What is Jay-Z's ceiling as far as success is concerned?

fair enough, guess I was really ignorant about the Sean John thing never was a fan of the brand. I apologize. I don't think that makes my entire statement worthless though it was about more than Sean John not sure why everyone's getting hung up on that part alone.

if you want your point to be taken seriously, you cant just go make generalizations and not have anything to back them up. Diddy has tons of commercials promoting his stuff at Macys. When was the last time you saw a rocawear ad?
the most powerful men on the planet are the people who "contribute" to politicians running for office...
As it stands currently Jay Z has NO ceiling.  If he wanted to get into politics I'm sure he could and would be successful in it. 
Plus I just saw Obama will be campaigning alongside of... Jay-Z on the final day of the presidential race...
Just goes to show that Jay is EVERYWHERE, while the rest of these dudes ain't never there.
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I dont have facts for this because it was really based off of what I remember. Sean John came and went really fast whereas rocawear hung around for way longer. The rest of the stuff I've said can easily be backed up by facts and I did that somewhat by referencing the book that Forbes published but didn't go into detail because it didn't seem necessary.
What the hell are you talking about? Sean John has it's own big section in multiple department stores, and both are still around, you're saying Sean John came and went and Rocawear hung around longer, BOTH are still available, you're talking as if they are not in stores anymore. How the hell did Sean John come and go really fast? What the hell? lmao..You are delusional and based off of you NOT having facts, you need to fall back with making claims based off of "what you remember".  Like I said, don't pull stuff our your behind just to prove a point, because you'll get played in the end.
fair enough, guess I was really ignorant about the Sean John thing never was a fan of the brand. I apologize. I don't think that makes my entire statement worthless though it was about more than Sean John not sure why everyone's getting hung up on that part alone.
Because you started of you post with something that was not true.

Not saying you lied, but that you genuinely believed things to be one way when they were the other way.  It just doesn't bode well for your objectivity.
fair enough, guess I was really ignorant about the Sean John thing never was a fan of the brand. I apologize. I don't think that makes my entire statement worthless though it was about more than Sean John not sure why everyone's getting hung up on that part alone.

if you want your point to be taken seriously, you cant just go make generalizations and not have anything to back them up. Diddy has tons of commercials promoting his stuff at Macys. When was the last time you saw a rocawear ad?
true but I came out and admitted i was wrong isn't that enough? This conversation can and should be bigger than rocawear vs Sean John.

I dont have facts for this because it was really based off of what I remember. Sean John came and went really fast whereas rocawear hung around for way longer. The rest of the stuff I've said can easily be backed up by facts and I did that somewhat by referencing the book that Forbes published but didn't go into detail because it didn't seem necessary.
What the hell are you talking about? Sean John has it's own big section in multiple department stores, and both are still around, you're saying Sean John came and went and Rocawear hung around longer, BOTH are still available, you're talking as if they are not in stores anymore. How the hell did Sean John come and go really fast? What the hell? lmao..You are delusional and based off of you NOT having facts, you need to fall back with making claims based off of "what you remember".  Like I said, don't pull stuff our your behind just to prove a point, because you'll get played in the end.
fair enough, guess I was really ignorant about the Sean John thing never was a fan of the brand. I apologize. I don't think that makes my entire statement worthless though it was about more than Sean John not sure why everyone's getting hung up on that part alone.
Because you started of you post with something that was not true.

Not saying you lied, but that you genuinely believed things to be one way when they were the other way.  It just doesn't bode well for your objectivity.
fair enough, guess I was really ignorant about the Sean John thing never was a fan of the brand. I apologize. I don't think that makes my entire statement worthless though it was about more than Sean John not sure why everyone's getting hung up on that part alone.
Definitely not saying your statement is worthless, but those claims didn't help. Much respect for this response though.
I haven't read through the thread yet, but there is a post int he Music section that red mlps and Master Zik shut down when they Jay fans came to try and speak up on Jay and Beyonce's behalf.

Although there was good arguments on both ends red mlps came with... well I would say the most common sense.
smh@ ppl saying jay-z isnt successful wtf. 

with that said i think pdiddy ceiling is higher. he's more personable/seems more comfortable in front of the camera. jayz always appears low key, he's a good performer etc but when he's not on stage its like he'd rather do behind the scene sht. diddy is an attention*****, does all kinds of tv appearances, acting, charity stuff (like when he ran that marathon and cut up his feet) reality shows, talent shows, he's done movies, been on broadway, tv shows, etc. i think ppl in general would have a more positive opinion of greasyass diddy than jay-z. 
I agree with this. I'd actually say Diddy's "ceiling" is higher as well.  Both are doing their thing though obviously. 
:lol: @ dude not knowing a damn thing about Sean Jean and/or having a poor memory of it's success yet still making bold *** statements about it until enough ppl had to tell him he was wrong just cuz he wanted to make an irrelevant point about Rocawear.
The hip hop community lives in a box.

Jay isnt that relevant outside of this small circle.

And Im a Jay Z stan

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Wait, how is this man NOT successful?...are ya serious?...this dude came from NOTHiNG to a multimillionaire,probably the most positive face in all of HipHop...the face of a basketball franchise, anything ad everything he endorses automatically increases in value, the only piece of the puzzle missing as far as being a positive public figure was being a family man and he is that now....yeah he might have sold dope, what like 20 something years ago? :lol:

Thats not true. You must be meaning Diddy.
I find it funny that yall are having a heated 4 page discussion on what another man's ceiling for success is.
You don't even know the man, all you see is the public perception of him so any of your predictions are null
Meanwhile the entrepreneur/hustle threads struggle to get to page 2, you would think since most of you are so fond of the man you would try to emulate.
Guarantee you the last thing on Jay's mind is what yall think about his "success" and it should be the last on yours as well
You realize he only owns like 1/10 of 1% right now

Thus the reason why owning 51% would be his "ceiling". :smh:

How much more successful can you get than being the majority owner of a professional sports franchise?

The day he buys out Prokohrov is the day he says "I'm good"
This gotta be coming from a 12 year old who says hood boogers. Sean John is everywhere in macys you will find it in the clothing sections as well as the perfume section. and as far as Jay Z is concerned he is a legend over 10 years in the rap game. Sold out WORLD TOURs, clothing LINES plural, LIQUOR companies, management companies,etc. He is one of the only rappers in the game this long that still can put out relevant music. That man has star power Obama can quote his lyrics. Im guessing soulja boy or cheif keef is somebody you look up to
sean jean for hood boogers..... n jay is garbage only tight ish was reasonable doubt... suprised he made it this far
@ hood boogers.  Makes me lol almost as hard as "urban youths"

Jay-Z is the human equivalent of Polo Ralph Lauren. 

There are a couple of nice things about it, but the majority of African Americans hype them up to ludicrous levels.
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I can't see him being in any higher office. But more at the City of New York level. He's an advocate for change and loves his city, which I admire. A long-shot, probably. Achievable, I think so. We had a former wrestler run Minnesota, and an actor who starred in some pretty violent films, was accused of being a cheater and a racist earlier in his career, and he even disrespected the gay population by calling his Hercules films (He was Hercules, right) 'gay.' And look what we got? Jay-Z should go for it.
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