☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Sign to Portland if you want to ALMOST be a really good team every year lol.

If I was him i'm going with a contender and taking a pay cut.

So New York is a contender now? Serious question
I would say NYK are a contender now. Obviously not as strong as the top contenders but I think they are right there on the borderline.

That's assuming Chandler stays hungry and continues to do the little things on defense

Chill yall would just need to get rid of Deng and Boozer and it'd be worth it.
Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

Originally Posted by CP1708

^ Whoa, where the hell is that from? I was just reading TWO days ago that type stuff can't happen? Can you link me to that article?


That's the full rule.

No further explanation was given.

Wow, I was reading Larry %$#* on Twitter. (NT is going to bleep out his name, but he's the cap expert guy) and he was the one saying it could not be done. Now I see he's the one that wrote this article with Stein. Then I retract my previous statement to JA about Dirk not being able to do that. I did not know this.......But what I don't get is, why hasn't this gone nuts yet? ALL of these guys could start restructuring? Hell, the Heat could land Chris Paul if this stuff is true. Why the hell is Luke Walton's deal not less now? Why isn't Rashard Lewis's deal less? Scola? Anybody?
Honestly, if there's anyone I see doing it, it's Dirk. Maybe KD if he was in that situation (then again we may be fooled about what he prioritizes). Dirk's getting older and 2 more stars means more rings.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Sign to Portland if you want to ALMOST be a really good team every year lol.

If I was him i'm going with a contender and taking a pay cut.

So New York is a contender now? Serious question

I'd think we're right on the cusp. We still need to solidify our backcourt. I'd be happy with top 4 in the east and advancing to the second round, though.
Originally Posted by ex carrabba fan

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Sign to Portland if you want to ALMOST be a really good team every year lol.

If I was him i'm going with a contender and taking a pay cut.

So New York is a contender now? Serious question
I would say NYK are a contender now. Obviously not as strong as the top contenders but I think they are right there on the borderline.

That's assuming Chandler stays hungry and continues to do the little things on defense
Alright, I can roll with that
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Wow @ all the unwarranted slander we get.

I wasn't trying to slander you guys, I said off the top, I can't speak for Knick fans, I just thought ya'll were crazy about that restructure stuff. I was literally reading last week you couldn't do that during all the Paul stuff. Might fault for trusting Twitter speak.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

Originally Posted by CP1708

^ Whoa, where the hell is that from? I was just reading TWO days ago that type stuff can't happen? Can you link me to that article?


That's the full rule.

No further explanation was given.

Wow, I was reading Larry %$#* on Twitter. (NT is going to bleep out his name, but he's the cap expert guy) and he was the one saying it could not be done. Now I see he's the one that wrote this article with Stein. Then I retract my previous statement to JA about Dirk not being able to do that. I did not know this.......But what I don't get is, why hasn't this gone nuts yet? ALL of these guys could start restructuring? Hell, the Heat could land Chris Paul if this stuff is true. Why the hell is Luke Walton's deal not less now? Why isn't Rashard Lewis's deal less? Scola? Anybody?
I'm assuming those overpaid players would have to be willing to do it. You know like wanting to help their teams. The Heat already took a paycut I doubt they want to technically do that again and just maybe CP doesn't want to go that far with the super teams? I mean they'd have to blow it up AGAIN and kinda start all over for this season.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Wow @ all the unwarranted slander we get.

I wasn't trying to slander you guys, I said off the top, I can't speak for Knick fans, I just thought ya'll were crazy about that restructure stuff. I was literally reading last week you couldn't do that during all the Paul stuff. Might fault for trusting Twitter speak.

Also, I assume this has to be done with player consent, and it's also EXTENDING the deal, that seems to be a necessary component.
I think that provision works something like this:

Player A - 3 years, $24 million

This player can extend extend the length of the contract to 4 years.

Maybe extend so that it's 4 years, $28 million.

I'm just guessing.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

Originally Posted by CP1708

^ Whoa, where the hell is that from? I was just reading TWO days ago that type stuff can't happen? Can you link me to that article?


That's the full rule.

No further explanation was given.

Wow, I was reading Larry %$#* on Twitter. (NT is going to bleep out his name, but he's the cap expert guy) and he was the one saying it could not be done. Now I see he's the one that wrote this article with Stein. Then I retract my previous statement to JA about Dirk not being able to do that. I did not know this.......But what I don't get is, why hasn't this gone nuts yet? ALL of these guys could start restructuring? Hell, the Heat could land Chris Paul if this stuff is true. Why the hell is Luke Walton's deal not less now? Why isn't Rashard Lewis's deal less? Scola? Anybody?
I think its cause the players get an extra year on their deals...
Scola Lewis, and Walton are in no position to get an extra year on their deals being overpaid.
In theory Miami could sign Paul in the off season. The lack of details is hurting what I can come up with. 40% cuts would mean for next season, Bron, Wade, Bosh would clear almost 21 million for that season. But is that number spread out? Cause if its for one season... and Arison doesnt mind going into the tax long term. With the current CBA, and UFA rules. They could sign Howard, and Paul out right... by restructering the contracts and giving Mike Miller the amnesty.

Thats why its unbelievable that this would be in the CBA, and it has to be more clauses to it.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Wow @ all the unwarranted slander we get.

I wasn't trying to slander you guys, I said off the top, I can't speak for Knick fans, I just thought ya'll were crazy about that restructure stuff. I was literally reading last week you couldn't do that during all the Paul stuff. Might fault for trusting Twitter speak.

Fair enough.
Not a Knicks fan but i'd say they have a shot. You never know how the energy can transfer down the road. I really think the Bibby signing wasn't the best move...should have played the FA more.
Bibby was a minimum deal to be a backup point guard, the Knicks only have the 2.5 million exception to offer, hardly enough to command any quality FA point guard.
Do it Mitch!! ...so the Rockets can get Pau and Nene. Each day that passes with Nene not signing I'm just gonna assume Nene is waiting for the Rockets to clear room for him. Or else he woulda signed with Denver or NJ already. Hopefully, man, since after Nene and Dalembert (do not want) there's nobody else out there for the Rockets to fill the C spot.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

A new "renegotiation and extension" provision allows an existing contract to be renegotiated so the player is paid a smaller amount over a longer period, but the player's salary cannot decrease by more than 40 percent. Renegotiations previously could only increase a player's salary.

That's the new provision people were referring to.

Wait. So players can restructure their deals?
Yep. So NYK, in theory, could still sign Chris Paul AND sign some role players if Amare Melo & Chandler took a 40% paycut if they restructure.

However, I don't expect two guys (STAT & Tyson) who came to NYK because they offered the most money and 1 guy (Melo) who opted to come to NYK via extend & trade so he could get MORE $, to all of a sudden take a paycut.

But, they still have the option if they want to.

EDIT: Just saw the Marc Stein tweet. I really hope a resolution is reached soon.
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