♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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Thats how I grew up. If you did some messed up stuff, people clown'd you and gave you a hard time until you quit doing whatever it was you were doing. It's not like he was born a crackhead, he CHOSE to be that way. It sucks he's in the hospital and I hope he recovers and turns his life around, but as long as he's smoking I'm clowning.

Very likely he was born a crack baby...

Even if he wasn't. Idk where you claim you came up....but kicking people when they are down is always frowned upon.
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He chose to be a crackhead and **** hookers. I'm not hating, I love drugs and *******, but you reap what you sew playa. Just like Robin Williams, everyone felt sorry for him because he suffered from depression. I don't feel sorry for him, he took the easy way out. We all have problems fam and I suffer from depression as well, but I'm not going to off myself because I have a family that needs me here for them.
Jar Jar Binks probably can't even pronounce puma. He probably never ran track, or played a lick of soccer :lol:

Those aren't soccer nor track shoes
complete opposite
dont drink or do drugs
admittingly im a smartass, but i know when not to be an a-hole

no offense but I've seen u belittle, insult and act condescendingly towards people and then somehow champion and cry about your own depression and how u got over it.
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