☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

ESPN:  Orlando has begun to inform teams they wont trade Howard.

How the hell do you "begin" something like that.

Its not a very long process.
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Looking like Sac bout to splurge on Crawford.

Sorry to the Sac fans who don't want their team to do it. Doesn't make sense with the log jam @ the 2 yall got.
 Really? Thought for sure he was going to go closer to home in Portland...

Don't understand the move on Sac's part at all anyway, slow the development of your young guards who can use the minutes Jamal will take, and when Jamal isn't scoring he's not doing much else trust me I know. 
The way I'm understanding it they both made offers and JC is deciding where he wants to go (Sac's offer is obviously for more money). IMO, the fact that he told the Knicks to move on means he wants to get the money over playing for a contender. I understand POR is close to home but you really telling me that and a bit more money is enough to pass on a contender which he would be an important piece of? That's why going to POR is not making sense to me right now.

But if I'm wrong, I really hope he doesn't get injured up there.
In this situation Stern really isn't the "Boss" that's like saying the CEO is the "Boss" when in reality an angry board is always the "Boss"... Sterns biggest issue now is that his board has no loyalty, history or trust in him like it used to so he's really not making decisions isolated away from their opinion...

I would be willing to bet $ Stern wanted the NOH-LAL-HOU trade to happen... but either A. future buyer has some input and nixed it or B. majority of 29 owners let him know they weren't havin it... the same 29 guys that also vote on extending his contract...Dan Gilbert/MJ don't care if the pie shrinks... as long as their slice gets bigger, but what they need to understand is perennially they are just the side show. Having a growing pie means everyone gets more but LA maintains it's advantage and that's just the way it will always be. Unless Hollywood moves to Cleveland and the music industry decides Charlotte is what's poppin...

This whole public opinion of Stern probably makes little to no difference to him. Are you really gonna stop watching NBA basketball b/c Stern was bullying Wade in a meeting? Dude has positioned a league that was pretty down and out into an international sensation... CP3 losing $ is the least of his concerns... pleasing current owners and potential buyers is all he cares about, as anyone who wants to keep their job should. Fans are just mad their squad got styled on in the process...
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Means Dwight needs to make up his damn mind.
"I love Orlando"

*wears Lakers hat*

"This city is where I want to be"

*requests trade to the Nets*

"I want to bring a championship to the Magic"

*meets with The Russian*
I read in the Laker thread that I guess he told the Magic today… again… that he wants a trade. I guess they said he's "not a happy camper."
After already saying the other day that he's fine staying with the Magic if they're willing to build a championship team. So I guess to add what you already said…

"I love Orlando"

*wears Lakers hat*

"This city is where I want to be"

*requests trade to the Nets*

"I want to bring a championship to the Magic"

*meets with The Russian*

"Nevermind. I'm willing to stay."

"j/k. I'm not a happy camper."
Originally Posted by 0cks

In this situation Stern really isn't the "Boss" that's like saying the CEO is the "Boss" when in reality an angry board is always the "Boss"... Sterns biggest issue now is that his board has no loyalty, history or trust in him like it used to so he's really not making decisions isolated away from their opinion...

I would be willing to bet $ Stern wanted the NOH-LAL-HOU trade to happen... but either A. future buyer has some input and nixed it or B. majority of 29 owners let him know they weren't havin it... the same 29 guys that also vote on extending his contract...Dan Gilbert/MJ don't care if the pie shrinks... as long as their slice gets bigger, but what they need to understand is perennially they are just the side show. Having a growing pie means everyone gets more but LA maintains it's advantage and that's just the way it will always be. Unless Hollywood moves to Cleveland and the music industry decides Charlotte is what's poppin...

This whole public opinion of Stern probably makes little to no difference to him. Are you really gonna stop watching NBA basketball b/c Stern was bullying Wade in a meeting? Dude has positioned a league that was pretty down and out into an international sensation... CP3 losing $ is the least of his concerns... pleasing current owners and potential buyers is all he cares about, as anyone who wants to keep their job should. Fans are just mad their squad got styled on in the process...
No, of course it don't matter that Stern knows I don't like him, and no I won't stop following the NBA because of him, but that does NOT mean I have to sit around and support him like some others.  Same reason I don't get how people on here was backin the %@!%%%%#$@%* owners during the lockout. 

I gave a min of 10 examples of some stupid nonsense that Stern is tied too, and people still back him, and then wonder why I don't. 
  @#$% that.  People can back Stern all they want, I'll laugh at them every time.  Same for Gilbert, same for Paul Allen, etc etc.  It don't make no damn sense is all. 

CP I think you dislike his personality... which doesn't surprise me b/c he is smug and arrogant. I think he's hilarious, kinda like Method Man on here
MadelynBurke Madelyn Burke

BIG things are coming... Just left 42nd street school where Blake, DeAndre, Caron, Trey Thompkins & Travis Leslie got to meet w local kids

sportsguy33 Bill Simmons

Heavy buzz that CP3/Clippers might be going down. Clips staff was just summoned to the office. Trying to get more info.
That's a better deal by the Clipps than what they were originally gonna give up which was too much. This seems to be more fair
Is it for real this time?


If it is, I don't know if it's enough to convince CP3 to stay there.

CP3/Blake/DeAndre is nice, but is it nice enough.

Most importantly is I'm happy that we'll be seeing tons of oops to Blake and DeAndre.

But, I'm taking with a grain of salt, and won't believe it until I see Paul holding up a Clippers jersey.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

That's a better deal by the Clipps than what they were originally gonna give up which was too much. This seems to be more fair
i think its the same deal
i mean pretty much Hornets want EG and that Minny pick
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