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  1. lookatmenow

    What's good with the Samsung Galaxy S3?? vol. iPhone killer?

    Just got the s3 haven't gotten a chance to fully explore it...only trouble had was the fact that it took like a week for my net speed to kick in
  2. lookatmenow

    Now I'm one fir humor, but do you think this was done in good taste? discus

    Dude has the nerve to let shaggy pet him.
  3. lookatmenow

    Now I'm one fir humor, but do you think this was done in good taste? discus

    This was the first, well maybe second image I seen after watching roots to smh
  4. lookatmenow

    12.23.2011. One year later...

    We gotta do better lmaoooo J/k keep the laughs coming
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