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Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Damn they were going for both Gasol brothers after all....

that would have been so dope to see. oh well. atleast they get one gasol brother
Last I heard talks were for McRoberts & Mayo, but nothing went down yet.
WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski 
The Rockets are working to sign Marc Gasol to a 4 year, $55M offer sheet, sources tell Y! Memphis would have 3 days to match, or lose him.'
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[font=Verdana, Tahoma, 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]That's an easy match. He was suppose to get $70M+, so $55M is great. Morey and Wallace are good friends, so maybe Morey did us a favor. Thanks Houston 
 . Waiting to see if OJ for Mcrob will be official before I comment on that.

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FlyerGrizBlog Chris Herrington 
The only way Gasol is not here is if he or agent force that issue and team relents. It's not about matching or not matching an offer.

HPbasketball Hardwood Paroxysm 
There was no reason to sign Randolph to the extension if you don't re-sign Gasol. It will have been completely pointless.

Jonathan_Feigen Jonathan Feigen 
Rockets pursuit of MGasol still a longshot. Memphis likely to match, unlikely to do sign-and-trade. It's a Hail Mary after trade collapsed.

FlyerGrizBlog Chris Herrington 
Houston beat guy suggests its an offer sheet, not an active sign-and-trade negotiation.
Originally Posted by PMatic

@Jonathan_Feigen Rockets pursuit of MGasol still a longshot. Memphis likely to match, unlikely to do sign-and-trade. It's a Hail Mary after trade collapsed.
Give the core (Gasol, Z-Bo, Rudy and Conley) two years to see what they can do together. After that, make your moves accordingly.

Exactly. No idea what the Grizz are doing here with Gasol potentially going to HOU and Mayo to IND.
@CAGrizBlog Sources tell CA that Griz already gave Gasol offer worth more than any team is allowed.
@CAGrizBlog Also, Griz max for 4 yrs is $58 million. Griz max for 5 years is $75 million. Max offers start at $12.9 million.
@CAGrizBlog  Sources tell CA that Griz offer is for 5 yrs. Don't know money. But a good guess would be that it’s worth more than $60 million.
@CAGrizBlog Not sure why Gasol would sign Houston offer sheet. Griz aren't interested in S&T and would definitely match.
@CAGrizBlog Gasol has told teammates that he wants to be in Memphis
@CAGrizBlog One last note: Griz won't max Gasol at $75 million but he can't get that anywhere
When you have Selby and Henry coming in healthy, you can afford to lose OJ. I don't want to see him leave, but losing him doesn't make us a worse team. Having frontcourt depth is important when you pound it in the paint as much as we do. Just gotta hope that Henry or Selby can replace OJ which I think they are very capable of doing. Not to mention, Grizz didn't miss OJ's perimeter player when he was suspsended last season. They did miss Rudy's perimeter play in the playoffs though. 
My main concern was getting Marc back. Grizz made a promise to Zbo and the players that they would keep Marc, so it'll be a slap in the face if they let him go. Not seeing that at all. Easy match for the Grizz. 

A guy on the Grizz boards said it best....if Selby and Henry can't perform well, just use the assets we get in the Pacers trade (1st round pick and maybe Sam or Henry) for a veteran scorer off the bench. You can always find a player that can score off your bench. Another thing to note is that we were never going to use OJ to his full ability. So, all the talk about letting him go for McRobets is just fair value for what he would give us coming off the bench Not to mention, McRoberts per stats are a little bit better than Arthur's so getting him back would make our frontcourt very hard to beat. 

Let OJ flourish somewhere else where he can start. Conley and OJ could never co-exist. Hollins is never putting OJ at PG. Hollins has the advantage because he has all of the players buying into his system of defense and pounding it inside, so OJ loses in this scenario. It'll be sad to see him go, but gotta do what you gotta do.
Yeah, there's no way I see Marc Gasol on another team. I think he really wants to stay in MEM and they'll go pretty far to keep him

Thinking of the Gasol bros on the same team is cool though.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Khole and Lamar will be divorced next year. You know her mother ain't having that @%$%. Ain't enough publicity in Lamar playing for the Mavericks, time to cut the cord.
LO might make his move and impregnate that thing.
Are you all serious with the Perkins photoshop talk? He lost 32 lbs. He was out of shape and less than 100% last season because of his knee, the non surgical one went bad. The weight loss will be great for his mobility.





A lot of yall need to keep your trap shut.

No, OJ isn't on the Pacers as of yet. Is it being discussed? Yes, but it's not done.

JJ Barea in New York? No that's Jared Jeffries.

A lot of people talking that really don't know much.
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Why is Marc not signing Griz offer sheet tho?

Tellem (Marc's agent) doesn't like Heisley. He wants to try and gets Marc out of there, but Marc wants to be in Memphis. I think Tellem just wanted Marc to get the max offer he could get from another team before Grizzlies matching him that way he's guaranteed max money. 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

 A lot of people talking that really don't know much.
This is true about basketball in general
I guess I don't blame them, but too many casual fans come in here thinking they are Mike Fratello or some $@*%
Perkins had to lose that weight... Both his knees was given him problems last year and taken off that weight should help big time.
Mayo has fallen that far that all he gets traded for is John Mcroberts?
That would hurt.

So if Gasol getting matched by the Grizz or not? Im hearing a lot of different things.
Someone skim through the first page and see if they see any mistakes, or anything I haven't added yet. I haven't put offer sheets on there unless they expire or are matched.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Someone skim through the first page and see if they see any mistakes, or anything I haven't added yet. I haven't put offer sheets on there unless they expire or are matched.

looks on point JA
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