☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by Big J 33

When the TNT crew says outlandish things, it's funny. When Jon Barry puts Ryan Anderson and Paul Millsap in his top 5 PF and leaves out Dirk, I turn the channel.

I also can't stand hearing Broussard pronounces certain player's names.. "LAH-BRAWN JAMES" and "DAH-WHITE HOWARD".. and Magic simply cannot speak. Wilbon is a smug clown as well. So to summarize, I dislike everyone in that crew.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Chris Broussard broke the LeBron to Miami story though. Have to give him props there, with his racially ambiguous self.

As I recall, Stephen A. broke it a week before and was ridiculed/ ostracized for it. Broussard does not "break" anything IMO
demarcus cousins is like that one old dude on the movie The Goods: Live Hard Sell Hard that is supposed to be 10 years old
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Maybe Amar'e just isn't at that stage of his career anymore, but I think he's more to blame than Melo. No one on that team can relieve Melo in terms of the load on offense. Chauncey did for a bit in Denver, but then he got old too. Amar'e needs to put up 25+ a night for them to be successful, and it just ain't happening. Amar'e ain't ever had to play with someone that dominates the ball so much like Carmelo, and since they have virtually no back-court (no hate), it's hard for them to both get going. Steve Nash would be a Godsend for both of them. Nash can fill it up, shoot efficiently, and create for his old boy Amar'e.

That's exactly it. Before the trade we had Felton heavy lifting...with Wilson Chandler at the 4 and Gallo, we had 3 guys who penetrate and kick, swarm the perimeter and could get Amar'e the ball in his spots and all 3 of them + Fields could hit the 3, cut to the basket and finish well. Then Douglas off the bench could create for himself, sometimes push the tempo in short minutes and was solid as the 6th man.

This year though...Shumpert isn't a point guard, but he's our starter. He can't do it, but we have to fake with him, because he's not as terrible at it as Douglas, (meaning he can dribble with his head up and not stop dribbling when someone on the other team just stares at him). Either way, he's a rookie so he's real inconsistent, tries too hard sometimes and not hard enough others. Shame too, Iman is a really strong defender, being asked too much. He's our best guard.

Bibby is a walking corpse who makes good decisions, but does everything at practice speed, can't stay in front of anyone, can't get past anyone, can't pass quickly and only once in a while has his shot. Fields lost his shooting touch and can't dribble or pass. Every time Bill Walker gets near his man he fouls him. Every time Bill Walker dribbles, it's an offensive foul. Oh and we sent Jeremy Lin to the D-League....That's it...that's our whole backcourt. That's why every Knick fan is hoping we get fresh '07 Playoff Baron next week, cuz our guards are tragic.

We don't have a backcourt...Amar'e lost his shooting touch and can't dribble or pass. Tyson can't dribble or shoot. So it really is just Melo out there by himself.

As bad as his statlines look, I understand why he'd look side to side and put it on him. Every time he passes the ball, it's one dribble that goes nowhere, pick it up, pass and repeat from everyone. There is no backcourt and even Baron coming back doesn't give us a 2-guard we can rely on or a backup pg (unless we think he can go 48) or gets Amare's mid-range shot back to where it was last year or solves the issue where our "defensive assistant" Mike Woodson is almost as bad about defense as D'antoni. We switch everything and the other team's are just planning their offense on it. (The Suns wouldn't run a play until we switched...sometimes they'd just keep setting picks until we did)

If I was small forward, I'd feel comfortable shooting over Toney Douglas.
If I was a point guard, I'd love taking Amar'e or Josh Harrellson off the dribble.
I DO think that they can turn it around and be really good if they can go ahead and find some way to get Nash. Or Deron, but that's almost out of the question IMO.
You're in for a HUGE disappointment if you think Baron is going to come right in IN SHAPE and ready to play. I was at the OKC game last weekend, trust me, he is FAT (had on a polo but you could see his belly protruding) plus he has been doing that his whole career anyways, using the preseason and early season to play himself into shape.
Jesus, that swat on Blake by Darko!

Dude looked like a legit elite defender on that play. I've always thought he was really underrated as a defender.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Chris Broussard broke the LeBron to Miami story though. Have to give him props there, with his racially ambiguous self.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

You're in for a HUGE disappointment if you think Baron is going to come right in IN SHAPE and ready to play. I was at the OKC game last weekend, trust me, he is FAT (had on a polo but you could see his belly protruding) plus he has been doing that his whole career anyways, using the preseason and early season to play himself into shape.

Long as he doesn't throw up on the bench, he's gotta be better than Bibby and Douglas no matter what shape he's in. And he'll have Shumpert to hide him on defense.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Mo Williams finding a fountain of youth, lookin like his days back on the Bucks/Cavs
 (not referring to the playoffs though)

Back when he was still Maurice Williams.
COurtney Fortson time. 
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

my main man Blake out there showing you his play making abilities
That's the one aspect of his game I'm very impressed by. He's great at making plays for others and passing the ball. He commits to the basket a little too much sometimes down low, but that's a really hard situation to get out of.
Mo Williams said he did crossfit in the summer and lost 18lbs. I don't get how it's making him shoot like damn near 100%fg though.

I don't know how I missed SAS on the LeBron-Miami. I totally only remember the day prior when Broussard said it authoritively on SC plus I had a friend who's sister works at the hotel in Miami and was talking about how they reserved a bunch of rooms, rented 10 Escallades, etc. for a party the next night so it had to be Miami.

And Ryan Gomes is my favorite role player in the league. He makes almost no mistakes. He hits his open jumpers, defends well, facilitates ball movement, and overall just doesn't make mistakes.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by NobleKane

you serious? aint jet and mo similar players?
You watched Jason Kidd's corpse out there recently?
u guys should try to get nash then
Trust me, if I could, I'd die to see it happen.

At least Nash can still create his own shot and still very proficient at getting others involved.

Cuban won't trade Kidd. He's going to retire with us.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

There's always money in the banana stand.


I've said this before but the new format of the NBA Countdown show with just the analysts is brutal.

Don't think I'll be able to stomach watching it during Eastern Conference and NBA Finals.

The only way the show could be worse is if the added Shaq to the cast.
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