☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

  • Nako XL wrote:

i get the argument that it makes the lakers better and its not fair because other small market teams were never even an option for cp3. i get that.  but gilbert and the other owners need to accept that their markets are not relevant.  and none of these players will sign there.  they need to accept and deal with that.

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by TheyHateMe

Now do you all see why Lebron left the way he did...That man Dan Gilbert is SCUM!

Why is Dan Gilbert a scum for only stating the obvious? What about the other "24 team-owners" that feel exactly the way he does? 
The hate in yall blood. 

Ya'll acting like he single-handily stopped the trade 

RIP NBA 1949-2010.

This. 1 letter didn't stop the trade.
Its amazing that people still dont realize that this trade was blocked BECAUSE THE LEAGUE (WHICH IS COMPRISED OF THE OTHER OWNERS) OWNS THE HORNETS. Therefore they had the right to stop a deal, their reasoning really doesnt matter. People still asking STILL wondering why Stern didnt block the Gasol/Kwame trade: BECAUSE THE LEAGUE DIDNT OWN THE LAKERS OR MEMPHIS. If the Hornets had an owner Paul would be on the Lakers.
People need to stop defending the fact that just because the NBA owns the Hornets, this trade being nullified is justified.

Dan Gilbert is crying about how this deal cost him money as 1/29th owner of the Hornets, but yet when Pau got traded for Kwame it was ok because the Lakers took on more money and Dan got a piece of that money. But now when the Lakers cut some of that salary which cuts his free tax he wants it blocked.

Some of you need to understand the basketball business. I don't know everything, but I know this much, the league was informed for a long time (dating to last season) that they're shopping CP, the league (meaning all the owners) said that is fine and never had any objection to it. So why is it an issue now?

Now you got a young GM in Demps who is so livid right now that he's going to resign as GM of the Hornets.


Eff Dan Gilbert.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

i get the argument that it makes the lakers better and its not fair because other small market teams were never even an option for cp3. i get that.  but gilbert and the other owners need to accept that their markets are not relevant.  and none of these players will sign there.  they need to accept and deal with that.


It has always been this way. The trash teams are just there for fodder and for "entrepreneurs" like Dan Gilbert to try and make a profit. This is how it is in every sport at every level.
Originally Posted by CJ003

Its amazing that people still dont realize that this trade was blocked BECAUSE THE LEAGUE (WHICH IS COMPRISED OF THE OTHER OWNERS) OWNS THE HORNETS. Therefore they had the right to stop a deal, their reasoning really doesnt matter. People still asking STILL wondering why Stern didnt block the Gasol/Kwame trade: BECAUSE THE LEAGUE DIDNT OWN THE LAKERS OR MEMPHIS. If the Hornets had an owner Paul would be on the Lakers.

I think people realize this.  However, they are arguing that, despite the fact that they currently own the Hornets, the other 29 teams shouldn't make their decisions for them because they are competing with them. 

That's the whole issue: teams competing with the Hornets and Lakers just killed a trade that very well may have benefitted both teams.  Don't see how that can be allowed....
Ok.... You can make complaints about the budget sure, but why not tell the Lakers they needed to take on another salary? Tell them they had to take Okafor....
Animal "Thug" since you want to act smart no one has an issue with you being a Cavs fan. I have an issue with you defending someone who is not a good owner of a basketball team. Im happy you are a Cavs fan. I have issues with your cities deep rooted hatred for other peoples business decisions. Your city acts like a jealous step child.

As far as the owners having a say. I said it was a good point to say that the Hornets were taking on 12 million more than they would have had to per the CBA. Its a good point that the other owners dont want to pay for a team to beat them. But unless they are planing on moving the Hornets they need to have the best season possible and take some finanical risk. Having Paul on the team, unless they improve in free agency does no good.

Telling Jerry Buss that he has to keep the tax liability is almost grounds for a lawsuit.
like honestly at most 15 teams are going to be under lux tax when free agency is done. Your telling me that I cannot reduce the amount of money I pay you, and have on my payroll? Its one thing to sit and be mad that the Hornets are taking on money. Its another thing to be mad that your possibly not gone get as big a check. 
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

  • Nako XL wrote:
i get the argument that it makes the lakers better and its not fair because other small market teams were never even an option for cp3. i get that.  but gilbert and the other owners need to accept that their markets are not relevant.  and none of these players will sign there.  they need to accept and deal with that.
It has always been this way. The trash teams are just there for fodder and for "entrepreneurs" like Dan Gilbert to try and make a profit. This is how it is in every sport at every level.

That is untrue of the NHL, but I see your point.
I wonder what would have happened had NO not been owned by the League and still went ahead with this deal....
I cant believe people are defending Gilbert. Just because he failed as a owner doesnt mean he should block the success of other teams. Maybe if he got Lebron more help than a decaying Shaq and Delonte West, he might still be there. I'll tell you one way the league can disperse talent throughout the NBA: dead the Cavaliers. They aren't going anywhere in the next 10 years anyways. what purpose do they even serve the rest of the NBA?
This is my personal theory about the "Dwight to Nets" allegations...Dwight knows the Magic don't want Brooke's bum #@+ as compensation for him so he figures by saying he wants to play for the Nets, the league would be more accepting of CP3 going to the Lakers..Then once CP3 signs with the Lakers, he's gonna go to the Magic and be like actually, I'll play for either the Nets OR Lakers...Then the Magic will look at Bynum and look at Lopez and he knows most likely they'll take Bynum, so he'll just end up in LA with CP3. I'm probably reaching but I'm just trying to play devil's advocate
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Ok.... You can make complaints about the budget sure, but why not tell the Lakers they needed to take on another salary? Tell them they had to take Okafor....
Animal "Thug" since you want to act smart no one has an issue with you being a Cavs fan. I have an issue with you defending someone who is not a good owner of a basketball team. Im happy you are a Cavs fan. I have issues with your cities deep rooted hatred for other peoples business decisions. Your city acts like a jealous step child.


"Your cities deep rooted hatred for other peoples business decisions..."


Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Ok.... You can make complaints about the budget sure, but why not tell the Lakers they needed to take on another salary? Tell them they had to take Okafor....
Animal "Thug" since you want to act smart no one has an issue with you being a Cavs fan. I have an issue with you defending someone who is not a good owner of a basketball team. Im happy you are a Cavs fan. I have issues with your cities deep rooted hatred for other peoples business decisions. Your city acts like a jealous step child.


"Your cities deep rooted hatred for other peoples business decisions..."


Acting like it was anything more is
.  He lied, he couldnt get Bosh. He didnt see not winning a title as good for his long term goals. Let it go. These guys are looking around and they see the Clyde Drexler's they see the Dr J's and with the serious inflation we as a country are facing+ greed and Clevelands offer doesnt look as good as winning what he feels is 6 -7 titles. And the income and Long term wealth that comes with it.
Dan is pissed he isnt getting a Lakers game too.
Sneaker Pro...
I wouldnt care. In a lot of instances ending up with a bad product on the floor makes a better long term product come to fruition. The Magic would end up in a lotto slot if Dwight was gone and they didnt get more than Bynum.

Real talk if I'm a non-contending team I wouldn't take Bynum straight up at his contract slot with his history of injuries.
So this means Paul is allowed to be traded to the Los Angeles Clippers, but not the Los Angeles Lakers? The Cleveland Cavs, but not the Boston Celtics? The New Jersey Nets, but not the New York Knicks?
Originally Posted by StroShow4

CJ003 wrote:

Its amazing that people still dont realize that this trade was blocked BECAUSE THE LEAGUE (WHICH IS COMPRISED OF THE OTHER OWNERS) OWNS THE HORNETS. Therefore they had the right to stop a deal, their reasoning really doesnt matter. People still asking STILL wondering why Stern didnt block the Gasol/Kwame trade: BECAUSE THE LEAGUE DIDNT OWN THE LAKERS OR MEMPHIS. If the Hornets had an owner Paul would be on the Lakers.

I think people realize this.  However, they are arguing that, despite the fact that they currently own the Hornets, the other 29 teams shouldn't make their decisions for them because they are competing with them. 

That's the whole issue: teams competing with the Hornets and Lakers just killed a trade that very well may have benefitted both teams.  Don't see how that can be allowed....

I agree most people realize my point, there are some who fail to read or just dont get it. But it is obvious there is a huge conflict of interest by having the league own the Hornets. The other teams would prefer that they suck and Stern wants them to be decent so they can make money. The only solution is to sell the team, who cares if they cant find an owner willing to keep them in NO? Its proven they cant sell enough tix to make money. Lets the Microsoft CEO buy and move them to Seattle or Ellison move them to San Jose. Its absurd that the league has owned them a year, dont they realize no one wants to buy and keep them in NO.
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

People need to stop defending the fact that just because the NBA owns the Hornets, this trade being nullified is justified.

Dan Gilbert is crying about how this deal cost him money as 1/29th owner of the Hornets, but yet when Pau got traded for Kwame it was ok because the Lakers took on more money and Dan got a piece of that money. But now when the Lakers cut some of that salary which cuts his free tax he wants it blocked.

Some of you need to understand the basketball business. I don't know everything, but I know this much, the league was informed for a long time (dating to last season) that they're shopping CP, the league (meaning all the owners) said that is fine and never had any objection to it. So why is it an issue now?

Now you got a young GM in Demps who is so livid right now that he's going to resign as GM of the Hornets.


Eff Dan Gilbert.

I'd like to add to my post, this part of the letter sums it up right there:

"Over the next three seasons this deal would save the Lakers approximately $20 million in salaries and approximately $21 million in luxury taxes. That $21 million goes to non-taxpaying teams and to fund revenue sharing."

He's worried about his piece of the pie from the Lakers, not the Hornets. Who the hell is he to suggest what the Lakers should do with their franchise, HE DOESN'T OWN THEM. No where in the letter he's crying about how the Hornets are coming up short on the deal. So for all the people justifying Dan's complaint, look at the facts.
Originally Posted by kash55

So this means Paul is allowed to be traded to the Los Angeles Clippers, but not the Los Angeles Lakers? The Cleveland Cavs, but not the Boston Celtics? The New Jersey Nets, but not the New York Knicks?
If the Lakers take back Okafor, it goes through. The 29 owners just don't want to foot the bill of an expanded Hornet's payroll in a deal that also decreases the Laker's luxury tax obligations. Not saying it's right, but it is what it is.
^ Animal Thug and co dont.
And NO has sold 10000 season tickets. maybe San Jose sells the same at more money, but that fan base wants the team. But they want them to be good too.
My issues are that
A. The league didnt tell the Lakers to take back Okafor or a way to alter the trade to make it go through.
B. They want to control where people make their living, and how much they make living where they want.
C. The trade was nixed because of the domino effect of Orlando trading Howard to LA. Stern didnt remember that if you make them take on Okafor they are either A at the same tax number, B that Orlando would end up in the Tax paying a similar amount 
d. Dan Gilbert is complaining about not getting money out of another persons pockets. Even though the trade satistfies all of the restrictions of the CBA.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

If the Lakers take back Okafor, it goes through.
If this is indeed the case then Stern should've informed them of this or something before the situation ballooned into what is has become now.  I bet the Lakers take Okafor and it's a done deal.

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

i get the argument that it makes the lakers better and its not fair because other small market teams were never even an option for cp3. i get that.  but gilbert and the other owners need to accept that their markets are not relevant.  and none of these players will sign there.  they need to accept and deal with that.


Basketball works better like Euopean Soccer...Blackburn fans know every year there team ain't %@+$ and Chelsea/Man-U etc. have bigger markets and more relevancy.   NBA should work on the same market, the league was at its best in the 80's when the teams were there in big markets.  Just how these things work man.
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