☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by rashi

I said this before the season started.

rashi wrote: 12/22/2011

I may be in the minority, but the Bulls are a better team than the Heat.


Bulls: 12-2

Heat: 8-4


a dozen games in and you're trying to brag about a call that wasn't even a reach in the first place.
Originally Posted by rashi

I said this before the season started.

rashi wrote: 12/22/2011

I may be in the minority, but the Bulls are a better team than the Heat.


Bulls: 12-2

Heat: 8-4

What does that prove? We judging what team is better after 12-14 games now? Not to mention injuries. For now I'll go with who got beat in the playoffs. A record won't tell the whole story.
Originally Posted by rashi

I said this before the season started.

rashi wrote: 12/22/2011

I may be in the minority, but the Bulls are a better team than the Heat.


Bulls: 12-2

Heat: 8-4

That better record in the regular season really did a lot last year too huh? And im not even a heat fan. But C'mon son, you cant be serious 14 games into the season. 
Originally Posted by rashi

I said this before the season started.

rashi wrote: 12/22/2011

I may be in the minority, but the Bulls are a better team than the Heat.


Bulls: 12-2

Heat: 8-4

i said the bulls were way better than the heat and people clowned me. thing is Hamilton hasnt even been playing either. he helps put them over the top as well.
The Bulls ARE a better team than the Heat, and the record is just a small indicator of that. D.Rose has been clutch this season and we're winning even with CJ Watson and Rip Hamilton injured. On top of that, Ronnie Brewer, Taj Gibson, and Omer Asik have stepped it up majorly. And even dudes like John Lucas are putting up points. If the Heat are struggling against teams like the Clippers and the Warriors already, they're in for a rude awakening come playoff time.

It's too early to say this, but if the Bulls remain healthy in the Playoffs they can win the East this year.
Nobody wants to talk about philly? My boys off to the best start since Iverson led us to the finals

Great defense and our offense is only going to get better. I can see us making the Eastern Conference finals. I know its early but I'm loving this squad. Only thing I want is for Iggy to attack and shoot more. I mean, even Evan Turner is playing good too lol
Originally Posted by sthebest

The Bulls ARE a better team than the Heat, and the record is just a small indicator of that. D.Rose has been clutch this season and we're winning even with CJ Watson and Rip Hamilton injured. On top of that, Ronnie Brewer, Taj Gibson, and Omer Asik have stepped it up majorly. And even dudes like John Lucas are putting up points. If the Heat are struggling against teams like the Clippers and the Warriors already, they're in for a rude awakening come playoff time.

It's too early to say this, but if the Bulls remain healthy in the Playoffs they can win the East this year.

Way to go out on a limb.

I know the "experts" say the Heat have the East on lock, and I think they'll get back to the Finals but I wouldn't be shocked if the Bulls wind up there.

And I see where back to Rip Hamilton being the missing piece to a potential Bulls championship.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by sthebest

It's too early to say this, but if the Bulls remain healthy in the Playoffs they can win the East this year.
Way to go out on a limb.
I hate when my boys do this
If you are gonna go off on a limb at least say something wild like the Clippers are gonna win the west or some *@+@
Originally Posted by Scientific Method
Why Danny Ainge? Why o' why? 


For some reason, the Bulls don't seem that good on paper. Think about it, the starting line-up is Rose, Hamilton/Brewer, Deng, Boozer & Noah.

That starting five doesn't intimidate me, but I guess when they actually play; They play together so that is why they have early success.

The only two people that scare me on that starting five is Rose & Deng. The rest are whatever to me 
How crazy would it be if the Heat lost to the Spurs and that losing streak stretched to 4? I know it's unlikely but w/o Wade, you never know
^ Heat losing to the Spurs isn't crazy at all. Spurs are playing well, the Heat aren't and Wade is probably iffy at best for that game.

Best believe if they lose to the Spurs and Lakers this week ESPN will dust off the Heat Panic meter.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

How crazy would it be if the Heat lost to the Spurs and that losing streak stretched to 4? I know it's unlikely but w/o Wade, you never know
why would it be crazy?
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by Scientific Method
Why Danny Ainge? Why o' why?�


For some reason, the Bulls don't seem that good on paper. Think about it, the starting line-up is Rose, Hamilton/Brewer, Deng, Boozer & Noah.

That starting five doesn't intimidate me, but I guess when they actually play; They play together so that is why they have early success.

The only two people that scare me on that starting five is Rose & Deng. The rest are whatever to me�
And see alot of teams count on the Bulls just depending on Rose and Deng for offense. But there's several factors: Hamilton/Rose set up good plays for one another, and Noah/Boozer in the game together boost each others stats. Boozer's mid range jumper has improved and although Noah has sucked at receiving passes off of picks and has not been as good at scoring, he's been good at playing defense and rebounding for second chance points. Brewer's jumpshot has improved this season. Who people really need to watch out for is Asik, dude is a beast on defense. And Lucas has speed and great passing skills on his side, and he can pop a three every now and then.
Well it would be crazy because they'd be on a 4 game losing streak..How often does a "title favorite" lose 4 straight this early in the season? I know D-Wade hasn't been 100% but if they could beat the Hawks w/o LeBron AND Wade, it would be surprising to see them lose with LeBron healthy.

Toine, you're right, the Spurs are playing well..But I'd be surprised if the Heat didn't come out hot after a few days of rest and a 3 game losing streak on their mind..If they come out flat, then that would be unexpected and would not be a good look
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Ya what idiot said that

The combination of the Niners win, God shunning Tebow, and the Kings losing by like 74 points really clouded my judgement
Been a great day for me,

49ers win that thriller and Mavs win in a blowout against the scumbag Kings? What could be better?

On a serious note about Vince, I take back everything I said about the dude. He's been nothing but a positive for the Mavericks. I'm very surprised at his insistence to go to the rim a lot, to attack the rim. It really frees not only him up, but the rest of the team. He's been my favorite addition to the team, and I thought he'd be my least favorite. He brings a positive attitude, fun highlights, hard-working, giving an all-out effort, and at least tries on defense. I am also surprised at how well he's shooting. I won't trust his low FG% right now because he's really working hard to try and help this team out. He's not taking as many shots so it's harder for him to get his shot going.

I'd love for him to start next year for us when we have Deron and Dwight.

Really though, I'm glad we picked him up. He gives us a much-needed shot-in-the-arm on offense, and provides the
s at others. I wouldn't be surprised if he sticks around long-term (meaning the duration of his twilight years). It's a nice area to play for, one of his best pals is going to retire there already, why not join him and hopefully contend? They both would play there for cheap, and I'm sure they enjoy each others company, or else he wouldn't have come on board in the first place. In a pre-season interview he said he had an eye on Dallas during the off-season even prior to them calling his agent up, whether that's just him trying to sound PC or not, I don't know, but he's been quite the opposite of what I was expecting from him.

Also, Lamar has quietly been playing more efficiently out there. Like an Antawn Jamison out there. Over our mini-winning streak, he's been rebounding a lot better, playing good defense, and trying to get dudes like Mahinmi involved (ala the alley-oop they had earlier). Hopefully now that we've strung some games together we can start playing better against good teams.
and you wonder why we call you a clown?
You want to call me out, go ahead, but point at what you think I'm so wrong in saying. If you're talking about Dwight/Deron, balk all you want, it's what the Mavericks plan is. I never endorsed it, I thought it was foolish to put all our eggs in one basket for this longshot, but it's what they're doing. If you don't believe it, go ahead and look at their personnel moves since winning last year.

And I wouldn't exactly balk at the Mavericks FO either, everyone laughed when I said the Erick Dampier expiring contract could be a game-changer, and what did it do? Brought in Tyson, who was essential the piece that pushed us over the top for that one year.

No knock on the Sixers, but are people giving them a little too much credit? Their schedule has been a piece of cake and they've pretty much lost to any good team, except for Indiana.

I don't know who exactly is giving them credit, but they're well-coached, and play good team basketball. Like a 2004 Detroit Pistons-lite.

I must say, I found it pretty hilarious that Mavs fans were all negative about VC coming to the team...because I knew what he was gonna bring, especially with a coach like Carlisle.  
What most people don't seem to understand is how much the system you play in affects your ability to play.  In Orlando, Stan Van Gundy runs his wack !%! Dwight down low, and 4 people stand on the outside and shoot jumpers all day.  Vince Carter is not Ray Allen...he is not a spot up jump shooter.  Never has been, and never will be.  So what would make people think he would fit in that offense?  Whenever he was isolated, and placed on the low block, he dominated.  Phoenix Suns...same thing.  Spot up jumpshooter from 3. Rick Carlisle has him in playmaker mode...which makes sense because he's an excellent passer, and he has him down on the low block posting up, where he is very effective.  He's always still been able to elevate, he's just not fast laterally anymore. Also...he wants a ring.  And he's never played for a team with the kind of unity the Mavs have.  Look at the dunk from last night...he took off and landed and did his patented motorcycle celebration, and the whole team was doin it with him (Dirk, Delonte, JET, etc.).  That type of environment is exactly what Vince has always wanted.  Mavs got a steal with him.  

I didn't think anyone from the Mavs standpoint thought he was going to be as good as he's been. At best I thought he'd be blowout cannon fodder. He's been great. I'm happy with him early, just hope it lasts.
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