♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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He chose to be a crackhead and **** hookers. I'm not hating, I love drugs and *******, but you reap what you sew playa. Just like Robin Williams, everyone felt sorry for him because he suffered from depression. I don't feel sorry for him, he took the easy way out. We all have problems fam and I suffer from depression as well, but I'm not going to off myself because I have a family that needs me here for them.
really?! you have taken zero steps in anyones shoes but your own, you do know that Robin was on meds to battle depression and the side effects have been known to be suicide. i dont get people clowning others misfortunes. May god never have you go through what these people have.
really?! you have taken zero steps in anyones shoes but your own, you do know that Robin was on meds to battle depression and the side effects have been known to be suicide. i dont get people clowning others misfortunes. May god never have you go through what these people have.

He chose to be a crackhead and **** hookers. I'm not hating, I love drugs and *******, but you reap what you sew playa. Just like Robin Williams, everyone felt sorry for him because he suffered from depression. I don't feel sorry for him, he took the easy way out. We all have problems fam and I suffer from depression as well, but I'm not going to off myself because I have a family that needs me here for them.
really?! you have taken zero steps in anyones shoes but your own, you do know that Robin was on meds to battle depression and the side effects have been known to be suicide. i dont get people clowning others misfortunes. May god never have you go through what these people have.
it was medicine for his parkinsons he started developing
Yeah, Robin was going through some stuff. Also I used to think the same way about suicide but then I saw people basically on their deathbeds saying they wish they were dead because the pain was too much and they wanted to be at peace. People go through all sorts of mental, emotional, physical suffering.
really?! you have taken zero steps in anyones shoes but your own, you do know that Robin was on meds to battle depression and the side effects have been known to be suicide. i dont get people clowning others misfortunes. May god never have you go through what these people have.

You don't know me fam or know what I'm going through. I struggle with the same thing. You're no better than I am.
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There's a difference between misfortunes happening to you from other people's actions and misfortunes happening because of your own actions. The gif I posted was a joke. You don't like it? Who cares. Get over it.
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You don't know me fam or know what I'm going through. I struggle with the same thing. You're no better than I am.
really? did i bash you? nope. didnt talk one lick of crap like you did just stating that you dont know what they are going through in life and if you were going through some issues that makes it ok then? wow so pots calling kettles black now days is acceptable? or maybe thats just you, do you fam cuz you dont have to answer to me when you die thats for sure
All I stated is that he took the easy way out and I didn't feel sorry for him. If that's the pot calling the kettle black than it is what it is :lol:
I know a lot of you worship Sudeikis (I do agree - he wears lots of nice shoes) but so many of his outfits just look flat out stupid.  At the end of the day, it's his style and he can wear what he feels comfortable in but throwing a pair of hemp sb's on doesn't negate a terrible pants/top combo.
I know a lot of you worship Sudeikis (I do agree - he wears lots of nice shoes) but so many of his outfits just look flat out stupid.  At the end of the day, it's his style and he can wear what he feels comfortable in but throwing a pair of hemp sb's on doesn't negate a terrible pants/top combo.
I know a lot of you worship Sudeikis (I do agree - he wears lots of nice shoes) but so many of his outfits just look flat out stupid.  At the end of the day, it's his style and he can wear what he feels comfortable in but throwing a pair of hemp sb's on doesn't negate a terrible pants/top combo.
I happened to like that fit
But the pants should have been slimmer or like those Camo pants he had on in the other pic
I know a lot of you worship Sudeikis (I do agree - he wears lots of nice shoes) but so many of his outfits just look flat out stupid.  At the end of the day, it's his style and he can wear what he feels comfortable in but throwing a pair of hemp sb's on doesn't negate a terrible pants/top combo.

So do people just post Sudeikis pictures to troll or do they really think this guy is a trendsetter? I've been wondering this for a minute now. 
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