♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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Why is Jeb Bush sitting like that? Grown men should NOT sit Indian style. Serious up.

i sat indian style at the gym yesterday. it was comfortable bruh. and its called indian style, not indian children style. I'm sure the adults sat like it the most, so...hush up.
damn, how they gon continue to ruin a franchise? SMH

Franchise has been trash for years now and Stallone must be off the GH because he actually looks his age in that picture with MBJ.

Wasn't the last one pretty good. I can't remember.

Sidenote, I sit indian style all the time. Don't know what age has to do with the way you sit, some of you are weird.
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