You've Spent on a Dinner Date?

    I date girls that I am slightly better than, so they usually pay for the meal just to be out w/ a suave jerk, like me. That is real spit.... I should clarify and say that i usualll pay for the first 5/6 dates just to get her on the hook. Once she is on my line, i usually hit her with the " im...
  18. defyant 1

    POST YOUR PIC! Holiday Edition Vol. 24 Hours To Live.

    He must not own a mirror, otherwise he wouldnt be rocking that thin chin-strap or that baby blue napkin w/ buttons he is passing off as a shirt. Its like he went to an Iron chef garage sale
  19. defyant 1

    Dressing better

    you know nothing about life . its a slick advertising/photog tool..... and a way to show the tie and how fly dude is w/o showing the entire outfit.
  20. defyant 1

    Any 80's babies feeling old?

    '89 - really? I was born in 80 and just had the big 30 celebration. Its all down hill, I got grays in my goatee, a bad back, done really rock nicks anymore...... i remember joining NT in 2002, being excited about new releases and wearing my akdemiks/rocawear  jeans 4x too big and blowing trees...
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