♚ Sacramento Kings ♚ Off-Season Thread

I watched this game at Bisla's.... it was tough to not flip out in public
need to be in private when I watch Kings games
Kudos to you. It was impossible for me to keep it inside,

Thornton cleared for full contact and may return on Thursday.
I met Travis Outlaw late last night at some club in downtown Sac. Apparently we are BFFs now

Dude was cool from what I can remember
Kings are looking nice right now. Doing a good job of running off missed shots
Everyone player really well tonight. Kings are finally finishing under the rim.

Jimmer needs to get going. Find some motivation or something.
Salmons defense is appreciated. He might struggle from time to time but his defense is always there. 
SOLID, SOLID win tonight. REKE DMC & IT22 played big the 2nd half.

DMC is a straight up MONSTER
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