☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

I wouldn't want Kobe in NY either. Son would not help this situation at all. It only works if we're stacked at all other 4 positions.
Knicks fans, can you guys explain to me what exactly you guys think you need to improve your team at this very moment?
I want a logical opinion that has nothing to do with firing D'Antoni. We all know he's a horrible coach, but what specifically do you guys want as far as players/positions/offensive theories and so on to make your team into a winning contender? 

I'm just curious because you guys see your team play a lot more than many of us do, so you should be seeing things that we don't all get to see just on national tv games.
A capable and competent point guard. Wouldn't solve the problem of the bums on our team but it'd get STAT consistently on a roll and manage Melo's effectiveness better, and include Tyson much more on offense.

Now if we could improve our bench, specifically our backcourt we'd be playing winning ball.

We need to get rid of the bums on our team badly though.
Kobe in NY...

He has a better chance of playing in Boston....

I blame Glen Grunwald, the gm. I can't give him credit for Tyson, because he paid full price for him to join a should be playoff team instead of a probably lottery team. Even though it was a sign and trade, we ended us losing half our team again (Turiaf, Shelden Williams, Shawne Williams, Anthony Carter, Andy Rautins...sorta bums, but have you seen our bench?) And to even do that he amnestied our only point guard and the best he could do was get Mike Bibby and Jeremy Lin. I can't give him credit for Baron either, because that injury was real, he basically pushed his way here and he's still hasn't played yet.

That was our whole off-season. It's hard to get a top 5 defensive center and call it a bad off-season, but that's what happened.

We need a point guard that can keep his dribble, make sure people are in their spots, penetrate, run the pick and roll, hit wide open 3's decently, push the tempo and won't let his man have a freeway to the basket. That's a lot of guys in the league...a lot of backups, even. We need a backup too, because Iman Shumpert is not a point guard.

We need a shooting guard that can shoot. That's it. Defend decently, but just be able to shoot. Fields and Shump ain't it.

Hell, we need anyone who's able to shoot. No one on our team can except Steve Novak who unless he goes 3 for 3 from 3 is worthless.

Our best backup big, offensively and defensively was Josh Harrelson, a rookie. He fractured his wrist and is out 6 weeks, so now we turn to Jared Jeffries.

Mike Bibby is garbage...no stamina, can't stay in front of or get past anyone, can't pass quickly, only once in a blue moon can shoot.

Toney Douglas. 
Toney Douglas is an abomination to basketball. You have two choices when you're a guard, fight over the screen or go under it. TD does both at the same time. He wrecked his shoulders doing that so now his defense isn't good. He can't shoot for his life. He can't make but 1 good fundamental pass a game. Literally, if he doesn't score on a possession, he'll do the worst thing he possibly can in the situation. And did I mention he can't really shoot anymore? He's killed more runs or gotten the other team's guards started more times than I can count. And Glen Grunwald thought he could be our starting point guard.

That's it. Fields was terrible, but he's coming around. Shumpert was awesome all over, but he leveled out and is timid now (still nice defense). Amar'e was terrible, but he's back. Tyson's been great, but we don't have a backup 5...that we play. Melo is Melo. He was hurt and that made him terrible, but he's seem straight now.

We have 2 steady guards who aren't good most of the time, two terrible guards who should be out of the league, Jeremy Lin and broken Baron Davis to create the worst backcourt in basketball. And we have no backup bigs.
MrO you broke it down for me my dude 

That's pretty much what I was looking for, and more. Thanks. I agree with you on many of your reasons.

I feel bad for Tyson but then again he made the choice to leave so I don't feel too  bad for the guy. He definitely gives his all on defense and you can tell the effort is not reciprocated by his teammates. 

I definitely agree on your PG situation too. You guys need a playmaker, bad. I don't even remember the last time you had a play-making pure PG, do you mind reminding me? 
Ray Felton. Once things got clicking, we were gold, but D'antoni played him way too many minutes and burnt him out by midseason.
Those have to be warm up shorts and the cameraman didn't know they were just sporting the jerseys

Whoever said it before was right NBA needs to go back to individual team jerseys. I never understood switching with the generic red and blue. Never made sense to me. The players are not going to forget who's on what team.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

 Whoever said it before was right NBA needs to go back to individual team jerseys. I never understood switching with the generic red and blue. Never made sense to me. The players are not going to forget who's on what team.
Pretty sure its to sell more jerseys
The ASG jersey makes Lebron and Kobe look slimmer. Kobe's jersey is gonna be 3x bigger than what's in that photo come game time.
Perk and I both wish he would have finished that one.

Is that Derek Harper I hear working the Pacers game? And I thought Paul George was one of the players who said he is going to boycott Jordans. He has on 10s
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Perk and I both wish he would have finished that one.

Is that Derek Harper I hear working the Pacers game? And I thought Paul George was one of the players who said he is going to boycott Jordans. He has on 10s
Derek Harper works Mavs games with a dude named Mark Followil. Mavericks played the Pacers yesterday, so if you heard him commentating, it'd be there.
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