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  1. alaradios

    NT it's a race war In my class

    Lol @ the Israeli supporter talking about race wars. Israel is the most racist country on the planet. The ultimate irony.
  2. alaradios

    The KKK Takes a Big L vol. HOORAY!

    Why is anybody caught up on these hick losers? This is like somebody still being mad at the Viet Cong. Who cares? they're washed up and have no relevance.
  3. alaradios

    Who has next to no social life and theyre fine with it...??? Friends FTL... Long vent...

    People don't want to hang out with you because you're an alcoholic druggie with delusions.
  4. alaradios

    Trick or Treater shot and killed

    This dude should be made to suffer hard for this BS.
  5. alaradios

    So, NT im facing 3-5 years

    Bet you've made your parents proud.
  6. alaradios

    Blood initiation, tomorrow or something..

    Lol @ these terrorists. Here's to hoping these losers all end up in jail or dead. Absolutely no reason to be driving around kidnapping women.
  7. alaradios

    Fraternity Social Expenses

    Thanks. Only 4% allocated towards social events? I know one of the middle-tier frats on campus has a $16K social budget/semester with like 100 members. Idon't know what their total budget is. With a budget of $5000 you guys are only spending $200 a year on social events? Am I missing something...
  8. alaradios

    Fraternity Social Expenses

    You don't take full advantage of the parties unless you're actually a brother in the house.
  9. alaradios

    Moving to Los Angeles next week!

    Any of you east coasters care to tell me why, exactly, is NYC > LA? Or, more specifically, why is Manhattan > West LA?
  10. alaradios

    Fraternity Social Expenses

    Cheaper than the dorms here, believe it or not. Help me out here though.
  11. alaradios

    Fraternity Social Expenses

    How often do you guys throw parties? How big are they? Yeah, there's gonna be anti-frat people everywhere you go, but I understand that frats can be pretty lame on certain campuses so everybody's got adifferent connotation of them.
  12. alaradios

    Fraternity Social Expenses

    If you're living in, you pay about 8500 over two semesters. It's supposedly a little more expensive than normal because of the threemillion in renovations they've done since 2003, plus the house is in the best location on campus/pretty dope interior. Mind answering my questions? Don't mean to...
  13. alaradios

    Fraternity Social Expenses

    Here we go again. You can separate the losers from the people who really want to do it. What percentage of your budget are you guys spending on social events? How much are you guys getting per semester?
  14. alaradios

    Fraternity Social Expenses

    People on other boards get mad about people bumping old threads so I figured I'd just repackage the other. "calling it a frat." Don't tell me you're one of those dudes. Lighten up.
  15. alaradios

    Fraternity Social Expenses

    So I've been put in charge of maintaining my frat's finances and I was looking over the budget and wondered how it compared to other frats on campus. Igo to a fairly large state school and we're a very new chapter so we currently have only fifty guys in our chapter. Our yearly budget is $140,000...
  16. alaradios

    Black McCain Supporter "James Tom Harris" Runs Out Of CNN Interview!

    I'm voting for Obama, but JTH had a legitimate case. Shelley was trying to act like he wasn't calling him out because of his political views. When itcame down to it, he was calling him out for not voting for Barack Obama.
  17. alaradios

    Who else is watching The Real World.

    Logically, yeah. It shouldn't have happened. However, Will got mad because Greg retaliated (he did retaliate) against Sarah. Will is trying to winover Sarah (not going to happen), so he's going against Greg simply to win her approval. Dave acknowledges he shouldn't have gotten invovled in their...
  18. alaradios

    Who else is watching The Real World.

    Dave admits he's wrong after the fight.
  19. alaradios

    Who else is watching The Real World.

    Observations: -Will is a woman who sold out his boy for a girl (Sarah) that's not even into him. -Greg is an idiot for not being able to see that his girl is cheating. -Dave is rational. -Kim and Sarah are total tards. -Joey needs to drop the Macho Man thing because it's getting old.
  20. alaradios

    Looking to get a Manhattan apartment

    Hey guys. I'm considering a move out to NYC and I was curious about the costs of an apartment out there. I know it's high, but I want a specificperspective. I'm looking to get a two bedroom non-ghetto apt. with just the bare essentials. How much should I expect to be paying? Thanks
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