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Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I don't what yall see in John Wall. All I see is a dude that's real athletic, but not a BASKETBALL PLAYER. He was decent in college, didn't tear it up. Now he's in the NBA and he's basic and sometimes looks lost. If he's not a great scorer and he's not a great passer or floor general, what is he? Seems like a lot of people try to make him more than what he is. To me, he's a super athletic guard that plays in the NBA, that's it. And to say its cause he's playing in Washington is BS because if that's the case, and he's so good, he should be taking over games. Hell Kyrie is in Cleveland, and we are not very good. Rubio is in Minnesota, and the aren't very good, and those two cats are balling!!!

Maybe its because he dances, and dunks real hard in summer league games that make yall like him so much. I'm far from impressed, and haven't been since he was in college.
Bob Ryan said the exact same thing on Kornheiser's radio show a couple days ago. John Wall is an elite athlete who just happens to play basketball.

Wow I wouldn't go that far man....

He's just a young guy who needs to learn the game more.  He needs to watch and learn from the pass first PGs of the past.  Also that jumpshot needs more work. Alot more work.

I do think you guys are selling him short on his play making skills.  Trust me that one thing he can do. He can create shots for guys and pass that ball.  But the Wiz are terrible.  I mean terrible.  Their whole timing and chemistry is awful.  And also they have NO shooters.  Nick Young maybe but he's streaky.  Look at that Rubio video.  He gets alot of easy assist when he hits shooters coming off screens or curls or whatever.  John Wall doesn't have that luxury.

I really hope he gets it together soon tho.  Wall really needs to watch alot of film to learn the small things that make a great PG.  Then he needs to continue to improve that jumper.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I'd take Irving and Rubio over Wall ANY day. I don't think Wall has an NBA game, but he is athletic enough to be in the NBA because of the low skill level of the NBA right now. He needs a lot of work, or he will get lost in the shuffle. Real talk.

Fam this is by FAR the deepest crop of PG the league has ever saw
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

No not at all. It's a legitimate question. Tebow is mainly known for turning it on in the 4th quarter and leading his team to victory. That video on the last page with ol girl quoting Rick Ross led off that lil piece by saying LeBron said he can relate to Tebow and she repeated lyrics said by LeBron that was about Tebow.

So it just struck me as weird when LeBron does not do that. Why even have that piece? To have her awkwardly say a few Ross bars? Would've made more sense if he said he can relate to Tony Romo.
You're trying way too hard. You can't see how LeBron can relate to Tebow being over scrutinized by everyone? Oh.
So that's it? I don't know how I'm trying to hard when the two are over scrutinized for completely different reasons. I honestly wouldn't even say Tebow is over scrutinized.

LeBron is the best player in the league or closest to it for argument's sake. So when he fails at something the best player in the league would be expected to do it makes sense he gets attention and criticized for it especially the things he's taken part in to cause the focus on himself. Tebow imo is just the flavor of the month season. He isn't even the best QB in his conference. His whole thing has been from the underdog angle, added with him being religious and the "miracle" comebacks he's pulled off.

I mean if he's just relating to someone for being over scrutinized I guess he can relate to Obama too.
No one mentioned President Obama though. It's purely the scrutinizing thing. It's not really that hard to see either.
John Wall is extremely fast with the ball, has some ability, doesn't have any pace to his game, and is really average when he is in the Half-Court. That's it, that's the book on him right now.
Originally Posted by Zyzz


Nice to see him playing again. I wonder how many guys at the end of their career will start going to Phoenix just to play or get healthy.
Imagine if Roy got that procedure in Germany and then signed with Phoenix

I hope Rubio can get Darko going somehow. Especially on pick and rolls. I'm tired of him getting the ball in the post and it becomes a turnover.

Lakers/Clips should be good
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I don't what yall see in John Wall. All I see is a dude that's real athletic, but not a BASKETBALL PLAYER. He was decent in college, didn't tear it up. Now he's in the NBA and he's basic and sometimes looks lost. If he's not a great scorer and he's not a great passer or floor general, what is he? Seems like a lot of people try to make him more than what he is. To me, he's a super athletic guard that plays in the NBA, that's it. And to say its cause he's playing in Washington is BS because if that's the case, and he's so good, he should be taking over games. Hell Kyrie is in Cleveland, and we are not very good. Rubio is in Minnesota, and the aren't very good, and those two cats are balling!!!

Maybe its because he dances, and dunks real hard in summer league games that make yall like him so much. I'm far from impressed, and haven't been since he was in college.
I swear...the past 10-11 games have clouded your judgment of the kid.  Where was all this talk last year when he was dropping 8+ dimes per night as a ROOKIE?  It's no secret that the team and he is struggling.  However, to sit back and say he's not a great passer or floor general is flat out moronic...because I'm 99.9% sure your basing your ENTIRE argument off of what you're seeing so far in the 2011-12 season. 
Peep Game wrote:

No one mentioned President Obama though. It's purely the scrutinizing thing. It's not really that hard to see either.

With the lyrics brought up in question I did not see it that way at all. Just overlooked it. That's why I asked and given the two completely different situations they're in seems awfully weak.
gotta be tough being a hawks fans. that was some lackluster basketball there. fans booing and everything
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I don't what yall see in John Wall. All I see is a dude that's real athletic, but not a BASKETBALL PLAYER. He was decent in college, didn't tear it up. Now he's in the NBA and he's basic and sometimes looks lost. If he's not a great scorer and he's not a great passer or floor general, what is he? Seems like a lot of people try to make him more than what he is. To me, he's a super athletic guard that plays in the NBA, that's it. And to say its cause he's playing in Washington is BS because if that's the case, and he's so good, he should be taking over games. Hell Kyrie is in Cleveland, and we are not very good. Rubio is in Minnesota, and the aren't very good, and those two cats are balling!!!

Maybe its because he dances, and dunks real hard in summer league games that make yall like him so much. I'm far from impressed, and haven't been since he was in college.
Bob Ryan said the exact same thing on Kornheiser's radio show a couple days ago. John Wall is an elite athlete who just happens to play basketball.
lol... you people can't be serious. it's 10 games into his second season. if he is an elite athlete who happens to play basketball how did he average 8apg as a rookie? like DoubleJs said ya'll are sounding moronic, i doubt any of you actually saw him play on a consistent basis. Wall has elite passing ability, period.. if you argue that, don't ever post about basketball again. 
individually, his jumper needs major work and he needs to prove his ballhandling. other than that, there is NOTHING stopping him from being a top 5 PG. 

his other problems can all be fixed if he gets better players and coaching around him. he's bad at the pick and roll because the Wiz have no PnR players (thanks Ernie, great job). he's bad at the half court set because his team does not run a half court set, or any set for that matter. he doesn't look like a floor general because he does not have control of the team. the Wizards players play for themselves. it's Jordan Crawford, Nick Young, etcs world and Wall is just along for the ride. 

based on your criteria Rondo was never supposed to amount to anything in the league.. since he wasn't "taking over games" 10 games into his 2nd season. 
at Westbrook's taunt after hitting the 3 on Shumpert. Speaking of which, him and Toney Douglas have to be the worst shooters in the league who take a lot of shots. I wish I could be in this game. They picked 15 random fans, wasted 3 spots on girls and 2 on really fat guys, and they are having a dunk contest on the trampolines. Jeremy Lin is standing there with Novak angrily waiting for it to be over
Speights is looking fluent in the offense. He doesn't shoot every time he touches the ball. Thanks Philly 

I can't wait to get Zbo back so Speights can add to our bench. If Heisley pays up next year, a Zbo/Marc/Arthur/Speights frontline 
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