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  1. greatlife

    Help me find a car vol. 7,000 in cash

    Your best choice is a Honda civic good MPG and insurance is live in NYC most of the places you go the subway would be more logic to take why think it's so many folks on them now? Saves money from repairs from all that f*** driving ppl do...!  Might want a car cause it's the thing to do...
  2. greatlife

    Black "Stealth" Foamposite ones!!! December 14th, 2012 - A FRIDAY!!!!

    They look iight i just think they too plain for the kind of shoe it is because it's always been candy paint style colors so ehhh but I'll rock em thoe
  3. greatlife

    Majors that will actually get me a decent paying job after college?

    Computer Science, Most Nursing, But you cant go wrong with IT!!!
  4. greatlife

    Making Easy Money on the Internet vol. Amazon mTurk

    I just signed on like 2 days ago and i got approved, so now how do I pick and complete items? How do i get qualified? it's kinda complicating from what I see are there any tricks to this?
  5. greatlife

    Nike Talk App

    yea you right but going thru the web at times is whack....having a app is more poww lol!
  6. greatlife

    Couple Questions about CDL

    Actually no not yet. I'm in MD  but where on the net can I find a study guide etc because buying them books etc are just too much!!
  7. greatlife

    Nike Talk App

    I just rather have a app than use the regular way when im on the go!!!
  8. greatlife

    Nike Talk App

    yea i knw i can do that i got a iphone brah but im talking about a app
  9. greatlife

    Nike Talk App

    When are we gonna get a App for this site? I'm not ever home but i can't seem to not be on here no matter where I am, but it's more difficult to enjoy the site. I'm just wondering thoe because i think that ish wold be dope!!!
  10. greatlife

    Couple Questions about CDL

    I'm in the process of getting my cdl but I do not have study guides or question and answer sheets to study where can I find these things? Help me out NikeTalk im trying to make a move because it's never enough hustles right?
  11. greatlife

    ************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

    yea i think it's true my folks got off cheaper than ever!!!!
  12. greatlife

    ************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

    I'm in the DMV and it didn't do much damage for the most part I can say power went out more than anything!!! 
  13. greatlife

    Ice Cube - "Everythang's Corrupt"

    Very good lyrics! Reality! 
  14. greatlife

    Official FIFA Soccer 13 Thread: Out Now!

  15. greatlife

    What's a GOOD work shoe?

    HIt Sears you'll get some nice shoes to work in!!!
  16. greatlife

    Fellas BEWARE?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Nooooooooooooooooooooo wtf ws she thinking damnnnnnn she KURKED!
  17. greatlife

    What is Jay-Z's ceiling as far as success is concerned?

    Who you know matters in any major position a referral goes a long way!!!
  18. greatlife

    A degree in Computer Science or CIS(Computer Information Systems)?

    yup yup self study does justice brah if the bucks are tight self study is the way!!
  19. greatlife


    Good move
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