♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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was about to say ninjahood post the most people I don't know but then I realized that was akon lil bro and mike will 
Hahaha I literally don't know half of the people Ninja posts.
Sudeikis actually made those Fear Pack III's look dope.
you guys are straighht gassin this sudeikis dude up...smh


I don't give a damn about him son. The color, fit, and the way he cuffed his pants on them make them look good. It didn't have to be him, if anyone had on those same jeans with that same cuff, I would have said the same thing. Still a super easy pass on those though.

I don't give a damn about him son. The color, fit, and the way he cuffed his pants on them make them look good. It didn't have to be him, if anyone had on those same jeans with that same cuff, I would have said the same thing. Still a super easy pass on those though.

This one of those cases where you just digging deeper :lol:
Sudekis has been rockin JB for years, What's wrong with JB noticing and showing appreciation?

It's just not the same. I mean you have these "celebrities" who already have the means to afford these sneakers anytime they want then JB starts sending them free pairs to fuel their agenda and have these kids going crazy for these shoes that they saw their favorite actor/rapper in. I mean its no secret that a lot of these guys get laced up from Nike but I just tend to appreciate those who went out and actually got a pair of shoes that they were seeking out of pure admiration for the shoe rather then wearing the "new Jordan's" because they're the "new Jordan's"
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It's just not the same. I mean you have these "celebrities" who already have the means to afford these sneakers anytime they want then JB starts sending them free pairs to fuel their agenda and have these kids going crazy for these shoes that they saw their favorite actor/rapper in. I mean its no secret that a lot of these guys get laced up from Nike but I just tend to appreciate those who went out and actually got a pair of shoes that they were seeking out of pure admiration for the shoe rather then wearing the "new Jordan's" because they're the "new Jordan's"
I get what you're saying and I agree but I think in his case, it's different.  I actually think he has knowledge of the shoes he wears.  It's refreshing to see someone different than your typical rapper wearing Jordans; a "normal" person.  He's not on Instagram or twitter (that I know of) showing the latest and greatest.  Now when he starts wearing something like Yeezy's then I might agree with you, lol.
I dont think anyone is gassing up Sudekis. Its just refreshing when you see someone rocking something that didnt come out last week, our even for the past 3 years. Dude has been rocking nice kicks for a minute and even has transformed his Becky into someone who appreciates sneakers.

The dude has some fear pack III's and he is not posing with them like that whale with a beard Khalad...I appreciate that
I dont think anyone is gassing up Sudekis. Its just refreshing when you see someone rocking something that didnt come out last week, our even for the past 3 years. Dude has been rocking nice kicks for a minute and even has transformed his Becky into someone who appreciates sneakers.

The dude has some fear pack III's and he is not posing with them like that whale with a beard Khalad...I appreciate that

Exactly. Dude just rocks his kicks with a non douche vibe (if that makes sense) and seems to be enjoying life but of course some people always come out the wood work and hate for no reason... :smh:
I like JS's style. He doesn't try to reinvent the wheel, keeps it simple, and he gave me some inspiration for my own fits.

Alot of these celebs in the hip hop game be doin' too much...
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I dont think anyone is gassing up Sudekis. Its just refreshing when you see someone rocking something that didnt come out last week, our even for the past 3 years. Dude has been rocking nice kicks for a minute and even has transformed his Becky into someone who appreciates sneakers.

The dude has some fear pack III's and he is not posing with them like that whale with a beard Khalad...I appreciate that
Exactly. Dude just rocks his kicks with a non douche vibe (if that makes sense) and seems to be enjoying life but of course some people always come out the wood work and hate for no reason...
oh makes sense now, because his non doucheyness comes across in the pictures that papparazzi take of him. Because I can totally tell that he isn't a douche in all those pics.
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