I can't wait.

"Do you want me to )(#$ trash your lights?
[h2]Advance Screenings for 'Terminator Salvation'[/h2]
6 May 2009 1:17 AM, PDT | From Aceshowbiz | See recent Aceshowbiz news

Before "Terminator Salvation" opens wide in the U.S. on May 21, Warner Bros. Pictures will hold an advance screenings in a number of cities, and are holding a contest giving away VIP passes. The VIP passes mean that two seats are reserved for the holder and a guest who don't have to wait in line for the screenings scheduled for May 18 and 19.

To win the passes, you should fill a form on 43Kix.com or directly text Salvation followed by one's zip code to 43549. You will receive a text message with a link that is unique to your entry. The text containing the link then can be forwarded to friends, family or whoever you think will help you win since the more times people click on that link, the more entries into the contest you will get.

Contest ends on Wednesday, May 13 at 11:59 P.M. Pdt. Winners will be


wish I could go to an advanced Screening

[h2]McG talks 'Terminator Salvation' sequel[/h2]
5 May 2009 4:36 PM, PDT | From screeninglog.com | See recent screeninglog news

McG's anticipated "Terminator Salvation" won't open until May 21, 2009, but the film is likely going to score big at the box office, and the director is already talking about a potential sequel. Before you read on, please know this may contain a mild spoiler. Talking to the Film Journal, McG said, "I strongly suspect the next movie is going to take place in a [pre-Judgment Day] 2011."

He also said, "John Connor is going to travel back in time and he's going to have to galvanize the militaries of the world for an impending Skynet invasion. They've figured out time travel to the degree where they can send more than one naked entity. So you're going to have hunter killers and transports and harvesters and everything arriving in our time and Connor fighting back with conventional military warfare, which I think is going to be !%+##@% awesome."

Franck Tabouring

See full article at screeninglog.com
[h2]Never Before Seen Images From Terminator Salvation[/h2]BY Mark Borden11 minutes ago
Warner Bros. Delivers Love and Rockets and Hydrobots To Fast Company


ESODIE GEIGOR-MOVESTRAND as the Transmitter Technician and CHRISTIAN BALE as John Connor in Warner Bros. Pictures' action/sci-fi feature "Terminator Salvation."

Terminator Salvation director McG dropped by the Fast Company offices in New York last night to talk about his upcoming film and the future of content delivery.


ESODIE GEIGOR-MOVESTRAND as the Transmitter Technician and CHRISTIAN BALE as John Connor in Warner Bros. Pictures' action/sci-fi feature "Terminator Salvation."

The love in the room spread all the way West to Warner Bros., which extended us an exclusive look at a photo gallery of choice images from the movie. As promised, we'll continue to post more pics as the release date nears (May 21). Check back






Damn i cant wait for this movie.............all my money is goin to hollywood.

Wolverine.....Star trek......terminator......transformers......G.I. Joe.
^ dont forget about public enemies.. and inglorious basterds

big big summer for movies
i have high hoped for this film, i have a feeling it will be the moviwe of the year, Bale is an awesome actor and after bringing Batman back to life i have nodoubt he will bring back this 1980 -90's classic.
Originally Posted by king Lirdiuz xx3

I wonder if they're gonna use the CG Arnold for this dude

I so can't wait

I think it is. I heard it through the grapevine that Arnie gets his face burned off
This movie is gonna rock!!!.....i wish it wasnt PG-13 though....but hell theres always the Unrated Version on Blu-Ray!!!
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