★★OFFICIAL CHICAGO BULLS THREAD★★ Boozer fractured in his right hand and is out for 8 weeks.


ESPN just reported that James and Calipari are being shopped through back channels to teams that have cap space and coaching vacancy. That really narrows it all down. Charles Oakley has been quoted as saying that James will sign with Bulls or Heat. Unless Riley will stay his +%* up in the office, this is all but done.
Only teams that would fit Bron/Cal:Bulls, Nets, Clippers...please correct me if I'm wrong

Nets biggest draw is Jay-Z and a move to Brooklyn in two years

Clippers suck..I wouldn't be able to figure out why he would go there

Oakley says Heat but you already know that Riley would want to coach that team because he is an opportunist

BULLS BABY!!!!! If he doesn't sign with us i think my head will blow up like on that Chappelle KKK skit
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by hellomarco

...so after lebron's kind words, what did rose say?
And then did they laugh? Send a txt later? Did LeBron call him again? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!

Knowing Pooh he prolly said "Oh Wow Thanks Lebron, I think that would be great...." and nothing else all while looking like this 

Thats My Guy Tho!

Originally Posted by AntBanks81


ESPN just reported that James and Calipari are being shopped through back channels to teams that have cap space and coaching vacancy. That really narrows it all down. Charles Oakley has been quoted as saying that James will sign with Bulls or Heat. Unless Riley will stay his +%* up in the office, this is all but done.

damn clean @%# whip
Originally Posted by AntBanks81


ESPN just reported that James and Calipari are being shopped through back channels to teams that have cap space and coaching vacancy. That really narrows it all down. Charles Oakley has been quoted as saying that James will sign with Bulls or Heat. Unless Riley will stay his +%* up in the office, this is all but done.

Man, I hope this isnt just getting my hopes up.
Originally Posted by Chicityk7

Originally Posted by getmoneyforever

if this deal get done watch how many bulls fans going to show up

yeah thats why the real fans are on pg 1
yea that was a great idea, that list is going to come in handy if we get LeBron or any other big name
What the *+++ is this about the coaching situation being a two man race between Franks and Cheeks???

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

What the *+++ is this about the coaching situation being a two man race between Franks and Cheeks???

i also heard that, I DO NOT WANT MAURICE CHEEKS!!!  Frank would be ok, but to not even look at Byron Scott, JVG, or someone else is just inexcusable but our front office once again
When I heard Maurice Cheeks mentioned, I tried to commit suicide. I do NOT want him even thinking about coaching this team.

P.S. Put illfrozn on the first page. I've been a Bulls fan since I was a kid and stayed one through the hard times as well! I balled out of control with Jamal Crawford on NBA2K!!
Maurice Cheeks?

I've been saying Byron Scott For the Last 2 years when will they get the clue!

oh yeah add me to pg. 1
Yeah there were also quite a few rumors today that Lebron was searching for homes in the Highland Park

area today so. What that means, i dont really know, so take that info as you please.
Can i get on the first page? Been a bulls fan since i was born. posted in the season thread and watched all the games i could.
Not going to lie I got love for the Bulls but Lebron or Bosh is the only guy's I would want.
I look at it like this.
Wade is that dude, but Rose is Wade lite ( but he can still become better than Wade)
and Wade is going to want 5 years. at 28, with his injury past I would pass.
Bosh is 26 with fewer injuries and fills a more critical spot.
Originally Posted by AiRjOrDaN1217

Can i get on the first page? Been a bulls fan since i was born. posted in the season thread and watched all the games i could.

Not good enough. Try harder in your next life.
whats the buzz on the radio been like in chi town lately?

my cousin told me that rudy is high on our radar

not really a fan of rudy
[h2]Thibodeau solid candidate for top job[/h2]
By Nick Friedell

ORLANDO, Fla. -- It's always a leap when a longtime assistant coach finally becomes a head coach, but for Boston Celtics assistant Tom Thibodeau, the adjustment will be even bigger than usual.

That's because he'll finally be able to speak again.

Thibodeau can communicate fine, it's just that Celtics head coach Doc Rivers has a policy that his assistant coaches can't speak to the media. So all the Bulls and Nets fans that have heard Thibodeau's name being bounced around as a possible head coaching candidate, will probably have to wait until the defensive guru gets hired somewhere to actually hear from him.

http:///sports.espn.go.com/espn/gallery/enlargePhoto?id=5199884&story=5199857">http://sports.espn.go.com...199884&...idth=440,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;" href="http://sports.espn.go.com/chicago/nba/news/story?id=5199857#">[+] Enlarge

Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE/Getty ImagesAssistant coach Tom Thibodeau takes a hands-on approach with the Boston Celtics.

In the meantime, Rivers and his players have been singing his praises for a while, and it sure sounds as if they think that Thibodeau will be able to land a top job some time soon.

"Tom's a workaholic," Celtics forward Paul Pierce said Monday. "I'm always catching him in there working, watching film in his office. He's probably the most prepared coach I've ever seen."

That's a sentiment that you heard from a lot of people around the Celtics.

"It's tough to get a picture of him, because he's always in the office," Rivers said. "He is, he's terrific. Tom has great focus and [the players] buy in. That's really important. You can sell it, what we want, but we make it a point that, if you don't buy in, you don't play. I think whenever you have a -- [Orlando Magic assistant] Brendan Malone, the same thing here -- the Magic know Brendan, just like [the Celtics] know with Thibs, Stan [Van Gundy] is going to back Brendan 100 percent and I'm going to do the same with Thibs."

Pierce agreed.

"He's very active in his role with us," he said. "A lot of coaches don't let their assistants do a lot. But our coaching staff, you have a number of guys that have their roles. There's a point in practice when he comes out and runs the practice for 15-20 minutes, then another coach, then Doc. So it's constant interaction with the different coaches, especially Tom."

Rivers has long believed that Thibodeau is deserving of a head job. He knows how valuable Thibodeau and the rest of his assistants have become. He even dropped this analogy that Bears fans can appreciate.

[h4]ESPNChicago.com Bulls blog[/h4]
The latest news from Bulls reporter Nick Friedell. Blog

"As a coach, the longer you're in it, the more you keep trying to add pieces to your staff," he said. "It's no different than football. Tom [Thibodeau] could be Buddy Ryan. [Assistant coach] Armond [Hill] could be Mike Martz -- at least I hope so, he's with the Bears now, so I hope he's really good. [Assistant coach] Clifford [Ray] is the line coach. It's really the same thing as football."

So why hasn't Thibodeau landed a job just yet?

Former NBA head coach, and current ESPN analyst Jeff Van Gundy offered this hypothesis recently to The Orlando Sentinel.

"He's a serious-minded professional but in the job market, that's almost been construed as a negative," Van Gundy said. "In that he's too serious. Now when you start getting knocked down for being too serious about your job, then you know we have a problem in America."

As the Sentinel story noted, Van Gundy actually hired Thibodeau twice on his staff, once in New York and once in Houston, so it does seem ironic that both men have both been mentioned as candidates for the Bulls' opening. "He has a good way with players," Van Gundy said. "Particularly star players. He's direct and honest, but he has a very good sense of humor."

Surely, that is something that will serve him well whether he ends up in Chicago later this summer or not.
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