☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Obvious foul to Bynum, but they better not miss the ball being Denver's since it went off Bynum's hand.
al harrington step back 3 is all you can get out? ty lawson drive that @!##% inside SMH
Still a better shot than the Knicks would have gotten...

What was with that Bynum/Nene lovefest before the possession with the "block?" Hugging and giggling and !+%* with the game on the line.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Still a better shot than the Knicks would have gotten...

What was with that Bynum/Nene lovefest before the possession with the "block?" Hugging and giggling and !+%* with the game on the line.
then when bynum turned his back nene had the "get the hell outta my face r u serious?" face 
That commercial...So little man came in the game with the team down by 26, and they scored 28 the entire game up till that point..Then they drop 26 points in 2 minutes?
I know it's just a commercial but I just found that extremely humorous
Originally Posted by JPZx

Nikola Pekovic with 27 points, 11 rebounds tonight.

Another McHale move.
Not going to lie, I balked at them signing him last year for that money, but he looks like a gem. He's massive and clogs up the lane, but he does his job VERY well. If he were like 3-4 inches taller, good lord. Guy is talented.

Also I'd love to see what D'Antoni would be able to do with a competent PG, like Calderon.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by henz0

Just seen't what KD was doing to Rudy at the end of that game

KD has completely pwned Rudy every game this year, especially when it gets down to the wire

at the last shot KD made.
He just abused Rudy in the 4th. But some of those possessions defensively by Rudy early on in the game
. That *!!% was just awful.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Tommy Dee: Dwight to Brooklyn.. Whispers of a #kobe P Jax reunion in the Big Apple? #knicks http://www.theknicksblog.com/2012/0…
The Knicks would have to trade the Garden and Naming Rights to the Lakers to get Kobe..

If you read the lil blog in the link this guy thinks Kobe would force a trade to NY if Phil became head coach of NYK and Dwight doesn't come to LAL.

would be SICK to see Kobe in NY but theres absolutely no chance of that happening.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

The Knicks would have to trade the Garden and Naming Rights to the Lakers to get Kobe..
If you read the lil blog in the link this guy thinks Kobe would force a trade to NY if Phil became head coach of NYK and Dwight doesn't come to LAL.


I did actually read it...

Probably one of the worst opinions ever.. 
Originally Posted by Zyzz

would be SICK to see Kobe in NY but theres absolutely no chance of that happening.
I disagree with the first part.. But the second part is 100% true..

To get Kobe in a trade the Knicks would effectively be a rebuilding team again.. Because the Knicks would have to blow up that roster to even have the Lakers even consider it 10% seriously
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