☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

the @$%+ you mean he's soft?  They traded him only for the NBA to reverse it why in the hell would he want to come there after they just told the world he isn't wanted?
tyson chandler did when the trade to okc didnt go through.
its happend before. odom needs to grow a pair and quit being emo

actually the thunder's medical staff didn't pass him
yea but it was a done deal all he had to do was pass the physical and he didnt correct?
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by NobleKane

 you bring absolutely nothing to this community. 

And what are you so upset about? Golden State isn't a part of the cancelled deal. 
you still holding grudges huh ? isnt your name bijizaldo or something? you sticking up for your fellow banned member aswell? 
u mad bulls bandwagon fan? 

Grudges? About what? 

I'm still trying to figure out what you bring to this community. Other than people wishing for your death, that is. 
I actually hope the Rockets/Lakers/Hornets trade does go through now...ONLY if the Dwight Howard trade is made first. That
way the Lakers will have Kobe and Pau, but just no-knees Bynum playing center, and the Lakers would still get beaten bloody
but every other team in the west.
I agree what Stern did was wrong, but I feel the only reason non-Lakers fans are mad it happened is because a lot of them believe there was a slim chance the Lakers would get Dwight..So the lack of size would be a weakness for the Lakers (As it has been for many other NBA teams, i.e the Knicks) But if the report was "Lakers get CP3 and Dwight in a 3 team trade for Gasol, Bynum, and Odom" the tune would be a lot different.
First Doo was crying about CP3 to LA, then he said LA gave up too much, now we get our guys back, he's confused, but he knows Paul deal may still go thru, so he's really screwed as to how he feels about it all, so he tries to make fun of Laker fans, all the while jealous he's not one of us becuase his team is barely one step above the Hornets without Paul. 
NobleKane wrote:
Seymore CAKE wrote:
Osh Kosh Bosh wrote:
Also if Howard can get to NJ, Stern will allow this to go through, it's the possible Dwight, Paul on the lakers that was pissing people off... 

Thats my exact thought process... they may just be stalling as a way to push Dwight to Jersey. If so I can dig it.

how can you dig that? anyway you see it its wrong. if stern did that to your team i guarandamntee you wouldnt dig it

aye... I'm all for making sure Dwight & Chris don't join up out in LA. Sorry.

Him going to Jersey with Deron makes that franchise relevant again, and I believe they will eventually let that trade go through. So essentially they will resurrect 2 franchises, I'm alright with that.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by HankMoody

And what are you so upset about? Golden State isn't a part of the cancelled deal. 
you still holding grudges huh ? isnt your name bijizaldo or something? you sticking up for your fellow banned member aswell? 
u mad bulls bandwagon fan? 

Grudges? About what? 

i dunno you tell me? always talking sideways with your petty @%% comments. its always the same no life having dudes holding grudges for years because they got into an argument with me. 
you arent any different.

but im glad you are keeping track of me on here. i must be bringing something to the community if you remember that my haters have an annual death wish post on my birthday thats more like a roast but you taking it seriously...so...

next time just stick your nose outof my business and keep on the subject of this nba season and stop contributing CRAP like Doo Be Doo does... Unlike him you arent 12 years old so u have no excuse...

by the way nice sig tough guy 
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

NobleKane wrote:
Seymore CAKE wrote:
Thats my exact thought process... they may just be stalling as a way to push Dwight to Jersey. If so I can dig it.

how can you dig that? anyway you see it its wrong. if stern did that to your team i guarandamntee you wouldnt dig it

aye... I'm all for making sure Dwight & Chris don't join up out in LA. Sorry.

Him going to Jersey with Deron makes that franchise relevant again, and I believe they will eventually let that trade go through. So essentially they will resurrect 2 franchises, I'm alright with that.

your a bulls fan right? what if that thinking backfires and say the nets can get another big superstar to make another big 3 in the east. isnt that far worse for your bulls?
Whatever happens, the season has been irrevocably tainted — we just watched FIVE teams have their seasons screwed up by this debacle. Houston's three-year plan just went up in smoke; now the Rockets have to make up with their two best players. (Good luck with that.) The Lakers need to determine if their relationship with the notoriously sensitive Gasol and the even more notoriously sensitive Odom is salvageable; and if it's not, what then? The Hornets are just plain screwed. It's a basketball catastrophe for them. As for the Celtics, Pinocchio Ainge's ill-fated pursuit of Paul ruined the team's relationship with Rajon Rondo, only its best young player. Even the Knicks got screwed — supposedly they closed the deal with Tyson Chandler yesterday, never expecting Paul to become available this summer (and now they can't chase him). 

The total tally: Five teams were screwed by one cowardly decision.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by NobleKane

you still holding grudges huh ? isnt your name bijizaldo or something? you sticking up for your fellow banned member aswell? 
u mad bulls bandwagon fan? 

Grudges? About what? 

i dunno you tell me? always talking sideways with your petty @%% comments. its always the same no life having dudes holding grudges for years because they got into an argument with me. 
you arent any different.

but im glad you are keeping track of me on here. i must be bringing something to the community if you remember that my haters have an annual death wish post on my birthday thats more like a roast but you taking it seriously...so...

next time just stick your nose outof my business and keep on the subject of this nba season and stop contributing CRAP like Doo Be Doo does... Unlike him you arent 12 years old so u have no excuse...

by the way nice sig tough guy 

HMMM... you're the one following DBD around? What does that make you? And what does your ire make him? 

edit: I'm going to heed the mod's suggestion. Carry on. 
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by NobleKane

you still holding grudges huh ? isnt your name bijizaldo or something? you sticking up for your fellow banned member aswell? 
u mad bulls bandwagon fan? 

Grudges? About what? 

i dunno you tell me? always talking sideways with your petty @%% comments. its always the same no life having dudes holding grudges for years because they got into an argument with me. 
you arent any different.

but im glad you are keeping track of me on here. i must be bringing something to the community if you remember that my haters have an annual death wish post on my birthday thats more like a roast but you taking it seriously...so...

next time just stick your nose outof my business and keep on the subject of this nba season and stop contributing CRAP like Doo Be Doo does... Unlike him you arent 12 years old so u have no excuse...

by the way nice sig tough guy 
This thread isn't about you.  Let's talk about something that's actually interesting.  Go to PM's with your pillow fight.
I do hope that Howard goes to NJ.  After that I'm cool with Paul to LA.  We need some balance in the league.
I'm not really a Simmons guy but he was on point in this piece of his article:

These are the facts: Twelve months ago, the NBA bought the New Orleans Hornets for a little more than $300 million. Every other owner (29 in all) split the price for the franchise, the same way you'd split a meal 12 ways for your buddy's birthday or something. Stern and his cronies claimed this wouldn't be a problem, that Hornets GM Dell Demps would be able to swing moves just like any other general manager. When Mark Cuban flipped out in February after a Carl Landry/Marcus Thornton swap caused New Orleans' payroll to rise, nobody really cared. When the lockout dragged on for five months and nobody ever seriously considered contracting the Hornets — a franchise that lost money AND couldn't find an owner — nobody really cared. When the Hornets stole the spotlight after the labor agreement by immediately being involved in 50,000 different trade rumors, nobody really cared. We all assumed things were "on the level."
And why not? We had no reason to think differently … right? The league made a point of saying that Demps had been empowered to make any trade (without interference). Every team dealing with New Orleans believed that Demps was in charge — without any question — and that they weren't wasting their time spending their days batting around ideas with him. On Wednesday morning, when I was working on my column about Paul trades, I sniffed around on Stern's role in the trade talks and got the same answer from different people: It's Dell Demps' call. I ended up joking in that column that Stern might block a Clippers/Paul trade to avoid having Donald Sterling own one of the league's signature franchises. Everyone read that and got the joke.

I mean, Stern wouldn't actually BLOCK a trade. That's preposterous. Right?

Fast-forward to Thursday night: Those first few minutes after word spread (not only that the trade was canceled, but that Paul would probably remain in New Orleans for the entire season), as everyone came to the same sobering conclusion. The old man finally lost his mind. Sure, he was pushed there by a cluster of bitter owners, but the old Stern never would have rolled over like that. Twenty years ago, 10 years ago, maybe even five years ago, Stern would have brushed them off in his endearingly condescending way, quelled the fire, called in a favor or two, acted like the politician he always secretly was. Not this time. The old man doesn't have the same sway. We just witnessed it during that lockout. Few people understood how much time and effort he spent pushing his holdout owners toward that final compromise. He barely got there.

If you want to know the truth, Stern started losing control of the league during the middle of last decade, when a new generation of wealthy billionaires started paying full boat for franchises. The days of Abe Pollin and Bill Davidson were long gone — family guys who bought in early, stuck with their investments and watched their league flourish into something much bigger than they ever expected. Stern's favorite owner was Larry Miller, a dynamic Salt Lake City businessman and philanthropist who bought the Jazz in 1985, then ran the franchise with his family for the next 24 years. A year after diabetes claimed Miller in May of 2009, Stern met the press before a playoff game and spoke earnestly about his affection for Miller. Someone asked the commissioner about Jerry Sloan's longevity. At the time, Sloan was still coaching the Jazz at 67 years old, six months older than Stern.

"We're a dying breed," Stern admitted. "It's not happening anymore. But it sure is reassuring to look there and expect to see him, and darn, he's there. It's kind of neat."

That's probably how Stern thought people saw him. Or, how he hoped people saw him. And in some cases (like with me), it was true. Little did he know that Sloan was losing control of his players — in 2011, an ongoing clash with star Deron Williams caused Sloan to resign — just like Stern was slowly losing control of his owners. The newer generation of guys wasn't indebted to him. They found him to be increasingly obstinate, stuck in his ways, more of a condescending bully than anything. After paying full sticker price for their teams, they weren't interested in answering to some aging know-it-all. Stern's control slowly started to erode, whether he realized it or not.

Leaders thrive when they feel creatively empowered, when they trust the people around them, when their confidence is swelling. Leaders make mistakes when they lose that same confidence, when they're fretting about their power base, when they're reacting instead of acting. The worst kind of leaders hang on too long, get seduced by their own voice, start doing things from memory — because that's the way we've always done it! — stop thinking outside the box, start playing checkers instead of chess. Stern reached that point last night. I think he caved because of the whining owners, but also out of exasperation: because yet another superstar was trying to push his way to another big city, because he's in charge, because THIS IS DAVID STERN'S LEAGUE. It's like the old Will Ferrell/Dodge Stratus SNL sketch:

You don't talk to me like that! I'm David Stern! I make the rules here! You don't get to pick your team, I do! I'm the commissioner of the NBA! I DRIVE A DODGE STRATUS!!!!!

Fact: That trade was totally, undeniably, 100 percent defensible.

Fact: Of the three teams involved, New Orleans made out the best. Repeat: the best. By my calculations, it landed one of the better offensive big men in basketball (Luis Scola), one of the better scoring 2-guards in basketball (Kevin Martin), a playoff-proven forward who can play either spot (Lamar Odom), a scoring point guard with upside (Goran Dragic), and a 2012 no. 1 pick (via the New York Knicks). Can you do better for someone who was leaving in seven months anyway? I hate trading superstars, but if you HAVE to trade a superstar? That's pretty good.

Meanwhile, the Rockets spent the past three years stashing enough pieces to make that trade: Acquiring the second-best center in basketball (Gasol) while leaving enough cap room to sign a marquee free agent (and yes, they were closing in on Nene). And the Lakers paid the steepest price: giving up their best low-post guy and all of their frontcourt depth, giving Andrew Bynum an immense amount of responsibility (you know, the same guy who stormed off the court half-naked during the playoff sweep last spring) and reinventing their team around Paul's aching knee and Kobe's aching knees. It would have been a brilliant move had it worked and a legendary disaster had it failed — especially if Kobe rebelled against sharing the ball with Paul — only now we'll never know.

Once word leaked of the deal, rival owners started rebelling almost immediately. What was the point of that lockout, and all the talk of competitive balance, if the Lakers were allowed to immediately acquire Chris Paul? Dan Gilbert sent a scathing e-mail to a few of the other owners that, of course, was leaked on the Internet last night.

The best part of the letter: "This trade should go to a vote of the 29 owners of the Hornets."

(Translation: "Let's cut Demps' balls off, throw the last few weeks of negotiating out the window and go back on our word. Also, I'm thinking of starting a support group for small-market owners who overpaid for their teams, don't have the balls to sell and would rather whine, #*$@@ and bully about their lot in NBA life. I'm going to call it O.A.: Overpayers Anonymous.")

The second-best part of the letter: "I just don't see how we can allow this trade to happen. I know the vast majority of owners feel the same way that I do. When will we just change the name of 25 of the 30 teams to the Washington Generals?"

(Translation: Boooooooo hooooooo.)

There it was, in all its Comic Sans MS glory, that whopping conflict of interest that had been staring at everyone for 12 solid months. How can a league own one of its own franchises? What happens if it has to, you know, make important trades and stuff? The league always knew that, at some point, the Hornets might have to trade Chris Paul. They claimed they had a plan in place. And they did. Until O.A. started *****ing with even more fervor than usual. That's when Stern's eroding power finally sank him. Instead of backing a decision he had already made, Stern choked like Nick Anderson. The unthinkable happened.

He blocked the trade.

Wait, what?

Was it the worst moment of David Stern's entire tenure? I never thought anything would top an official fixing games, but man … how can anything be worse than this? Imagine this happened in your fantasy league. Imagine spending weeks shaping a deal, executing it, then having your commissioner waltz in and say, "Nah, I'm vetoing that one." Would that ever happen? And now this is happening in a PROFESSIONAL SPORTS LEAGUE?

Just know that I'm a die-hard Celtics fan and die-hard Lakers hater … and even I am appalled. I hope Chris Paul sues. I hope the Rockets sue. I hope the Lakers sue. I hope Dell Demps resigns and makes a sex tape with a stripper wearing a David Stern Halloween mask. Whatever happens, the season has been irrevocably tainted — we just watched FIVE teams have their seasons screwed up by this debacle. Houston's three-year plan just went up in smoke; now the Rockets have to make up with their two best players. (Good luck with that.) The Lakers need to determine if their relationship with the notoriously sensitive Gasol and the even more notoriously sensitive Odom is salvageable; and if it's not, what then? The Hornets are just plain screwed. It's a basketball catastrophe for them. As for the Celtics, Pinocchio Ainge's ill-fated pursuit of Paul ruined the team's relationship with Rajon Rondo, only its best young player. Even the Knicks got screwed — supposedly they closed the deal with Tyson Chandler yesterday, never expecting Paul to become available this summer (and now they can't chase him).

The total tally: Five teams were screwed by one cowardly decision.

Click for full read.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Dude roots for whole pacific division

*waits for comment about me wear a Shaq jersey when I was 8*
the lakers and warriors are the WHOLE pacific division right? 
hey you should have NEVER admitted to wearing a lakers shaq jersey after being a huge troll in the laker threads. you supposed to be anti laker hater number one but come to find out you was rooting on the down low? you shoulda kept that to yourself little slugger 
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

NobleKane wrote:
how can you dig that? anyway you see it its wrong. if stern did that to your team i guarandamntee you wouldnt dig it

aye... I'm all for making sure Dwight & Chris don't join up out in LA. Sorry.

Him going to Jersey with Deron makes that franchise relevant again, and I believe they will eventually let that trade go through. So essentially they will resurrect 2 franchises, I'm alright with that.

your a bulls fan right? what if that thinking backfires and say the nets can get another big superstar to make another big 3 in the east. isnt that far worse for your bulls?

Yes Sir ChicagoMAAAAAAYNE.

See I thought about that but then I came to the conclusion that there really isn't another big superstar to go get right now. If and when that happens I'll reconfigure my attitude.  But for now the immediate future would be Chris, Kobe, Dwight... That doesn't sit well with me.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

I actually hope the Rockets/Lakers/Hornets trade does go through now...ONLY if the Dwight Howard trade is made first. That
way the Lakers will have Kobe and Pau, but just no-knees Bynum playing center, and the Lakers would still get beaten bloody
but every other team in the west.

The likelihood of Dwight going to the Nets is very slim IMO..Just because he's gonna "ask" to be traded to the Nets doesn't mean he's gonna go there..How do we know the Bulls won't come out of nowhere and offer some of their guys and have Dwight intrigued to play with Rose? Just last week the report was "CP3 requests a trade to the Knicks" and we all saw how that turned out..If the team you wanna go to doesn't have the pieces necessary for a trade, it's not going down..

The only reason the Nuggets traded Melo last year after deciding they didn't like what the Knicks had to offer was because they had a playoff team capable of being successful if given time to build chemistry with their new pieces. Plus, the Nuggets GM basically convinced the team to trade their entire roster for Melo and Billups huge salary. Besides a select few people, I have yet to speak to a non-Nets fan that thinks Brook Lopez is even 65% compensation for Dwight..The fact he drops 20ppg doesn't impress most people since he plays on a team that only has 1 other scorer.
Originally Posted by soychulo

This thread isn't about you.  Let's talk about something that's actually interesting.  Go to PM's with your pillow fight.
Thank you. 

Originally Posted by HankMoody

HMMM... you're the one following DBD around? What does that make you? And what does your ire make him? 
'It's what Dan Gilbert and the other Overpayers Anonymous owners will never understand. In professional basketball, history trumps everything else. It's not just about playing in Los Angeles. It's about playing for the $@#%!++ Lakers. It's about following the footsteps of Magic, Kareem, Wilt, West, Baylor and Shaq. It's about Showtime, Nicholson, the yellow jerseys, the Laker Girls, even that awful Randy Newman song. It's about that buzz before a big Laker home game, when the place is packed with celebs and eye candy, when you're the best guy on the team, when you might as well be the king of the world. When these idiots complain about a "big market/small market" disparity, it's almost like they never followed the league before they bought their teams. Of course there's a disparity! What kid doesn't grow up wanting to play for the Celtics, Lakers or Knicks?"

Simmons is an idiot if he thinks small market owners should just "deal with it." These are gargantuan egos with gargantuan investments.
Originally Posted by soychulo

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Grudges? About what? 

i dunno you tell me? always talking sideways with your petty @%% comments. its always the same no life having dudes holding grudges for years because they got into an argument with me. 
you arent any different.

but im glad you are keeping track of me on here. i must be bringing something to the community if you remember that my haters have an annual death wish post on my birthday thats more like a roast but you taking it seriously...so...

next time just stick your nose outof my business and keep on the subject of this nba season and stop contributing CRAP like Doo Be Doo does... Unlike him you arent 12 years old so u have no excuse...

by the way nice sig tough guy 
This thread isn't about you.  Let's talk about something that's actually interesting.  Go to PM's with your pillow fight.
I do hope that Howard goes to NJ.  After that I'm cool with Paul to LA.  We need some balance in the league.
But everyone saying there needs to be balance in the league are not getting it.
There will NEVER be balance in the league so long as there are free agency, big cities, sponsors, etc.

These are humans not robots. They have the right to not sign what they dont want. They have the right to sign for a lower salary.

So if a guy like Paul refuses to commit to a team unless its a team he likes he has the right to do so.

just like a guy has the right to not demand a trade and play until his contract runs out and signs with a big market team.

there will NEVER be balance.
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