☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

for all the flack Blake gets for being a bad defender, at least he's taking the challenge of defending love. can't say the same thing about Kevin
CavFanatic jersey's.

Read about it here.
Kevin would need to get a lot more crafty and skilled to demand a double team the way Blake does. He can score in a lot of ways, and is a legit shooter, but Blake's too athletic.
Wayne Ellington reminds me that black socks with white shoes piss me off....can't even watch Ohio State basketball.
Why doesn't Wayne Ellington start on Minny?!

Celtics pissin' me off, I mean c'on the Suns?!

Brandon Jennings can ball
Originally Posted by NobleKane

yes finally the kings do something right lol

all the hate for salmons but he put on the cape tonight lol

Dude always thinks he has the cape on
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Wayne Ellington reminds me that black socks with white shoes piss me off....can't even watch Ohio State basketball.
Worse than that is the no show socks
Ridnour is my dude and all but that bothers the hell outta me
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by Mister916

Blake with the mid-air flop 
Blake is turning into Pau with all his crying he does after every play on both sides of the court
Yeah, I'm really surprised he hasn't been hit with a technical yet.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Mo Williams finding a fountain of youth, lookin like his days back on the Bucks/Cavs
 (not referring to the playoffs though)
Back when he was still Maurice Williams.
COurtney Fortson time. 

Fortson in warmups
dude has bounce
Warriors got screwed. Obvious kick-ball missed and cost them the game.

Damn, Ellington jumps hella high on his jumpshots.

I can't even jump as high as he jumps on his jumshot.
Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Wayne Ellington reminds me that black socks with white shoes piss me off....can't even watch Ohio State basketball.
Worse than that is the no show socks
Ridnour is my dude and all but that bothers the hell outta me

The no-shows get to me a little, but black socks/white shoes combo 
. I hate everyone that plays for Ohio State. Serious.
And Darryl "Truck" Bryant on West Virginia with the black socks/yellow shoes/navy blue jersey combo that he sports on the regular.......might be the worst in all of basketball right now.
Mo just got hosed.

Bad call on Rubio, and then he catches a tech. He did deserve the tech, but he only did because of the horrile call.

Wolves FTs...
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