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  1. khmerkicks

    Persuasive Speech HELP!

    ^nah, that's not cliche. Someone in my class did it, he had good persuasive points.
  2. khmerkicks

    Your Turnoffs in the Opposite Sex

    Guys who are: -jobless -car less -education less -does way too much -too skinny -pale skin color (idk why, haha) -small feet -hella baggy jeans that are not ironed -tries too hard to be hard -shorter than me -ugly fingers - & more.
  3. khmerkicks

    Persuasive Speech HELP!

    Outline is the easy part; Topic: "whatever it is.." Main Idea #1: Main Idea #2: Main Idea #3: Conclusion: Tie in all three points. Once you got this done - the rest is easy, shmeezy.
  4. khmerkicks

    Persuasive Speech HELP!

    Sucks, I had to do the exact same thing a few weeks ago. I hated this speech; informative was hella easier. I suggest pick an issue going on in the society; abortion, same sex marriages, etc. Do you get to use a note card?
  5. khmerkicks

    Nice guys lose because there is so many of them

    *edit; For some reason, I don't like a guy who is WAAY TOOO nice - where I see him as brotherly/homeboy status.
  6. khmerkicks

    Happy 20th Birthday To Me =D

    Happy Birthday love!
  7. khmerkicks

    Flunking an exam unappreciation thread

    I know how you feel... Bio's killin' me.
  8. khmerkicks

    Lupe @ USF 2/20/08

    Anymore info? & how much are tickets? Cuhs I hella wanna go.
  9. khmerkicks

    Wheres everyone going and doing for Valentines?

    Unfortunately, I have no plans; therefore I won't celebrate it.
  10. khmerkicks

    Fight Breaks out at Niketown Sf 11/12 release

    Thanks for the compliment, I feel so young now. +3 yrs btw
  11. khmerkicks

    Fight Breaks out at Niketown Sf 11/12 release

    No one's bragging. More like clarifying the incident because some people are clueless of what had happened. & I'm sorry that our society is so materialistic and kids these days are absorbed over items that third world country children cannot afford. You cannot simply blame this one single...
  12. khmerkicks

    Fight Breaks out at Niketown Sf 11/12 release

    Hahah, no. I'm the chick to the left in the jansport bakpak. You could hear me only a couple of I'm not that "gangsta soundin person" & FIGHT WASN'T OVER THE SHOES!
  13. khmerkicks

    Fight Breaks out at Niketown Sf 11/12 release

    Because I felt that I had to clarify the incident of what happened and what reaaally went down. And it's not over shoes, so stop assuming people...
  14. khmerkicks

    Official Air Jordan 11/12 CDP Release post. 12/20/08! NO BUYING/SELLING!!

    Fight over some Jordans= Fight over high school drama= Really though, STUPID +*** foreals. They could have brought that drama somewhere else...NOT AT NIKETOWN while waiting in that they didnt get theirpacks
  15. khmerkicks

    Official Air Jordan 11/12 CDP Release post. 12/20/08! NO BUYING/SELLING!!

    I mean Ive been in the game since 96 and seriously this is pathetic over some jays?? me and my sister are the ones who filmed this video and these girls ARE NOT FIGHTING OVERSHOES!!!!! Some random girls just walked past the Niketown line and they notice people they had beef with, so after...
  16. khmerkicks

    Recession? What Recession? Vol. Kids fighting at CDP release

    me and my sister are the ones who filmed this video and these girls ARE NOT FIGHTINGOVER SHOES!!!!! Some random girls just walked past the Niketown line and they notice people they had beef with, so after arguments, instigation andconfrontations, the beezies just threw a punch and started...
  17. khmerkicks

    Fight Breaks out at Niketown Sf 11/12 release

    LOL. hella funny. I had front row seats of this stupid fight. Aye my bad for some of the annoying voices on the side tho..I admit it was me..and the recoder and a few other ppl. Haha, I just had to instigate to make the fight more interesting & hype up the freezing crowd during the night.
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