Your Turnoffs in the Opposite Sex

nasty feet
bad hygiene
flat butts
weevy wonders
nappy headed no sides looking JOs
too much make up
dont know how to damn cook
dont keep themselves up
and extra loud +%# broads

edit: I forgot smokers
- Stupid, ignorant
- Immature
- Always try to make you open your mind, but never listen to your view on things
- Naive, or try to be, actin like you ain't know what sex is.

- Spoiled
- Flat @%%, unless they got other things to make up for it

- Pretty girls that do not how to dress
- Girls that think their fat, but no where near it
- Bad breath
- Boring
- No sense of humour
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Oh yeah.....

- Girls who smoke cigarettes. I can try and look past this though.
- Girls with 5'o Clock shadows
- Girls who don't keep their (()) clean at all times around me. I really never wanna smell some foul stench from between ya legs. I don't like being in areas that smell like fish. I HATE FISH!

- Girls with AIDS/HIV. Girls with STDs, especially herpes. Tryin to play it off like "Oh just wear a condom, you now you want this"
Specifically %!%%$$+ who get a dude hard and then want to reveal that in a shy manner
This man is burning NT. Don't act like you didnt hit.

Nah man I went to one of those Sex education programs back when I was goign to Bridgeport University and the dude kept it 100 he was showing pictures, telling us how we could detect signs, the rate at which incoming freshman end up a statistic and it didn't just scare me straight I was like asexual for a month. I met those two chicks after and it was an automatic wrap.
Hold up...YOU went to UB... definitely burning son...


-bad breath
-crooked teeth
-yellow teeth
-body odor
-hairy arms and legs
-too much make up
-no sense of humor
-smoke weed or does any other drug
-no sense of style
-a girl who doesnt now where shes going like what she wants to be in the future or doesnt have goals
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Oh yeah.....

- Girls who smoke cigarettes. I can try and look past this though.
- Girls with 5'o Clock shadows
- Girls who don't keep their (()) clean at all times around me. I really never wanna smell some foul stench from between ya legs. I don't like being in areas that smell like fish. I HATE FISH!

- Girls with AIDS/HIV. Girls with STDs, especially herpes. Tryin to play it off like "Oh just wear a condom, you now you want this"
Specifically %!%%$$+ who get a dude hard and then want to reveal that in a shy manner
This man is burning NT. Don't act like you didnt hit.

Nah man I went to one of those Sex education programs back when I was going to Bridgeport University and the dude kept it 100 he was showing pictures, telling us how we could detect signs, the rate at which incoming freshman end up a statistic and it didn't just scare me straight I was like asexual for a month. I met those two chicks after and it was an automatic wrap.
Hold up...YOU went to UB... definitely burning son...


You know how it is then and nah I'm not. Once you hear70% and up of the chicks there got a STD, it's time to jump ship.
hairy eyebrows
stupid girls
short fat girls
girls who think they are mature
spoiled girls
girls who think they are hot but they are not
girls who try too hard to get my attention

create a thread what turns you on
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Oh yeah.....

- Girls who smoke cigarettes. I can try and look past this though.
- Girls with 5'o Clock shadows
- Girls who don't keep their (()) clean at all times around me. I really never wanna smell some foul stench from between ya legs. I don't like being in areas that smell like fish. I HATE FISH!

- Girls with AIDS/HIV. Girls with STDs, especially herpes. Tryin to play it off like "Oh just wear a condom, you now you want this"
Specifically %!%%$$+ who get a dude hard and then want to reveal that in a shy manner
This man is burning NT. Don't act like you didnt hit.

Nah man I went to one of those Sex education programs back when I was goign to Bridgeport University and the dude kept it 100 he was showing pictures, telling us how we could detect signs, the rate at which incoming freshman end up a statistic and it didn't just scare me straight I was like asexual for a month. I met those two chicks after and it was an automatic wrap.
Hold up...YOU went to UB... definitely burning son...


along with like 95% of the stuff in this thread.
Girls who curse/bad vocabulary is a huge turn off.
Guys who are:
-car less
-education less
-does way too much
-too skinny
-pale skin color (idk why, haha)
-small feet
-hella baggy jeans that are not ironed
-tries too hard to be hard
-shorter than me
-ugly fingers
- & more.
Originally Posted by the north west

girls who are stuck up
cosign and 90% of the time they're not even all that. they are just gassed up from dudes beasting
Bad hygiene
Shorter than me (5'5)
all day, everyday weed smokers
doesnt watch the news or into current politcs
alotta good ones in here already...
but personally, its a turn ON when a girl smokes, dank or cigs , idk why
turn offs- body hair, too much make up, annoying !#**++% that laugh at EVERYTHING
in no particular order ...

chicks w/ long curly breast hair ...
... like when u look in the mirror can't u c u have a strand or 2 and its long and maybe u could remove it

bad breath


wear too much make up

girls that can't control they liquor

girls that don't respect themselves

smelly box ... u gotta pass the finger test
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