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  1. leebuttahz2

    Tracking Bieber's side pieces *update* Page 7

    No where in my post did I say I would let her wrap me around her finger. However, there's nothing wrong with being submissive to your woman. Moreover, being submissive to your woman doesn't necessarily mean its going to translate in to her taking you for granted. Can you please tell me what...
  2. leebuttahz2

    Tracking Bieber's side pieces *update* Page 7

    THEY'RE ALL 10s. A dime is a dime, and there are dimes that look better than dimes, but it doesn't take away the fact that she's a dime. At the end of the day, everyone has their own rating system. There's a lot of sour grapes and emotions being handled like girls in this thread. If this...
  3. leebuttahz2

    Scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

    I have a drug story: My friend started making weed brownies, mind you I don't smoke weed, but I love sweets. So I was very curious to see how they taste. Lately I've seen weed brownies that are the size of doughnut holes, my friend's brownies were the huge homemade style brownies. I ate one...
  4. leebuttahz2

    Jordan is a GREEDY man

    ^i don't see how your story has any relevance to him suing a company for using his name to sell steaks.
  5. leebuttahz2

    Crazy stories from your job.

    The stories would be a lot funnier if y'all didn't try so hard with the simalies.
  6. leebuttahz2

    Jordan is a GREEDY man

    At the end of the day, they are using his name to bring attention to a promotion. It wasn't like hey Michael, congrats! No it was hey Michael congrats and here is a promo we're running while we got your attention. Let's not forget Michael has a steakhouse and they are running a promo for...
  7. leebuttahz2

    Scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

    I've had many bouts with Sleep Paralysis but here is one where I had a triple header: While experiencing SP I felt my body levitate, spun around in a full circle and land softly on my bed. I woke up scared as hell, then I fell back asleep. Again my body undergos SP, I'm sleeping on my side...
  8. leebuttahz2

    Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Thread Vol. Trailer Leaked

    I wish they would make an Assasin's Creed that's set during slavery.  I would love to have a black protagonist.
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