♚ Sacramento Kings ♚ Off-Season Thread

I agree with the no more young dudes sentiment. But idk what else we can really get for him. There are no non guard vets that could return equal value for DMC :/
As an outsider with no dog in the fight, I would get rid of him asap.

He seems like a complete crybaby who looked lazy when he played the Bulls.

He screams Eddy Curry to me. Very talented but little heart and always finds something wrong.

Might want to get a promising big or draft another in the upcoming draft. Having a guy like Kidd-Gilchrist on this team would be a huge plus. High character who can feed off of Tyreke and Jimmer.

Hell, I would take Anthony Davis and his hard work over Cousins and his talent any day.
Doesn't it seem like everyone who are not Kings fans are the ones that want to trade DeMarcus? 
I found this interesting on StR........ I truly can't stand this coach.

I wanted to share this with you all on how history is repeating itself with PW. I did not recall all of the details of Phoenix and Seattle but someone else did the research so all credit goes to Section 101 at kingsfans.com

1. Loose Ships' Sink Coaches, Suns' Westphal Warned December 17, 1995|By Sam Smith, Tribune Pro Basketball Writer.


"I don't know if it's Paul's fault or not for not defining (the roles). Paul's philosophy more than anything is, `If it works, stay with it whether it's right or wrong.' - Charles Barkley

2. Westphal Takes The Fall Suns Fire Him January 17, 1996|By Sam Smith, Tribune Pro Basketball Writer.


(Kevin) Johnson, who never quite accepted Barkley usurping his role on the team, also has felt betrayed by Westphal when Westphal used Elliott Perry for him. Team insiders said Colangelo had grown increasingly uneasy with Westphal's style --Ainge reportedly declined to join the coaching staff in the off-season because of philosophical differences with Westphal--and had to be persuaded twice by Fitzsimmons to remain patient."

From Phoenix to Seattle...

3. Sonics Lift Suspension After Payton Apologizes To Westphal The Press Box.November 23, 2000|By Mark Shapiro.


Hours after suspending All-Star guard Gary Payton on Wednesday for at least one game for arguing with coach Paul Westphal the Seattle SuperSonics lifted the sanction, saying Payton had apologized. Payton played in Wednesday night's game in San Antonio. "I made the call," Westphal said before tipoff. "The reason for the suspension was to make things better." The two met for an hour and a half and "things got better," Westphal said. "There's no reason for the suspension anymore."

Earlier in the day, team President Wally Walker said in a statement that Payton's suspension was "for conduct detrimental to the team." Payton had to be restrained after confronting Westphal during a timeout in the fourth quarter Tuesday night in Dallas.

4. PRO BASKETBALL; Westphal Is Fired by Sonics After Feuding With Players Published: November 28, 2000


On Nov. 6, after a game with Orlando, Payton, Vin Baker and Ewing reportedly shouted at some teammates about their poor effort. Some players questioned Westphal's ability. Westphal, who was in an office, reportedly came into the locker room and said he would step down as coach if that was what the team wanted. The dispute came just four days into the season. Walker said Westphal was frustrated by his team's bickering and insubordination.
Not good at all. Unfortunately for the Kings they don't have veterans like those Suns and Sonics squads. Ironic though that Kevin Johnson is our mayor
Sam Amick
Kings F DeMarcus Cousins has issued a statement: "I want to address my missing the New Orleans game Sunday. I have not demanded or requested a trade. I don't agree with the actions taken but will give my sincere effort to put it behind me and compete the best I can for my team."

Team DMC
Sam Amick
Cousins' statement was sent to media through his agent, John Greig. Clearly this isn't water under the bridge in their eyes. about 25 minutes ago

Oh boy Jerry.

Team Nobody won.
Sounds like a to be continued.....................
This is true. Feels like DMC is just gonna put this aside for now. I'm sure his agent told him Westfail is gone for sure at the end of this season, if not sooner
Well DAMB.

Fire Westfail ASAP. IT is the bidness tho
Sign Jerry Reynolds for all I care

Westfail's time here has come to an end.
Im hella depressed about our team bros.

We are terrible. Reke looks like a chicken running around with his damn head cut off. Thornton has been non existent and i fear he is a chucker. Cousins has regressed since last year, and quite frankly looks awful… as has Donte. Hickson and Thompson are decent but almost the exact same player. Hayes is a decent third big on a contender, nothing else. Salmons & Outlaw – see Hickson & JT. Jimmer plays atrocious D and isn’t athletic enough to play the 1, Isaiah is Jeter 2.0, nothing special. Francisco is a bench warmer and nothing else. ****KKKKKK
Paul has such bad rep. It's like Petrie hiring an ex con or something along those lines.
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