Scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

Always was a victim of sleep paralysis.

I bought a Bulldog 3 months ago, trained her to pee outside and to sleep on my bed with me. It never happened since.
When this happened 5 years ago it meant ending a 25 year career, leaving the place I thought I was going to stay forever. I worked as a manager for a bank notorious for housing the Mafia's funds. It was a day much like today, warm and sunny. I just had my daily coffee and for some reason, I was pretending playing the piano as I type on the keyboard.., then I heard shots fired. There were three masked men. One of them kept on screaming: "Hands up, heads down". As the crooks were busy scaring people, I clicked on the panic button meant to warn the mob instead of calling 911. 

I didn't cry, I panicked just a little bit. I was actually more scared of what the mobsters would do to me once they found out their money got stolen than these ***-clowns. Because of that, I didn't react in the way that the majority would have done in the same situation. I said to myself. **** this. I was gonna die anyway, so might as well take these fools down with me. So I took off my glasses, grabbed my shotgun and shot one of them at the back. Bingo. The thug was down in an instant. Cocked my gun like Sylvester Stallone and walked towards the other clown like a boss. I began firing at him while screaming: "Do you have any idea who you're stealing form?" "You and your friends are dead!"

This genius figured I was out so he shot me. I was down. This dude stared at me for awhile as his partner carried away the cash. The two thugs had an argument and threatened to shoot the guy who shot me. Then all of a sudden a ******g school bus rammed his ***! It didn't even hit him but for some reason, the dude was knocked out cold. Divine intervention? Maybe.

After loading all the cash on the bus, the psycho who shot me killed the driver without even looking at him. Crazy.

I didn't want to die like a ***** so I mocked the clown as I was on my final breath. I lectured him on criminals having honor and respect. Asked him what he believed in! Then this psycho placed a grenade on my mouth and told me that whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you.....

*He then removes his mask and low and behold, he was wearing makeup.*

".... Stranger." The pin was stringed to his pants, the pin got pulled as he was driving off. I pissed on my pants then I prayed to the one God: "Not today... Not today... Not today..."

I feltso desperate at the moment that it felt like my whole life has been destroyed.I thought of my wife. My children. My Jordan 3 Crimson.

...Smoke came out of the grenade.

I was suddenly very aware of the fact that I got trolled and it was only a smoke grenade. 

Then I was both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be... Then I fainted.

I have never been the same again. 

Went to police school then became a police officer after that incident.

I promised to uphold justice so that no one would ever have to suffer the same fate as I did.

Got stuck underground for a few months, but that story's for another day.
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took acid a bunch of times when i was young and dumb and never had visuals or hallucinated or lost control of myself. i always had great time on lsd. I never understood how people could lose it (lose control of them selves), i thought those people were weak. fast forward to copping some "gel tabs" and popping one for the first time (always took paper hits b4). my boy who was a big LSD head talked me into taking two (i never took more than one ever) and tried to get me to take third, but i refused. it was late in the evening, maybe after 9pm and it was snowing crazy ,we probably got 6-8 inches that night. we really had no plan and could not stay at his crib with his parents upstairs, nor wanted to. he comes up with the idea to walk a couple miles in the snow to his buddy's house to smoke some ganja.

we get there and his dudes are chill, high as hell and we begin to smoke. I'm feeling wonderful at the time. the channel got flipped to "coming to America" and i swear i never laughed harder in my life. my buddy's friend were big in to graffiti and had these books of stuff that they did. that's when it happened. i started getting crazy visuals, every photo i was looking at was melting. i mean literally melting like someone had a lighter to the photo. i was in unchartered waters at this point. i put the photo album away and kept my mouth shut about what i was seeing. i looked up and these guys were just watching the Simpsons. and that's when it really happened.

i can't explain it, but i became so involved in what was happening to homer that i lost it. i remember he was just getting treated the whole episode and at one point he was getting beaten really badly. something snapped in my brain and i was convinced that my buddy's two friends were going to try and kill me. i got up to go to the kitchen to get a knife.

everyone came down which made me think they were going to make their move. one of the guys goes out the back door to smoke so immediately get the idea to lock the door on him so he could not get in. now i could just deal with the other guy. i grabbed a kitchen knife and put in in my pocket. no body seen me, but my boy knew something was wrong with me. i told him i had to get the heck out of there because we were in danger.

i leave out the front door, its snowing like crazy and my boy is trying to figure out whats happening. that's when the visuals got taken to another level. everything i'm going to tell you after this will be a complete hallucination and did not really happen, except for how i i wound up in a church, more on that in a little.

walking away from the crib with my boy asking me whats going on with a look of deep concern, i start seeing cars pulling up like how the cops pull up on a crime seen. people start getting out that i recognize and just stand by their doors Jarred open and say nothing, but stare at me walking away. these were mainly co workers. i keep trucking. now i start getting in to it with my boy. i tell him that his friends were going to kill us and hes telling me that's not possible and i was just trippin'. i was trippin hard at this point because i startled yelling at him "NAW YOU?" "NAW YOU?". He still tried to calm me down and i just kept repeating that phrase to him NAW YOU NAW YOU. then he finally could not take anymore of me and told me NAW YOU? i told him to get the **** away from me or i was going to hurt him. he ditched me and i was alone.

i was on a side street in the middle of the night and was chilling next to a USPS mail box. i kept seeing cars pull up with people i knew. personal friends and people i worked with. they would not look at me, just drive by or turn on the corner i was standing by. i was scared and did not want this feeling to happen anymore and though if i just walk in front of one of the cars that was going by that everything i was feeling would just stop. i tried to work up enough courage to walk in to the street to get hit, but something told me don't do it. the though i could die if i got hit by a car never entered my mind. i just knew my "trip" would end. i started walking and i seen a church.

i walk up to the church and open the door and its open. i grab a seat in a pew. i though i was dead. i though i was waiting to go to heaven. and i kid you not about 15 minutes of me sitting in this church a dude walks in. now this dude did not look like Jesus with the beard, but he was a younger dude and looked like a carpenter. i was still trippin and was sure i was dead at this point. dude sits next to me and asks how I'm doing. i told him i didn't know. i kid you not dude bust out with the bible and just starts reading. i was thinking that i was dead and going to heaven. about 10-15 minuted of him reading i start coming down big time. i realize i wasn't dead and i needed to get the **** out of there and go home. I'm trying to scoot and he says he runs across people who are troubled, so he leaves the church open. he got an alert or something that i was in there. he tells me i can go meet some church people yada yada yada they get together every Sunday. at this point i just tell him thanks and get up and leave, i walked home about 5 miles.

the next day my friend tells me i was threatening him and he got sick of trying to babysit me and ditched me. he swore to god that he started feeling bad he left me, so he went looking for me. he said he heard me laughing so he looking in the ally and said i was in a ally talking to a garbage can laughing my *** off having a conversation with the garbage can. this i believe. i never did LSD again after that. i could have committed a crime or have accidentally killed my self. imagine how many times people do this on an every day basis and wind up dead or in jail. it humbled me. i though i was to good to have a bad trip and i was humbled.

never will try anything other than tree
I've had many bouts with Sleep Paralysis but here is one where I had a triple header:

While experiencing SP I felt my body levitate, spun around in a full circle and land softly on my bed. I woke up scared as hell, then I fell back asleep. Again my body undergos SP, I'm sleeping on my side and I feel this presence behind me. This strong force of enegery. AGAIN, I woke up scared as hell! Fell back asleep. This time I feel my body levitate, curl into a ball and thrown like a bowling ball. The crazy thing is it kept repeating itself like a broken cassette tape.

Getting seperated from my mom in a department store or a shopping mall was always scary.

Like most people in this world, my dreams don't make sense. They never connect properly. So one time I had this dream where I defeated this monster that ressembled Slimmer from Ghostbusters. As it was dying, it yelled at me "I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!" As it said "YOU!!!" I was immediately awoken by this LOUD A** THUNDER STRIKE! I didn not try to fall back asleep, waaaaay too shook. The crazy thing is two days ago I was watching "John Dies at the End" and the part that struck me was the scene with the "Jamacian." Where he describes the protagonist's dream and ask him did he ever stop to think how his mind was able to time the thunder clap with the moment his ex girlfriend presses the detonator. Mind you I had this dream late last year.

My cousin and I attended the same elementary school and he would take me home after school. So one day I was waiting for him outside and he doesn't show up. So I make my way back in the building, because I'm thinking maybe his class didn't let out yet and I'll wait for him in the hall. I get to his classroom, no ones there, something didn't feel right either. So here I am wandering the deserted halls of this school by myself, looking for my cousin. I head back outside and one of the teachers yell at me. Turns out, some guy with a knife snuck in to the school and sliced up the woman at the front desk. The principal locked my cousin and some off his friends in the office to protect them from the guy. I found out as he turned the corner oon one side of the hallway. I was coming around the opposite side to leave the building.
May not be none of my business but do you mind if I ask why your friend wanted to kill you?

Well, some guys I was cool with from my neighborhood beat/robbed him and his younger brother at gunpoint... Word got back to him that I knew It was going down and that I knew something about it and didn't warn him..
Basically people spreading rumors because I was cool with the dudes that robbed him..

He ended up seeing me at a Exlines Pizza in my neighborhood and he started shooting at me and my younger cousin when we were standing by my car.. He was at most 10ft away from my cousin and I but he didn't hit anything.. I remembered darting out in the street into on coming traffic not even thinking about getting hit by a car, my shoes weren't tied up either.. I still don't know how they didn't come off my feet.. In the following months I began strapping up just in case but I never saw him again after that, I was relieved because Im not about that type of life.. When I saw on the news he killed a dude in the neighborhood I just shook my head..
damn i was kinda thinking of trying acid until Python's story |I

not gonna lie thats hella scary

i might just stick to trying shrooms and thats it :\
Scariest thing that's ever happened to me was when I found my mom flatlined, not breathing in her bed.

I was in the living room with my two sisters when I was gonna say goodnight to my mother. I went in her room to just check on her and she was sleeping so hard she didnt hear me saying goodnight. I started tapping her when I noticed she was completely non responsive. Turned the lights on and saw her skin had a blueish kind of tint and the texture of her skin seemed clammy. Once I pinched her and noticed that was not working... My heart dropped. I'm CPR trained at the time too, but I just froze up and didnt remember anything. All I knew was that 911 had to be dialed ASAP and for all I know I had already wasted too much time.

I was pretty calm but the thoughts and **** that was going through my head was just all too real for the moment. Emergency services got to the house and revived my mom right in her bed. Was the realest **** I had ever dealt with. My mother has a history of drug problems but she had been clean for years. But she also she also get very sick (liver cirrhosis) after she had been clean for a while. So I know she was dibblling with some prescribed meds. So apparently my mother had mixed a certain painkiller with an ambien and it did not end well for her. To revive her, they gave her a shot of something to counteract whatever was in her system. She gained consciousness but when she looked at me, I felt like she looked right through me. Barely could recognize me as I rode with her in the ambulance to the ER. I felt like I had relapsed WITH my mother on that day.
I was 13 and vacationing in Israel at the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is the saltiest body of water on the planet so your body floats on it. Keep in mind i cant swim here because you'll just be stuck in one place moving a foot at most. . So my dumb *** floats all the way to the middle of the ****** sea. I'm like ATLEAST 300-400 yards from shore now. I cant swim back cuz i just keep floating away. I just start screaming as loud as a could and they had to get this mini helicopter thing to pick me up. I thought for sure no one will hear from me again.

I wanna laugh but don't want to laugh cause I almost drowned at 5 learning to swim, but I guess it's true about the Dead Sea and floating so that myth is busted
I was 13 and vacationing in Israel at the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is the saltiest body of water on the planet so your body floats on it. Keep in mind i cant swim here because you'll just be stuck in one place moving a foot at most. . So my dumb *** floats all the way to the middle of the ****** sea. I'm like ATLEAST 300-400 yards from shore now. I cant swim back cuz i just keep floating away. I just start screaming as loud as a could and they had to get this mini helicopter thing to pick me up. I thought for sure no one will hear from me again.

damn i was kinda thinking of trying acid until Python's story |I

not gonna lie thats hella scary

i might just stick to trying shrooms and thats it :\

i was doing shrooms too. much better high and not chemically altered like lsd. my advise if you never tried any psychedelics is just to take a couple small caps or stems. don't go over an 1/8. some people eat a whole 1/4ounce and always tell me they were in another universe. mushrooms can be very strong.
damn i was kinda thinking of trying acid until Python's story |I

not gonna lie thats hella scary

i might just stick to trying shrooms and thats it :\

i was doing shrooms too. much better high and not chemically altered like lsd. my advise if you never tried any psychedelics is just to take a couple small caps or stems. don't go over an 1/8. some people eat a whole 1/4ounce and always tell me they were in another universe. mushrooms can be very strong.


And the fungus knows when you don't trust it. Never forget that part.
i was doing shrooms too. much better high and not chemically altered like lsd. my advise if you never tried any psychedelics is just to take a couple small caps or stems. don't go over an 1/8. some people eat a whole 1/4ounce and always tell me they were in another universe. mushrooms can be very strong.[/quote

My Boy did a 1/4 for his first time did not end good
Back in the roots (kingdom of tonga)

99 was the year. Was drinking homebrew and rum with a couple villagers, the neighborhood rat and her homegirl. Hood rat chick took her bathroom breaks across field where supposedly old burial place was. Tried to get dome but homegirl was stumbling, off and sloppy. Later we all TKO at village owned bar like some damn homeless lol

Fast forward to next morning and hood rat chick is screaming her head off. She yells out in our native language that she can't see. I look and her eyes are crossed and bleeding.......,:-/. My uncle (bar manager) yells at hood rat chick to flee from our land due to bad karma to our business lol

I Guess the location of her piss breaks was a bad idea :-/.

Heard that her eldest auntie had to do some ceremonial ritual and pour holy aqua to keep her alive..some TRIPPY ish....
i was doing shrooms too. much better high and not chemically altered like lsd. my advise if you never tried any psychedelics is just to take a couple small caps or stems. don't go over an 1/8. some people eat a whole 1/4ounce and always tell me they were in another universe. mushrooms can be very strong.


And the fungus knows when you don't trust it. Never forget that part.

thanks for the advise guys, yea i know, thats why i always been iffy on acid, i know its chemicals and all that, im a daily toker, but never tried the psychedelics so i def do want some visuals but nothing too cray! :lol: so when i get my hands on some probably ill probably just do a couple of them first
Thought I got a girl pregnant.
Got into a car accident and I didn't even have my license yet. It was my dad's car too :smh:
Thats all I can think of now.
When i was 17, Hit this chick at a hotel that reminds me of a ratchet Ms. piggy and was one of my best friends, girlfriends best friend. Ended up pregnant she never once said it was mine or could be mine or she thinks it mine. Has the baby and he ends up sick at birth, has some disease not sure what it is but I think he's doing ok now. Friends tell me they all think its my kid because he has the same nose as me but he's light skinned with green eyes (I'm black as hell with dark brown eyes) so I'm like naw. I ask her could it be mine and she's like naw..... Few months later I get a letter from The Department of Welfare with her picture,my picture and the babies asking me to take a DNA test :smh:. Tried to send me straight to child support when she could of just asked me to take a DNA test :smh:. Think she just wanted to get in My families pockets............ Turns out not to be mine :smokin
Been at a couple house parties that got shot up.

Similar to python, had an out of body experience and thought I died while on fungus (still LOVE fungus).

Ex girlfriend of many many years who is still a best friend was hit basically head on by a semi on the freeway. She'll be wifey as soon as I'm ready to pull the trigger so the thought of losing her scared the hell out of me.

Have lived a pretty chill life. Still have both parents, sister, closest friends, and all my cousins, uncles and aunts.
Back in high school, in Gym class. I went blind for roughly 15 minutes.

I was fully conscious, just completely lost my sight. Nothing happened to me, it was like a switch flipped and darkness took over. I felt my way along the wall to the benches, and just sat there completely freaking out to myself. I did not know what to do. Didn't know if I should try to ask someone for help, if my eyesight would come back or not. I just sat there going crazy, scared as hell. I didnt' even know where to begin to turn. After about 15 minutes my sight came back... it never happened to me again.
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- Sleep paralysis for the first time.  I was waking up and my body felt heavy, so I tried to move, but I couldn't then I started to panic.  Next thing I know, I see a ghost walking in front of my bed toward me and now I'm struggling to move, but still can't.  Then the ghost is like in my face talking, I swear it looked like Stone Cold Steve Austin
, and I felt like it was trying to get into my body, so I started yelling for my roommate to wake up, but he didn't.  So I'm just laying in my bed, ghost is trying to rape me, and I'm yelling.  I ended up rolling onto my side and realized I could move again and it was over.  It probably was about a minute or less in real time.  Didn't mention it to my roommate because I didn't want to look like a *****
LMFAO, dont nobody want you man

naw but srs, ive been having some f'd up sleep paralysis episodes, **** came out of no where two months ago and i have them like every other week, like just when i forget about them, the reappear

so anyways im dreaming and i go from chillin with hella bad ******* in a hot tub to laying in bed i didnt notice at first, but i started to pay attention and realize im in my room, no lie, the grudge girl walks up to me, but shes grown and at least 5'7, i tried to move but couldnt for some reason and she grabs my wrist tight as hell, so i try to scream and cant even open my mouth

so im muffle screaming and trying to move but im perfectly still and my girl finally wakes me up, like "Baby, what's wrong? You were screaming with your mouth closed and not moving"

bottom line, why does sleep paralysis always follow up a nightmare? like seriously, i could tell the other stories and they all transition from me being abducted but cant move to me being awake and cant move
Yo son, that sleep paralysis is legit scary ****.

Im an atheist and was almost 100% convinced the one time I had sleep paralysis someone was standing over me. I couldn't see anything, no weird distortions, no silhouettes, but I could just feel someone was literally standing over me looking down on me.
i thought yall dudes was bullin until it happened to me, idk how the hell i feel like someone is watching me, but i feel it

and i feel a force pushing down on me, 
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