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  1. rizobs

    NT's official photography contest/assignment #2 (updated 08.08.09)

    sucks this is happening again... but i will give the guy credit for the critiques he did on the first assignment. he gave individual opinions and was just really late.
  2. rizobs

    TEAM G.I. Joe/Cobra Vol. Real Men Stand Up!! (pause)

    i cant get with the new figures either. i only buy select ones. let me know if you guys have some picture requests, i'll see if i have that figure
  3. rizobs

    TEAM G.I. Joe/Cobra Vol. Real Men Stand Up!! (pause)

    ^ thanks man, let me know if you got anything. i liked it because it reminds of the combat hero toys. i also got some of my personal pics from my collection...
  4. rizobs

    TEAM G.I. Joe/Cobra Vol. Real Men Stand Up!! (pause)

    nice to see some fellow gi joe fanatics. check out my avy
  5. rizobs

    Teacher adding you on facebook?

    yeah, check his friend list. i have a former teacher who has a facebook dedicated to just that. he has a bunch of old students and current students. if she's the only one, i would report it to the school
  6. rizobs

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    ^ yeah, its the 35 DX. i would recommend it to anyone with a d40/60. if you notice some ghosting or lens flare that is just because of the cheap uv filter ihave on there.
  7. rizobs

    Computer Help!! I think it may be a virus.

    i used malware bytes. also, make sure you get MS updates. otherwise, that virus is going to keep attacking that same hole that hasnt been updated.
  8. rizobs

    Photography contest/assignment #1 (UPDATED 05.22.09: VOTING BEGINS PG. 11 - please VOTE!)

    1. it has great composition and nailed the project of "shapes and patterns" i would've went with 4, but i cant really say that there is a pattern. it was just cool looking capture
  9. rizobs

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    these two are examples with the my sb400 flash. the pics in natural light are not that great at all, i will probably never use this fisheye unlessi have a speed bounce. the one i bought was $35 and i attach to the 18-55mm and it gives the most distortion at around 27-33mm then two examples...
  10. rizobs

    Photography contest/assignment #1 (UPDATED 05.22.09: VOTING BEGINS PG. 11 - please VOTE!)

    i guess good things come to those who wait. that was some great effort put in during the late hours. now i can understand the 2 week delay. he just made up forit in one night. now i know what this thread is going to be ran like, i am itching for the next assignment
  11. rizobs

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    i think i bought my D60 from the same seller you are looking at. i think i would go with the $409 option. although, i did end up buying that mock"fisheye" lens. the photos come out well if you use it with an optional flash. also, a subscription to pc photo is nice, but its not that expensiveto...
  12. rizobs

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    post a couple of shots. im sure a few of us can help out with some tips. God knows people have helped me out a ton on this thread.
  13. rizobs

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    thanks, this is in LA. its a historic square built around the oldest adobe house in LA. bana, thanks. i was admiring your work with the strobes. there's a couple of sunset shots where you did a great job on softening your model's skin.
  14. rizobs

    Photography contest/assignment #1 (UPDATED 05.22.09: VOTING BEGINS PG. 11 - please VOTE!)

    im going to repost this because it was at the bottom of the last page... i am not going to take over the admin of this thread, but i do have an idea for the next project let's do some play with lighting, but you can not use the standard light sources of sunlight or flashes/strobes. let's try...
  15. rizobs

    Dude breaks my Blackberry and refuses to pay me....

    if he were a man, he would let you kick him in the nuts one good time. like steve-o let johnny knoxville
  16. rizobs

    Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

    ^ i order them off of flickr. they will mail it to you or you can pick them up from a local Target. i was pretty happy with the results because they usuallyuse kodak printing processes. its also fairly cheap and convenient. other than that, you can go to photo lab like samy's camera, but that...
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