“Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness" WHO'S US?

Oh $$@@@ more religious threads not created by me....but I thought I created most of the religious threads on NT?
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Well, you know some factions have answers for that question already. Like for instance, there's dogma about the Holy Trinity.

Yeah, what he said... over a year ago..
Originally Posted by dgk3188

isn't Jesus Gods' son?

or is Jesus God?

how come Christians' can't ever get their story straight?


what happened during the ages of 13-30 and why was it omitted from the Bible? if he really was God's Son or God himself...wouldnt all of these years bepretty important?

could he have perhaps traveled to India and learn about Buddhism? his message that he teaches when he comes back is very similar to the teachings of the Buddha
Originally Posted by Equaztion

Blasphemous insinuations probably about Christ, God, Horus and Ra?

If you lie in details it makes the tale sound more believable.

We can't go back in time to talk to all that seen Jesus and all the he'd done, all we are left with is the good book.

A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a rotten tree cannot produce good fruit.

In saying that polytheism will only bring about the shewing forth of disguised evil and misguidings... Satans trap.

Also their afterlife is contingent upon human conduct which can also apply to christianity given God's law but it all means nothing without the belief inthe son, only one path will guide you to truth and take the blinds off..

But....But....several "good books" reveal that the story of Jesus Christ is unoriginal and an archetype. How do I figure out which good book to focus on?
Originally Posted by steven42lh

Us is the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and post return to Heaven by Jesus, the Holy Spirit.
I may be wrong but isn't this idea of the Holy Trinity a mainly catholic teaching? Don't other factions of Christianity reject the notion of a "Holy Trinity"?
Originally Posted by mynameaintG

He's (God) is referring to the Trinity (God, Jesus, The Holy Ghost)...

even if you don't believe (which is the basis of Christianity), just let them be and move along.

theres nothing i hate more, than trying to forcefeed other people your beliefs (whether Deistic or not)
how could he  be talking about jesus when your at the point he is creating man , who jesus mothers was and that god then impregnated.

Good looks to who ever name dropped Ashra Kwesi. I already knew about how the bible borrowed from Ancient African stories, but the level at which it is just blatantly copied makes me 
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Did anyone ever answer this question? Proverbs 8:30-36. God was with a Master Craftsman.  
The NIV Bible says "Master" ........The King James doessnt even say master or craftsman, The King James Bible is translated by far the best if you know your Greek and Hebrew
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by steven42lh

Us is the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and post return to Heaven by Jesus, the Holy Spirit.
I may be wrong but isn't this idea of the Holy Trinity a mainly catholic teaching? Don't other factions of Christianity reject the notion of a "Holy Trinity"?

Nope, far from true, many many many Christian Churches teach the Holy Trinity 3 in 1.......matter  a fact most Catholic's DONT teach that, If anything you have that backwards
P.S. who upped this? do we really need more of this? lol
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Good looks to who ever name dropped Ashra Kwesi. I already knew about how the bible borrowed from Ancient African stories, but the level at which it is just blatantly copied makes me 

The bible is blatant plagiarism...the question that needs to be asked is, which culture had the original?
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

isn't Jesus Gods' son?

or is Jesus God?

how come Christians' can't ever get their story straight?
I'm Catholic and I think it's funny how some people worship Jesus and totally ignore God. Jesus is God's son, that's all there isto it.
the bible says Jesus is God as well
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Good looks to who ever name dropped Ashra Kwesi. I already knew about how the bible borrowed from Ancient African stories, but the level at which it is just blatantly copied makes me 

The bible is blatant plagiarism...the question that needs to be asked is, which culture had the original?
The culture that was here during the original times Zp Tp
Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by devildog1776

I recently been getting into African History like the Egyptian stories.. I'll leave it as that for now


very interesting huh?

I recently watched this 2 hour documentary (oh shame on me,can't remember what it was called) but there are two parts, and in a segment of part 1, it went over how "Christianity" was copied from theEgyptians….

I am still in disbelief (not that I totally think its wrong,I think I'm just scared of what "may be" the truth)

…but I am very open to hear other's opinion on this, andwhat they too believe in.

The rabbit hole is very deep. Don't be scared now for there is much more to know outside of your current real of thought at any given time.
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