♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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I wasn't sure if that was bieber or a skinny woman. Didn't know he had tattoos now.

I have shorts at the knees or a little below. Wearing shorts above the knee doesn't mean you're more mature. Different short lengths are ok as long as they aren't extremely short or extremely long. I have hairy legs so I don't like the idea of wearing shorter shorts and showing my thighs when I sit down :x.
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We really having a shorts debate?

Like someone else said, different occasions call for different lengths. If you wanna throw on a button up, have your shorts at knee level or a TAD higher is fine. Wanna rock a tee and some cargos that stop at the the knee or a TAD lower, thats fine too. Its the ones who wear man capri's or shorts that damn near show the sack that are sus.

In other news...am I the only one that thinks Stalley dresses like a total cornball?

& Joey
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Thats not a fair statement. The best logic is, wear shorts the way you feel. I've always worn shorts below my knees. They aren't man capris. Its just regular shorts. Its 11' or 11.5'. Never wear 10.5' or lower. And thats just me.

Its not fair to say what is the right or wrong way to wear shorts...... because there is none. Wear what you want and how you want. And that goes for all clothing. Some people still like the baggy look and thats fine, do you bro.  Others like the slim or skinny look and thats fine too.

Some of you act like there is a right way to wear your clothing. Your logic is to wear it in a way in which you think society thinks you should wear it which is not fair and that idealogy itself is signs of being just as insecure as those who wear certain clothing just for past retro references.

My dude said "shorts, above the knee" as if that's a bad thing....dudes are way too nostalgic nowadays holding on to an era in fashion that faded...Shorts are shorts fam, they are supposed to be at the knee or above...otherwise you are rocking capris or might as well wear jeans....I'm probably around your age myself and at my age I feel silly as hell wearing clothes that are not my size....I think as you get older you should start wearing clothes that actually fit, some dudes are too caught up in the past in a time when wearing bigger clothes hid the insecurities from being uncomfortable in their own skin.

That's the problem. To people like you, it's "fashion." To people like me, it's culture.

It's just the same argument every time. If it's just about being fresh and nothing more, then you and I will never see eye to eye.

You like to use terms like "stuck in the past" or "nostalgic" but that's not really the essence of it. That's just what it looks like from the outside.

And, if you think wearing oversize clothes is some sort of manifestation of insecurity and discomfort with self, you're way off base. First of all, that wasn't the origin of the style. Second of all, at least when it comes to women, there's pretty much a direct correlation between the amount of skin they reveal and the level of their insecurities that flows in the exact opposite direction from that which you postulate. Third, if your point were to be true then, would it be true now? Like, if I still wear baggier clothes, I'm still hiding my insecurities now? Because then you'd be arguing that NOT trend hopping is evidence of insecurity, which is about as bass ackward as possible.

Yeah, we're about the same age. I feel silly as hell wearing anything that might fit or look in a manner that might suggest to others that I live in Williamsburg. It's not me,; it's not who I am. As you get older, you're only supposed to do one thing in terms of your fashion and that is become truly comfortable with yourself and wear what you feel without much regard for others' opinions. My wife is not into any of the stuff that yet I am, yet she understands my perspective on the issue and doesn't judge me or care what I wear at all. That's how adults act. True story.
This is the realest exchange in this entire thread and should be read by everyone. I can see where both parties are coming from because I like both the fitted look and the baggy look depending on where I'm going. It's ok to follow trends like ksteezy does, as long as you don't compromise your own style in the process. And it's ok NOT to follow trends either, as long as you are comfortable with your current style, like BIP.
I feel that fashion is nothing more than the imitation of the rich/powerful/famous. People dress "fashionably" so that others will recognize their outfit and associate them (usually subconsciously) with someone who is rich/power/famous. People may be into fashion to get recognition from others, or purely for their own enjoyment (most of us for both). Now BIP, when you're talking about fashion vs. culture...I don't think it's fair to separate them since they go pretty hand-in-hand. I completely see what you're saying, but I think it's better to look at the two things (fashion and culture) and their influence on what we wear/how we wear it like a blending spectrum rather than two isolated influences.
And you would be extremely wrong.
This is the realest exchange in this entire thread and should be read by everyone. I can see where both parties are coming from because I like both the fitted look and the baggy look depending on where I'm going. It's ok to follow trends like ksteezy does, as long as you don't compromise your own style in the process. And it's ok NOT to follow trends either, as long as you are comfortable with your current style, like BIP.
I feel that fashion is nothing more than the imitation of the rich/powerful/famous. People dress "fashionably" so that others will recognize their outfit and associate them (usually subconsciously) with someone who is rich/power/famous. People may be into fashion to get recognition from others, or purely for their own enjoyment (most of us for both). Now BIP, when you're talking about fashion vs. culture...I don't think it's fair to separate them since they go pretty hand-in-hand. I completely see what you're saying, but I think it's better to look at the two things (fashion and culture) and their influence on what we wear/how we wear it like a blending spectrum rather than two isolated influences.

And you would be extremely wrong.

really? Because the fact that this thread even exists gives credence to his statement
really? Because the fact that this thread even exists gives credence to his statement
You would be wrong too. With expection to a few of the simpltons who follow celebs every clothing move, the rest of the world does not use rappers or actors or singers as blue prints for fashion.
really? Because the fact that this thread even exists gives credence to his statement
You would be wrong too. With expection to a few of the simpltons who follow celebs every clothing move, the rest of the world does not use rappers or actors or singers as blue prints for fashion.

There is a whole industry centered around fashion photography and fashion journalism that would disagree with you. Tumblr would disagree with you.
There is a whole industry centered around fashion photography and fashion journalism that would disagree with you. Tumblr would disagree with you.
You act as if the Internet defines the MAJORITY, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T. There are more small cities with small city minded people that don't care for men dawning skirts and mini shorts. I'm sorry that it has not hit the majority of the worlds population.

Anyways, I rather not further indulge in this discussion. Take your opinion based W and continue to worship.


Mug Mug
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There is a whole industry centered around fashion photography and fashion journalism that would disagree with you. Tumblr would disagree with you.

You act as if the Internet defines the MAJORITY, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T. There are more small cities with small city minded people that don't care for men dawning skirts and mini shorts. I'm sorry that it has not hit the majority of the worlds population.

Anyways, I rather not further indulge in this discussion. Take your opinion based W and continue to worship.


Mug Mug

I dont worship lol, you should see how I dress. but its not just the internet, there are fashion channels, fashion magazines, fashion sections in new papers, fashion billboards and advertisements featuring celebs....you sounding real naive right now bruh
i came into this thread thinking id see more celeb pics. end up seeing one page full of fashion tips and a pic of mac miller. MAC MILLER. smh
This is the realest exchange in this entire thread and should be read by everyone. I can see where both parties are coming from because I like both the fitted look and the baggy look depending on where I'm going. It's ok to follow trends like ksteezy does, as long as you don't compromise your own style in the process. And it's ok NOT to follow trends either, as long as you are comfortable with your current style, like BIP.
I feel that fashion is nothing more than the imitation of the rich/powerful/famous. People dress "fashionably" so that others will recognize their outfit and associate them (usually subconsciously) with someone who is rich/power/famous. People may be into fashion to get recognition from others, or purely for their own enjoyment (most of us for both). Now BIP, when you're talking about fashion vs. culture...I don't think it's fair to separate them since they go pretty hand-in-hand. I completely see what you're saying, but I think it's better to look at the two things (fashion and culture) and their influence on what we wear/how we wear it like a blending spectrum rather than two isolated influences.

I fully admit that the fashion to which I still align myself (when I'm not at work - like now, Staycations FTW) was inherited as randomly as any other. I followed the celebs I liked and the older cats in my hood to whom I (foolishly, in too many cases) looked up to.

So, I will grant that fashion is to considerable extent emulation of the wealthy and influential. We do that more the younger we are. But, somehow in the process of maturing and doing that, you also find, build, and establish your own identity as person. Now, some of that blends with fashion too. Initially, you're just playing dress up - you dress up in a punk rocker's outfit before you actually become one. But, once you are are one, that's a foundational element of your full sensibilities as a person. And, to the extent that what you wear reflects that, you don't simply just change that with whichever way the wind blows because there's a new genre of music dominating the billboards and a new generation of celebs who dress differently.

Most days when I'm casual, I'm just a t-shirt or a Polo, and some jeans or cargo shorts, a pair of kicks and an on-field fitted. (Hats in non-team colors wouldn't exist if I ruled the world). But, when I'm feeling in the mood, I'll bust out the gaudy vintage 'Lo and Faces. When I see somebody in an outfit like that (unless it's Chris Brown :tongue::smh:) that communicates to me that we likely have a whole spectrum of common interests, tastes, experiences, and sensibilities. And, if I find out otherwise, I kind of feel betrayed and lied to. That's a cultural connection - we belong to and identify with the same culture - like when I'm at Citizen's Bank and rooting for the Mets and I see another dude in the stands with a Mets jersey on too.

Fashion as a concept beyond merely clothing can reflect any level of shallowness or depth. At its most base it's just saying "I thought this was cool" or "Jay-Z thinks this is cool, so I do to." At its deepest can reflect an entire lifestyle and ethos - look at the role dress plays in religion, or traditional culture rites and celebrations.

...It doesn't have to be that deep, but it can be.
i came into this thread thinking id see more celeb pics. end up seeing one page full of fashion tips and a pic of mac miller. MAC MILLER. smh

Sorry to disappoint you. The Mighty Mos would suggest you read though, and not just look at the pictures.

Sorry to disappoint you. The Mighty Mos would suggest you read though, and not just look at the pictures.
apology accepted. reading for education purposes vs reading style tips are 2 very diff entities. its a celeb rockin heat thread. not a how to dress thread. brother yasiin would agree
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